Monday, August 7, 2023

Linky's war on custard 

NY Post

He’s no Mr. Softee!

Far-left Brooklyn Councilman Lincoln Restler is pushing new legislation that would require Mr. Softee and other Big Apple ice cream trucks to stop powering their soft-serve machines and freezers with generators that use fuel.

The bill would require the vendors to switch over to environmentally friendly alternatives like electric or solar power — likely at a cost of $5,000 or more.

The ice-cold measure, introduced Thursday, is already under attack from Restler’s riled-up colleagues who fear it could put some vendors out of business and have kids screaming about ice cream of the lack thereof.

“In the dog days of August, it’s hard to imagine more of a killjoy than putting one’s climate bullseye on our iconic ice cream man, but behold, I give you Councilman Lincoln Restler,” quipped Council Minority Leader Joe Borelli (R-Staten Island).

“That’s not the ice caps melting, kids, it’s your summertime tears.”

Added Borelli: “Sometimes I try to convince myself that hipster Brooklyn is part of the real world, with real-world problems, and then Lincoln Restler goes and reminds us of priority number one: banning the ice cream man.”

A Mr. Softee vendor parked in front of Pier 34 on the Lower East Side said there was no need for a meltdown.

“I’m not worried about it – it’s not gonna happen. It’s too expensive,” said the vendor, who has owned two trucks for 20 years. “They would have to make all of the construction sites and food vendor trucks do the same thing and that’s just not gonna happen.”

Restler, a notorious hater of cars, didn’t speak about the bill at Thursday’s Council meeting but confirmed to The Post that it’s in response to complaints he’s received about diesel-spewing ice cream trucks stinking up Brooklyn Heights, DUMBO and other neighborhoods.

The bill would give trucks three years to switch over to electric or solar energy. 

Solar? The irony of relying on the thing that ruins ice cream.


NPC_translator said...

There is nothing Progressives can't ruin. It's like having a bunch of angry middle school girls in power.

Anonymous said...

Far-left Climate Zealot Councilman Restler is pushing the UN Agenda 2030 !
Climate activists and young voters are brainwashed.

Anonymous said...

Makes even less sense than shutting down pizza ovens and gas stoves.

Anonymous said...

His mother never gave him love or ice cream when he was a kid.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed "Woke" Democrats like me never run out of bad ideas ?

Anonymous said...

The massive essence of leftoid government !

Anonymous said...

In the Free Great Swamp of Florida I get free refills at Lulu's Nitrogen Ice Cream !

Anonymous said...

He eats organic soy gelato and can't give a rats ass.

Anonymous said...

As Winston Churchill said, "The good part about democracy is that the voters get what they vote for. And they get it good and hard!"

Anonymous said...

I live across from a park and the fumes from the Mr. Softee type trucks are suffocating with their fumes. The literally idle for hours at a time and play their idiotic tunes incessantly.
Try asking them to turn off the tunes and they turn up the sound or curse you out. And their wrappers and napkins litter the park and the surrounding streets.
I reported this problem to the boneheads at 311 and they scheduled a noise pollution investigator would come to the park in three to six weeks.
They never showed up at the advised time.
Whatever happened to the Good Humor and Bungalow bar guys?
Courteous vendors, jingling bells and good ice cream.

Joe said...

"fear it could put some vendors out of business"

Some venders?
This guys a real clueless jackass.
It will put all of them out of buisness.
The batch freeze machines used to make soft serve ice cream, and box freezers for ice sticks and such need around 8,000 watts of electricity an hour.
Its already incredable expensive to run an ice cream truck.
You would need a solar panal the size of a tennis court to get that kind of power and forget batterys.

You could use dry ice but 200 or so pounds of it daily would cost near $1000 dollars and give off 20X more carbon dioxide then and efficient generator (and almost all these trucks are already using these).
It would also be impossible to regulate, no thermostat on dry ice.


Anonymous said...

The Left's cognitive dissonance has jumped the shark.

georgetheatheist said...

How much is that Mr.Softee dreck cone anyway? Why soft ice cream mush? When you can get harder stuff 2 half gallons on sale for 7 bucks?

Anonymous said...

NY Posts idea of "Far Left", is anyone who doesn't submit to complete corporate oligarchy in the USA.
That's of course when it isn't lying or paying out millions because of it's lies.
Sad ..

Anonymous said...

Jerks gotta jerk. Let all the little kids' moms write this one and tell him how they feel about this.

GopGeorge said...

There's nothing I love more than inhaling exhaust fumes in the morning. Great for your lungs and body.
Prove me wrong.

Anonymous said...

I feel so sad for NPC_doofus. He/she/its brain has been destroyed from sucking on too much diesel fumes.
If NPC_doofus and other right-wing clowns had their way, we'd be back to having lead in the gasoline just so today's kids could have IQ's as low as the Boomer generation.

Anonymous said...

Brandon's America just keeps getting better and my 401k is taking another hit as usual.

Anonymous said...

Just looked yesterday - my 4 pack of oikos triple zero yogurt went from $3.88 to $4.17.

Anonymous said...

No more Ice cream because Climate Change is a Cult, having started from scientific ideas but now a religion.

Anonymous said...

The tree huggers will always find something to complain about!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry lib turds and eco nuts will find something wrong with coffee makers soon. Only then it will put an end to their windmill and solar panel "Green" scams and what ever other new scams they plan.

Anonymous said...

Eco-environmental terrorists are willing to inflict emotional and physical distress on their victims if they believe it will further their indoctrinated wack job goals.

Anonymous said...

The priority of the dems green energy agenda is to shake down trillions from the dumb, “oh the planet is being destroyed by climate change” Americans. Joe and the rest of the Democrats could not care less about supposed climate change .They want to get their hands on trillions of dollars of taxpayers money so they can dole it out to their Wall Street cronies and favored green energy companies.They will also control every aspect of our lives with their laws and regulations.They will make billionaires and maybe trillionaires, but do little about any supposed climate change.

Anonymous said...

Listen to the tree huggers and go bankrupt!

Anonymous said...

NYC's downward spiral continues...

Anonymous said...

It’s too bad the uneducated NYers responsible for allowing ecomarxist Democrats to push their junk science dictates are making the smart NYers pay for their lazy stupidity. They should be charged as accessories to a crime.

Disgruntled Sis said...

Why isn't this douchebag screaming about all those horrible halal or taco trucks parked right up on the sidewalk? Sidewalks are not for parking, they're being damaged and eventually one will fall through the sink hole they're creating. Ask yourself, what's under the sidewalk? Usually subway ventilation grates, subways and storm sewer catchments.

Anonymous said...

What is it about clean air to breathe and clean water to drink that bothers right-wing nuts so much?
If you really enjoy breathing in fumes and drinking dirty water, why not move to the "Great Swamp" of Florida, or Port Elizabeth, NJ.

Anonymous said...

But where will we old-timers be able to score weed if those trucks go out of business? Whoops, nevermind!

LowIQAnon said...

I don’t believe in global warming!

Anonymous said...

Hipster Brooklyn is part of the Libturd world !

Corruption Level = 8-9+

Anonymous said...

Wokeness demands yearly white sacrifices at the altar of insanity.

Anonymous said...

@"Why isn't this douchebag screaming about all those horrible halal or taco trucks parked right up on the sidewal..."

Maybe because they don't have diesel engines running all day long. Also, they don't have that annoying song playing 18 hours a day.

But then again, if it was up to me, they'd all be gone.

Anonymous said...

@"allowing ecomarxist Democrats to push their junk science"

Which junk science is that? I suppose you are one of those "God Fearin" republicans who believe the earth was created 6000 years ago, and we are all descendants of Adam and Eve, and that 13 hippies hanging out in the desert 2000 years ago spreading peace love and happiness weren't gay?
That's real science for you. Oh, I forgot the other right-wing "scientific fact" about some clown with a rickety wooden boat transporting a couple of million tons of wild animals in the middle of a storm that covered the entire planet with water for a few weeks.
Who are the gullible ones?

Anonymous said...

@"NYC's downward spiral continues..."

New York is doing quite fine, thank you very much. Much better than the "Great Swamps" down south.

Anonymous said...

America First said...
@"Who are the gullible ones?" You and the far left indoctrinated masses.
Mass indoctrination uses all the tools at their disposal including education, mass media, movies, tv shows, and even a comedy show. Outside of Free thinking people who pay little attention to mass propaganda and indoctrination their is no way to counter it.

Anonymous said...

@"Wokeness demands yearly white sacrifices at the altar of insanity."

I presume you mean vanilla icecream?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Said:
"Maybe because they don't have diesel engines running all day long. Also, they don't have that annoying song playing 18 hours a day. "

Actually they do have engines running all day, they MIGHT be using generators off the truck but they ARE running anytime they're operating the business.

Is Restler up for re-election?

Anonymous said...

i dont like linky or strong arming us,but those trucks do smell like gas.

Anonymous said...

@“ You and the far left indoctrinated masses”

Cry me a river you sad brainwashed buffoon.