Thursday, July 4, 2024

Home of the free


NY Post 

 New York City officials are dramatically expanding a controversial program that gives debit cards pre-loaded with cash to migrant families staying in taxpayer-funded hotels across the city.

The Adams administration says another round of debit cards is expected to be distributed to more than 7,300 migrants over the next six months, costing the city about $2.6 million. The move represents a major expansion of a pilot program that began earlier this year that doled out cards to about 3,000 migrants. 

New York City Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Anne Williams-Isom says the program allows newly arriving families the ability to “make choices for themselves and their children” by using debit cards. 

“They can buy from local shops, support small businesses, and manage their own resources,” she said in a statement. “When we empower people, we help them achieve self-sufficiency and access the American Dream.”

Mayor Eric Adams has defended the program as a “cost savings measure” that “temporarily” replaces New York City’s existing system of providing non-perishable food boxes to migrant families staying in hotels and other city-funded shelters.

The program is a partnership between the Adams administration and the company Mobility Capital Finance, which says the plan will help migrants with food, baby supplies and other necessities as they await authorization to work from the federal government. 

Under the program, a four-person family with children under five can receive up to $350 per week, or about $18,200 a year, according to published news reports.

Critics, including New York Council member Joseph Borelli, have argued that the debit cards are “fundamentally unfair” to the city’s working poor, who don’t receive similar benefits from the city. 

Borelli and other Republicans argue that the city’s right to shelter law, which requires it to provide housing, food and other necessities — coupled with the city’s ‘sanctuary’ policy cooperation with immigration crackdowns — are drawing a record number of migrants to the city. 

 Great, now these families can continue selling candy and deliver food for multiple apps. Ain't that America?


Anonymous said...

Adumbs said the NYC city flag will now be a big green card.

Anonymous said...

And "they" will still vote for this, sad...

Anonymous said...

Keep voting for The Left and very soon you will have nothing left.

Anonymous said...

That money should be sent to Israel. It might stop them stealing more land.

Anonymous said...

Just disgusting

Anonymous said...

The US is the home of the free, but the US government spends billions every year to make sure other nations will never be free.
When it comes to international terrorism, the US, UK and Israel lead the pack.

Anonymous said...

The "Let Them Eat Cake," administration. Completely out of touch with reality, humanity, and sanity.

Anonymous said...

If you youngsters were old enough to remember or be there for the collapse of the Soviet Union you would be feeling Deja Vu.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sick of the lies, sad...

GopGeorge said...

Freedom means freedom. No regulations, no restrictions. That means no restrictions on corporations to do what they want. No restrictions on borders. No restrictions on how people chose to make a living. No speed limits on our roads. No restrictions on where developers want to build, where they want to build, when they want to build.
People can make a living building houses, or selling their bodies. That's up to them to decide. They can come across the border or leave across the border. Let the free market sort it out.
To wish for something different is moving towards communism and tyranny.

Anonymous said...

Now that the corrupt supreme court has declared that the President is above the law. Gen0cide Joe can now legally murder Trump and anyone else he doesn't like before January.
I'm sure his handlers are making up a hit list now.
Welcome to the new normal.

Anonymous said...

Dems Have pandered themselves into a pickle.

Anonymous said...

​​Maybe Brandon should take up mumble rap

Anonymous said...

When does this nightmare end ?

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the woke white voters have had enough. They are still responsible for all the damage they voted for in 2020.

Anonymous said...

All l hope is that a change in leadership is on the way before it is too late.

Anonymous said...

C'mon man here's the deal...

Anonymous said...

Vote Trump. End the madness

Anonymous said...

It's fine. Corn pop and the czar Harris have it under control

Joe said...

Besides attracting even more of these leaches, parasites and criminals to NYC this is also a Trojan horse and gateway to other things.

If they can get bank accounts to use those debit cards and cash machines, doesn't a tax ID, social security number or something have to be issued?
Any of these will eventually lead to drivers licenses, NYS ID cards, voting rights in local elections?

By the way: Catholic charity's now has them coming in through Canadian border up by Vermont and New Hampshire. They get a welcome hug, meals, backpack of clothing, sneakers, translator then asked: "Where would you like to go?"
99% reply NEW YORK CITY!
(Many buy a hand gun knives first, then the next step is head to Roosevelt ave to get fake ID cards from fellow gang members. Organized crime who has already set up shop running all of them drug, prostitution, sidewalk sales and counterfeit ID card operations)

Catholic charity's needs to be shut down for human smuggling and its workers and CEOs JAILED!! "They are all children of God" my ass!!
The Pope, local clergy and Catholic church is a gang of lunatics itself, perhaps the biggest most dangerous crime gang on the planet!!


Anonymous said...

We’re well into modern Feudalism.

Anonymous said...

Look up the word hypocrisy and it’s synonymous with Democrat.
You can’t fix the problem until you name it.

Anonymous said...

MSNBC giving me all the reasons to vote trump Biggly!

Anonymous said...

The church has been going to its members door to door to take these people in.
A school teacher said 1/2 the woman parents she has met are pregnant.
Many 20 years old already with 4 kids and no money, education or will to take a class, work or learn English. Never seen any fathers.
Only keep having baby's with different derelict men, many alcoholics who split as soon as they get pregnant.

And WORSE get this: In that 3rd and 4th world uneducated backwards feral culture the mothers truly believe if the "father" is shit the child can be no better then shit.
The mothers don't care about them, hate them like they do the fathers.
Those kids are only good for the street to steal, gangs, sex and rape at will, trouble in school because to wild to learn anything etc.
Laws and being civil is uncomprehendible to them.

Just wait till perhaps 2 million of these brats grow bigger, drop out of school and live the way of the street, crime, running drugs, prostitution, like that parents did back home.

Oh boy are stupid New York voters in for some deep shit!!
Rule is: You can not bring these people here without bringing their country's and feral animalistic culture here.
As of today crime in Venezuela has dropped 92%, 85% in El Salvador. The whole world is laughing at New York.

Anonymous said...

Grants Pass case said ...
It’s time to make homelessness illegal again. It only exploded when the Lib courts decided that being homeless was a status rather than bad conduct.

Anonymous said...

Elections have consequences. Keep voting democrat, and this will be a good time compared to what's coming.

Anonymous said...

The Sheeple like it. It's called “modern-day adaptable governance” !

Anonymous said...

"That money should be sent to Israel. It might stop them stealing more land."


Anonymous said...

Israel is stealing land? They've been living in their own land for thousands of years. There is NO Palestinian state. You lap up what the dimmocrap libtards feed you. We see what you voted for. I agree with the first poster---you're an asshole.

Anonymous said...

How about they do not belong in the US

Anonymous said...

English is becoming the second language and scooters are everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Don't complain Sheeple until you vote out them Dems starting with Sandy. Not a surprise that her district looks like a third world nation. Meanwhile she is living in luxury while the Queens residents get stuck with the hoodlums. If Amazon was there, LIC would not be a migrant hot spot.

Anonymous said...

NYC is now a third world city. Businesses; stores, franchises, hedge funds, residents etc. should look elsewhere. And they are.

Anonymous said...

The hallmark of Democrats in charge - very high inflation (and very high taxes too) with crime out of control.

Anonymous said...

Cash Jordan said...

NYC Gets Worse... Shoplifters Raid Another Target

Anonymous said...

Biden's America.

Anonymous said...

"Mexico is not sending us their best. There are some bad hombres" - Donald Trump.

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when 50% of the population does not pay income taxes but is still allowed to vote. They don't care if the budget is blown because it doesn't affect them. Only people who pay income or property taxes should be allowed to vote.

Anonymous said...

Sanctuary City. Deal with it.

Anonymous said...

The freeloaders who vote democrat got played.

Anonymous said...

Yes the "The whole world is laughing at New York"

Anonymous said...

It's as bad as everyone thinks it is.

Anonymous said...

What’s the point of living in this deep blue dump anymore? Assuming you can avoid becoming a victim of a crime - or can simply turn the other cheek and continue on here if and when you become a victim - there’s no reason to pay the absurd rents and taxes. There will be no where left to shop, no where to go out to eat or go drinking, few if any other venues left for entertainment (Broadway is taking a beating too). Just get out now while you can.

Anonymous said...

That comet can come anytime. The sooner the better

Anonymous said...

Move these border crossing criminals into progressive homes!

Anonymous said...

We are rapidly approaching 3rd world status. Thanks Joe, you did it!

Anonymous said...

New DNC Talking Point:

"But..but...illegals commit crimes at lower rates than Americans"

Anonymous said...

Mayorkass: Welcome did you get your phone and credit card and a nice hotel room ?

Anonymous said...

And remember, your tax dollars are paying for their lodging in 4-star hotels, food, clothing, cell phones, medical and dental care, and prepaid credit cards.

Anonymous said...

The migrants don’t have to worry about the inflation, I always see them riding Citi Bikes. I’m sure it wasn’t stolen, it’s part of their benefits like free housing, food, medical and debt card. Gracias Biden

Anonymous said...

I need a new refrigerator, but instead of looting, I bought one online.