Sunday, December 13, 2015

Homeless plan not working

From CBS 2:

An aide to Gov. Andrew Cuomo offered a scathing assessment of the de Blasio administration’s homeless policy.

In a Facebook post Wednesday night, Barbara Brancaccio, who works in Cuomo’s Office of Storm Recovery, wrote: “I want to be very clear … the homeless ‘crises’ is the result of incompetent leadership in City Hall, the Human Resources Administration (HRA) and the Department of Homeless Services. Together, they are tragically misguided, out of control and completely to blame.”

As CBS2’s Marcia Kramer reported, the post signals an escalation in the war of words between Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio over how to get the homeless off the streets.

Hey why not just keep sending money to the same shady organizations?


Anonymous said...

The war between Cuomo & BDB is delightful! I love watching them kill each other.

Anonymous said...

One thing they could do is get rid of this bogus "Mandate" they keep citing to shelter and feed the homeless. Shelter and feed OUR homeless and stop importing "Homeless" from elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

No government plan will ever work. The homeless are drug addicts, psychos and women whose men split after making some babies. Only a resurgence of traditional morality, including the so-called shaming of deviance, will make a difference.

So we're screwed.

Anonymous said...

#3- please get a clue. Not everybody falls into those categories. Sometimes people are just unlucky and no amount of morality or planning can help them. Many people in this country have been forced into poverty because of poor health. In my own family, I was born into a stable, middle class home with 2 married and educated parents, and my dad developed blood clots and became permanently disabled when I was a child. It was only through luck and the grace of God that my mom was able to keep us going and we didn't end up homeless.

In America we like to believe that we are all masters of our destiny, but really, we're all one illness or unforeseen circumstance away from catastrophe. Pray that your health continues so that you don't have to end up in the street.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see Crain's reporting on how these "nonprofits" are just a bottomless pit we are throwing tax dollars into under the guise of helping the less fortunate. Surprised that Cuomo's people even approach the topic since his family are some of the people enriching themselves on the taxpayers dime (Help USA). This is truely the pot calling the kettle black

(sarc) said...

What is the purpose of a bureaucracy?

To grow and grow and grow.

Just like Audrey II in Little Shop of Horrors....

Anonymous said...

but now we have Obamacare

Anonymous said...

Nothing better than watching the left attack each other. More, more!

Anonymous said...

NYC Human Resources Administration lazy, incompetent, rude, unprofessional and biased against any one who is not from the Caribbean. Close down the agency and start all over again. Dump the HRA workers who do no work at all. Start by shutting down their fake unions.

Anonymous said...

It's easy for Cuomo's cronies to say this about the city being that they all suffer from tunnel vision just like the governor. If you pick a fight with DiBlasio you hurt the city. i'm not suggesting that DiBlasio is doing an excellent job by any means but all the bickering is a huge distraction and just proves that the governor doesn't care about the state as a whole. there are counties upstate that need the state government in Albany to step in and aide them to get them out of their financial troubles and all he is doing is focusing on what is going on downstate in NYC. He is just like every politician out there!!

Anonymous said...


I see you got this down to a science.
So all homeless are just fringe elements of the society.
No wonder dumb ass politicians get elected by voters of such clear vision.

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