Monday, December 14, 2015

On second thought...

From Gotham Gazette:

Two days after announcing that he would be joining a consulting firm as a partner while retaining his seat in the New York State Assembly, Michael Blake has changed his mind.

"I've decided that the clear priority is and always has been the constituents of my district, and I'm not going to allow anything to distract from that. I'm not going to be a partner at Hilltop," Blake told Gotham Gazette Sunday evening, meaning Hilltop Public Solutions, the consulting firm.

"I'm not going to let the noise that's been out there continue," he added, referring to the immediate negative response that the announcement garnered from good government advocates and in the media. "I'm not going to let this be a distraction for the people. I want to be focused on the work and focused on my family."


Anonymous said...

"I'm not going to let the noise that's been out there continue," he added, referring to the immediate negative response that the announcement garnered from good government advocates and in the media. "I'm not going to let this be a distraction for the people. I want to be focused on the work and focused on my family."

AH Bullshit! He got caught and is going "Off the Books" is all

Anonymous said...

To be fair, the salaries of State Senate and Assembly has not been adjusted in ages (more than 15 years), they have bills to pay just like everybody else. So it's time to adjust their pay, but need a mandate of "no side jobs allowed"

Anonymous said...

To be fairer, they knew that going in. They knew what the pay was and that it was/is considered a part time job.

Anonymous said...

Took 3 days to figure out that their is more money to steal being a politician and it's easier

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