Sunday, August 26, 2018

You can swim with dolphins off Fort Tilden

H/T Kent Parson


JQ LLC said...

Wow, there's about 6 to 8 dolphins out there. Those things are huge.

I don't think hovering on that skimpy raft counts as swimming, but it's still a cool sight in itself.

Anonymous said...

And the sewage.

And the medical waste.


Zoë said...

Not a good idea to post this because some small kids may try it.
I do not recommend this, the males get horny swim along side and try to hook you under. Based on an experience in Florida dolphins are far larger and powerful in the water then most think.
You also can end up with "something" all over your leg, and it aint pee !!

Zoë said...

With frisky dolphins sewage and medical waste in the water, in your hair whatever is not the worst of it, trust me on this :( :(

JQ LLC said...

"I do not recommend this, the males get horny swim along side and try to hook you under."

Anonymous said...

The waters off NYC are now so clean the piling eating worms that have stayed away for centuries now eat pilings, which is why the Tappan Zee bridge had to be replaced. In George Washington's day, there was too much sewage in the water for the worms to survive.

Anonymous said...

It is as safe as safe can be. Haven't any of you folks ever watched "Flipper" reruns?

Anonymous said...

Dolphin love ?
What to the PETA and animal rights people have to say about this.
Dont listen to Zoey shes crazy, that link dont work but thats ok the NY Post is fulla shit anyway.
--Like the NY Daily News it makes for good ferret cage lining. Ya see the ferrets are smarter then New Yorkers and know exactly what to do with it.

Joe said...

The worms are eating and loosening up everything, even parts of ships sunk 200 years ago, and you cant see all that shit in the water because it floats in a weird way 4 inches below the surface with seaweed growing out the wormholes acting like ballast tanks.
A trip down the east river can get you a busted propeller & out-drive. Over $5000 damage and it aint no fun when you hit. ITS FRIGGAN LOUD and you dont know if your sinking, its total chaos !!
Shit and wood in that water thick as railroad ties, You can no longer go west of North Brother Island without 100+ foot boat jet-drive or steel hull

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