Saturday, April 21, 2007

Pushing for new development

I bet Manhattan BP Scott Stringer never thought he'd be mentioned on Queens Crap 2 days in a row. Well that makes two of us...

“There should be a registry so that we can do an inventory of the vacant buildings and lots,” said Mr. Stringer, who plans to release a report on the subject today. “And I think we need to impose a financial penalty for holding properties vacant, making it more attractive to sell or develop.”

To Help Housing, Official Urges Development of Vacant Spaces

An unscientific street-by-street survey of Manhattan, conducted recently by Mr. Stringer’s office, hundreds of volunteers and a grass-roots group called Picture the Homeless, found more than 2,000 vacant or partially vacant properties...More than 500 were empty residential buildings and another 500 were empty lots. Nearly three-fourths were above 96th Street. The report suggested the underused space, if developed, could accommodate 24,000 apartments...Mr. Stringer wants the city to use tax policy to encourage development by imposing a sales tax on vacant property not improved during ownership and by ending a tax exemption for vacant land north of 96th Street.


Anonymous said...

"Picture the Homeless" Another one of those mysteriously funded groups that suddenly appear like mushrooms after a rain that are pushing for development.

Oh excuse me, affordable housing.

Anonymous said...

"And I think we need to impose a financial penalty for holding properties vacant, making it more attractive to sell or develop.”

That is one man's opinion. Hey, why don't you borrow a page from Team Gioia, and send out a questionaire, asking (1) more development or (2) vest pocket parks and community gardens?

You can stand the public's imput in something that is not carefully scripted now?

How about a Crappie poll to help you?

Anonymous said...

OK....if we're going to impose tax penalties for undeveloped lots.....then I want a tax break! I've already complied!

My lot is already developed....... there's my house on it (since 1924)! I get a retro refund for all those years?

Scott is really Stringing us along. Don't try to "yank my chain" and call it "making affordable housing more available" jerk-off!

Anonymous said...

Scott Stringer is a Slug.

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