Friday, May 3, 2024

Caption Linky Restler


Anonymous said...

Israel first, America last is my motto. Oops, I just found another big envelope full of cash in my pocket. It says, from AIPAC with love.

Anonymous said...

That Link guy is creepy looking.

Anonymous said...

More of this please.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a "kid". Just an adult with not much happening upstairs.

Anonymous said...

Look at that sexy bald head...

Anonymous said...

When do I get my next free trip to Israel? Can I kill some Palestinian kids?

georgetheatheist said...

Adams: "He ain't heavy, Father...he's m'brother."

Anonymous said...

Israel first, Americans last, that’s what, I always say. What do you all say?

Anonymous said...

I can see myself in that bald head!

Anonymous said...

We're looking to hire more thugs for the NYPD. Please apply if you have a low IQ and enjoy beating the crap out of people.

Anonymous said...

The Biden of Brooklyn

Anonymous said...

"He swims in an ocean of lies"

Anonymous said...

"Didn't. Earn. IT."

Anonymous said...

"He graduated from google university majoring in tiktok law. A certified intellectual."

Anonymous said...

Hey, how many of you guys are in the NYPD? Why is NYPD doing Israel's dirty work for them without your help?

Anonymous said...

Just. Too. Funny.

Anonymous said...

"His next election slogan… Thugs R Us"

Anonymous said...

"He's going to see the Pope next"

Anonymous said...

"Maybe the Mr. Met job is still open"

Anonymous said...

TRIGGERRRREDD!!!!! This younger generation is so brainwashed!!!

Anonymous said...

"This guy knows how to work a crowd"

Anonymous said...

Man Made MILLIONS Betting on Lia Thomas !

Anonymous said...

What idiot voted for me?

Anonymous said...

July 20 1969 : John F Kennedy put a man on the moon.

Sept 18 2016 : Barak Obama puts a man in a women's restroom.

Feb 10 2021 : Joe Biden puts a boy on a girls swim team.

Anonymous said...

Frat Boys Vs. Nerdy Protestors. Whose Side Are You Taking?

Anonymous said...

Shrimp and grits

Anonymous said...

Lincoln "Fuck Whiteness" Restler was elected by a district, the majority of which are not actually New Yorkers. i.e. most of his constituency are re-located "trustafarians"

Anonymous said...

Watch out - I'm gunning for his job next

Anonymous said...

Will you vote for me if I grow a beard and wear a silly outfit?