Sunday, August 26, 2018

Bill would require market feasibility study before hotel building

From SI Live:

After plans surfaced for two boutique hotels on Port Richmond Avenue, Senator Diane Savino (D-Staten Island/Brooklyn) has introduced legislation to combat the increasing number of hotels across the city in neighborhoods that don't have a market need.

The recent outcry against hotels planned for Port Richmond on Staten Island inspired the bill to ensure there is a need for hotels before they are approved.

"It's clear that the city has failed New Yorkers with its indiscretion when it comes to allowing hotels and motels in areas that simply don't need them," said Savino.

The main concern within the Port Richmond community is that the hotels would not generate legitimate business, instead being turned into de facto homeless shelters.

Her legislation would require business owners perform a market feasibility study to ensure that there is a need for a hotel in a specific neighborhood. If the owner can't show that there is a market for the hotel, they wouldn't receive approval to build.


Anonymous said...

Imagine that, people fighting back against shelters, and a legislator doing something to support them. Are you listening Koslowitz?

This quote from the article says it all:

"In 2017,  Savino released a report, Horrors in Homeless Housing, on the conditions of hotels the city has used to make up for the lack of shelters. At that time the report found that 78 percent of identified hotels had 433 open violations."

Anonymous said...

Great !! Anything to delay a shelter from being built is alright with me.

JQ LLC said...

No wonder Staten Island isn't getting a Rikers spinoff prison.

Anonymous said...

Its shows what political leadership can do when they are other agendas besides building their career and the Party and using public office and our taxes for their own agendas.

Anonymous said...

If this jackass mayor would just stop handing out all the free stuff and special protection half these homeless would leave !!
Bust them for vagrancy or public intox then a as a condition for ROR and dismissal they must accept a plea $20 and a one way bus ticket.

Anonymous said...

More idiots collecting a paycheck for nothing?

They aren't going to stop one, just get it moved.

How about sending them south where they won't freeze?

Ned said...

Wont delay shit these study's are to insure these shelter deals go threw the proper process, get set in stone and CANT BE FOUGHT.

Anything your rule of the proletariat electedes and appointeds up in New York call "a good thing" or "progress" is just the opposite.
I find it so difficult to take in so many sheep grazing on everything (and everything) the electeds dish out is true shame.
A once great city turned into a massive field of hand-fed sheep supporting the same shepherds who will slash, gut & butcher them to the bone.
When will these grazing sheep and geese ever wise up ?


Anonymous said...

This won't stop anything; just another layer for approvals. You think they don;t do feasibility studies before they drop $? Problems is, payments for shelter bring them to a respectable level of profit - guaranteed. And they can even promise they won't work with DHS - after all, DHS just pays the NGO Agencies to take care of things.

Anonymous said...

Whitestone demanded the GNYADA hotel only rent out by the week, hence Extended Stay, to prevent it becoming a whore station.

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