Sunday, January 7, 2024

Fiends steals 4-year-old disabled child's wheelchair


A mother is seeking answers following the theft of her disabled son’s wheelchair by a group of thieves outside of her South Ozone Park home on Monday. 

Marta Escobar, a mother of a 4-year-old disabled child, says she left her home around 5:30 p.m. to run errands when a group of strangers took her son’s wheelchair stroller from the side of her home on Jan. 1. Her son, Anthony, is unable to walk or talk and is in great need of the wheelchair stroller.

Video footage, shared by Escobar on Facebook and Instagram, captures three trespassers entering the alleyway of her home a little after 5:45 p.m., minutes after she left.  

The intruders, with what appears to be a child, are seen on video entering the property and walking away with the wheelchair stroller, two other umbrella strollers, and packs of diapers. 

Escobar says her son’s prescription medicine was also stolen when the wheelchair and strollers were taken. On social media, Escobar claims migrants were responsible for stealing her son’s wheelchair, although this has not been verified. 

“It’s not fair that we are trying our best as a city to help these people and they are coming freely and walking into our private homes and stealing things that are so delicate and necessary for my child to be able to get to school every day,” Escobar wrote.


Anonymous said...

We have to get over it, we have to move forward.

Anonymous said...

Bad Evil people on the left cause things like this to happen.

Zoë said...

Those thieves are wearing the same new, expensive designer brand footwear and clothes the city is giving all illegals who demand it.
They get special ethnic meals too.

Oh boy do these illegals have one hell of a Free FOR ALL on our tax dollar.
---beating us for everything they can get like a piñata


Anonymous said...

This is all Joe Biden's fault.

Anonymous said...

Lady Liberty is crying over what is happening to this once beautiful and sophisticated city. Elections have consequences and the Dems are clinging to every vote so the decline will exacerbate as time goes on unless voting habits change.

Anonymous said...

Not sending us their best…. Forgot who said that but was right as usual.

Anonymous said...

It was Donald Trump who said that in 2015. And you know what? He was right.

Anonymous said...

Their first contribution to the United States was to break our laws. My guess would be, they're here for the milk and honey and have no intention of becoming citizens. When the well runs dry, they'll simply go back home. Democrats will do anything for votes.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sandy, do you still believe the only reason for all of the shoplifting is for food and diapers for their babies?

Anonymous said...

These are wearing all the same clothing given out under this "Project Rousseau" and Catholic Charity's.
It originates from Denmark to create a partnership with multiple schools and churched around the city,
These to enable students with the desire but not the financial means to immerse themselves in this chaos. They usually reroute in colleges.
In addition to clothing, Project Rousseau is providing free full-scope legal representation

These criminals usually have their children with them and are now outright begging and demanding you give them money and things they can sell, like food, diapers, drugs, they come down the street having the children pull car door handles and will come right in your house if your door is not locked.
The single males are even WORSE, they smash windows and don't care about police or your life or property.


Anonymous said...

Don't blame the cops. blame the local legislators and politicians. cops are part of the executive branch, they simply carry out the woke laws set by the legislative branch (e.g. woke politicians and legislators). so if you want to solve this problem, make sure you vote the right people in who make the laws.

Anonymous said...

NY is a Single Party government. Time to change this considering our country was founded on the basis of “checks and balances” which cannot function under “single party” governance.

Anonymous said...

We need the man with the red beret.
He'd give these low life's a cement facial.

Anonymous said...

All the culprits have to do if caught is to say “God told me it’s mine”.
If it works for Israel, it can work for them.

Anonymous said...

Seems the “summer of love” and Covid changed the rules.

Anonymous said...

Them Amish at it again...

Anonymous said...

When the law is not enforced , lawlessness is the result. Gabeesh...

Anonymous said...

We are a Banana Republic. Make no mistake about it. Then remember who to thank: Joe Biden.

Anonymous said...

There’s no justice.

Decent people need to move to where the laws have consequence. . .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The real steal is from the NYC taxpayers.
You were told that NYC will start using the schools to house the migrants. We have over 1000 school buildings that can house an additional 400,000 migrants. Keep sending them to NYC. We are a sanctuary city. Thank you Eric Adams.

Anonymous said...

Sad to see Americans still shackled to the democrat party !

Anonymous said...

Elon Musk Warns Illegal Immigrants WILL TAKE YOUR HOMES NEXT As Migrants TAKE OVER NYC School

Anonymous said...

Better to be poor or broke than be rich and woke.

Joe said...

Quote: "All the culprits have to do if caught is to say “God told me it’s mine”.

Pretty close:
When I lived on City Island (a one paradise turned to septic tank literally over night) by Adams and governor King Coumos no bail signing. an illegal living in a tent under the City Island bridge smashed a storefront window and stole fishing equipment. The Albanians who owned the restaurant came out with baseball bats and held him for the cops.
Cops arrive and talk to him. He's drunk, said : PERMISSO! PERMISSO America once belong to Mexico was stolen so is OK I take, IS MINE-IS MINE throwing this crying fit like an angry 2 year kicking and spitting at the cops then kicking the shit out the back of the police van. The DAs refuse to prosecute drunkary, robbery & property damage so he got coffee and doughnuts at the 45PCT and back out on the street, next day came back and smashed the Albanians Portofino restaurants windows and got arrested again.

The cop who lived next door (who recently threw in his badge) said its a losing battle. These illegals have no ID or SS# simply give fake names and get a desk ticket is a summons (know as notice to disappear).
We don't know who the hell they are and their home country's don't want them back, wont co-operate or even verify them. This because they are cleaning out their jails and ghettos offering a free get out of jail if they get in the caravan and go to America.
Blacks get away with the same shit it too, all they do is prove they did the crime out of poverty, display a EBT, Snap or welfare card, get ROR with a ticket to appear and in the mail comes a notice the DA or some judge dropped the charges saying the accused "did it out of poverty" "the system failed this poor boy or delinquent father of six"
--Fucking democrat woke liberals, its just unbelievable.
These same people drafting these State imposed guidelines for judges and DA's are lawmakers in Albany, most who support criminals, terrorist groups like Black Lives Matter have been in jail, or have a family member in jail. Were elected by the citys shithole districts who are of the same garbage.
This includes the mayor who was in a Queens gang, gun charges etc.
I assure you he wasn't running with a gang, carrying a plastic toy gun's to go fishing.

A former NYC cops words not mine!!!


Disgruntled Sis said...

The Dem's Shock Troops just doing those jobs Americans refuse to do!
Hearing about people being shown the door by their employers after working for many years. Guess who's their replacements?