Former Queens Borough President Claire Shulman died Sunday, Aug. 16, according to her family.
Shulman, 94, had been battling lung cancer and pancreatic cancer. She passed away in her home, surrounded by her children, Ellen Baker, and Larry and Linda Shulman.
Shulman was the first woman to be elected as Queens borough president, a position she held for 16 years, from 1986 until 2002, when she was term-limited. During that time, dozens of neighborhoods were rezoned, generating development which led to the economic revitalization of downtown Jamaica, Flushing and Long Island City.
As borough president, Shulman was pivotal in ensuring the progress of a number of cultural institutions, including the Queens Museum of Art, the New York Hall of Science, Queens Theatre in the Park and the Museum of the Moving Image.
She played a major role in securing funding for 35,000 additional school seats and the completion of the Queens Hospital Center, a $170 million complex serving 400,000 patients annually that is the largest health care provider in the borough."
KHARMA payback for killing the RKO Keith’s Flushing theater.
She was “the bulldozer of Queens” Donald Manes accomplice to the murder of Queens history. Bury her at the Willets Point junkyard.
Corruption bound for corruption.
That's the way to go - old-fashioned way at home with your kids. No tubes in an ICU.
Claire Shulman refused to go against the 5 story Queen Catherine statue, a monument to the myth that Queens was named after a woman whose family profited from the slave trade. It was to go up on the East River across from the United Nations as the second highest statue in the city topped only by the Statue of Liberty.
Her comments to a leader from the African-American community: "Unreasonable, Rev. Norris, to ask me to go against statue." Later during a statue fundraiser she blurted "Portugal has his Royal Highness the Duke of Braganza (Royal House of Portugal), and Queens has a prince too, Donald Trump."
There are still institutions and individuals in Queens that perpetuate that false myth because of her 'leadership.' Thousands go by a stained glass effigy of her on the 7 Train 46 Street station each day. Its never a better time to kill this fiction than now.
R.I.P. Claire !
Moe said...
Queens Borough President Claire Shulman was the first woman elected to the position.
Now lookie what the DNC gives us now Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris. One woman pretends to be indian, the other pretends she isn't.
Shulman was Manes crooked accomplice. She deserves no platitudes alive or dead.
Boro prez is a position that needs to be eliminated., It’s a clearinghouse for local
CORRUPTION. So....she was the first female crook in that position. Big deal.
Rot in peace👏
Too bad she didn’t follow Manes earlier!
Maybe her astronaut daughter can arrange to bury her on the moon.
“ the moon!” In the words of Ralph Cramden.😂
😂penis or vagina operating as Borough President.....makes no diff....the fix is in. That office greases development projects and gets $$$$$ or favors.....perks in return. Manes was the king of the kickback. Shulman was the queen of corruption!!!!
“She changed the landscape of Queens forever.” SHE SURE DID.
She was the contractors KOOZ!
Willets Point developers harlot!
Bitch had me kicked out & shipped down an elevator during a fundraiser at Terrace on the Park by 3 armed policemen for asking where the $500,000 proceeds from the last fundraiser (for the NYC Pavilion) went. And who's paying this $20,000 lunch & booze & tab.
$22,000 to the Terrace restaurant owner
I don't know who was worse her or Estelle Copper.
F_cking racketeer city as my Grandfather always said RIP, --He was a chef at the Warldof Astoria, Nixons private chef when in town. Grandpa heard earfuls of plenty.
Anonymous said...
Moe said...
Queens Borough President Claire Shulman was the first woman elected to the position.
Now lookie what the DNC gives us now Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris. One woman pretends to be indian, the other pretends she isn't.
I see QC still has it's fair share of idiots, morons, clueless, etc. from the idiotic comment above. Looks like you have an issue with women.
On another note Shulman, D.F. R.I.P, fucking Rest in Peace. just another very awful Queens political hack who did not know the meaning of "public service" and was so destructive. What took you so fucking long.....................
"During that time, dozens of neighborhoods were rezoned, generating development which led to the economic revitalization of downtown Jamaica, Flushing and Long Island City."
Really, those area were economically revitalized, more like DESTROYED. And what is Jamaica even doing in the sentence, that place is a dump. Love how the NY Media praise a horrible politician.
Claire Shulman was part of the systemic racism which is still prevalent in privileged northeast Queens. The gentrification of downtown Flushing was on her ENSURE that DARKER people of color would not “spoil” the area. CB7 was in on it as they still are. Shame on them!
Platitudes often follow the dead.
She kept these areas “WHITE” .....or the nearest to “WHITE” as possible.
I never comment on dead people!
@Anonymous #10 who wrote: "In the words of Ralph Cramden." That's spelled Kramden. As in Kram-Mar's Delicious Mystery Appetizer.
"Anonymous Anonymous said...
Claire Shulman was part of the systemic racism which is still prevalent in privileged northeast Queens. The gentrification of downtown Flushing was on her agenda"
Yes she was trying to keep out criminals.
Aw come one she was a good machinery Democrat. At least she funded the tree steward program in Queens.
I thought the mob’s job was to keep the blacks out of northeast Queens.
Enough of them living in Malba. Hello, Gambinos!
Cramden or Kramden. Of little consequence. Get a life!
I love all the token ethnics on CB 7.
Only there for decoration. Dump Apelian and Kelty. Boro hall stooges and Shulman’s ass kissers.
Tree steward program?🤣LMAO.
This developers slut?🤮
Plant some poison ivy on her grave!!
❝They say you shouldn't say nothin' about the dead unless it's good. He's dead. Good!❞ ——Moms Mabley (1895-1976)
❝ALL tyrannies rule by force and fraud, but once the fraud is exposed, they must rely exclusively on force.❞ ——George Orwell
❝The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants.❞ ——Albert Camus
❝The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it.❞ ——H. L. Mencken
❝The system cannot be fixed by the system.❞ ——Tom Morello
❝There's simply no polite way to tell people they've dedicated their lives to an illusion.❞ ——Daniel Dennett
❝You can't get rich in politics unless you're a crook.❞ ——Harry S. Truman
Extremely well put👍
Democrat dictators ....have a monopoly in Queens. Bad news in any supermarket to provide only one brand of beans to offer.
As a human being - may she rest in peace.
Very good article:
Historic preservationists would prefer that Claire (who never cared) toast like a marshmallow in hell.
Previous poster said it well “Rot in peace”!
She stank worse alive.
❝They say you shouldn't say nothin' about the dead unless it's good. He's dead. Good!❞ ——Moms Mabley (1895-1976)
❝ALL tyrannies rule by force and fraud, but once the fraud is exposed, they must rely exclusively on force.❞ ——George Orwell
❝The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants.❞ ——Albert Camus
❝The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it.❞ ——H. L. Mencken
❝The system cannot be fixed by the system.❞ ——Tom Morello
❝There's simply no polite way to tell people they've dedicated their lives to an illusion.❞ ——Daniel Dennett
❝You can't get rich in politics unless you're a crook.❞ ——Harry S. Truman
Moe said...
@Annon "Looks like you have an issue with women" You must be a mind reader FU !
Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris the DemoRats cream of the crop LOL...
To last Anonymous who said: ❝She stank worse alive.❞
You got THAT right! In fact, the whole rotting, decaying, raped, ravaged and tonsured borough of QUEENS County is a terminal 'Raw Sewage Plant' of never-ending corruption, graft, monstrous greed, cover-ups, kickbacks, payoffs, cronyism, nepotism, propaganda lies, denaibility——and, a 'Delay, Deny——And, Hope That You Die' political stance that continually abuses ALL neighborhood and community constituencies, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, veteran's status, handicap status, etc.
A predatory and government bought, cradle-to-grave, taxpayer funded, parasitic thief like Schulman have always been equal opportuinity offenders. There is a permanent mark of disgrace on her bought and paid for position in QUEENS that DEVALUES honesty itself!
❝It's difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary demands that he NOT understand it.❞ ——Tom Morello
❝The system cannot be fixed by the system.❞ ——Tom Morello
Anonymous said...
Moe said...
@Annon "Looks like you have an issue with women" You must be a mind reader FU !
Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris the DemoRats cream of the crop LOL...
AND so who birthed you "Moe the idiot with major mental issues".............a jackal. Why does QC attract so many assholes, what a shame because QC has always been a very informed, fact based media outlet, but too many of the folks writing comments are similar to that asshole group the Qanon made up of mostly white males who have a stunted mental growth.
Can’t wait until they name something for her.
May I suggest a sewage treatment plant!
Thanks to the anon for linking to the Donald Manes article. That shit is bonkers.
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