Monday, September 21, 2015

That's some alteration!

You may recall this Middle Village house from a November 2013 post entitled "Expanding the Farmhouse". I promised to follow up on this "alt-2" project when the final product was revealed. Well, here goes:
Interesting alcove above the front door. It's purpose? Dunno.
Yes, I can see how this would be classified as a minor alteration.


Anonymous said...

Please let us know when they finish altering the garage and make it into a guest house.

FlooshingRezident said...

This is a perfect example of how the current population of Queens has systematically destroyed its little bit of remaining charm and history! Too bad creative, young, DIY crafty people can only afford to live in small Midwestern cities. NYC could really use their help!!!

Anonymous said...

Take a good look Broadway Flushing anti landmark residents. This is what your nabe will look like in just four years , without historic district status. And you Maria Sunshines can kiss BFHA goodbye too. Diplomacy has has its run. Sit in demonstrations on Vallone's doorstep is what's needed now. Force his hand! This phony , in the pay of real estate developers, does not represent you. He represents his REBNY clients. They pay him. You don't. But you will soon pay for your mistakes by allowing Vallone to offer any of his watered down measures in lieu of full landmarking.

Anonymous said...

the big bad wolf can huff & puff, but he won't blow that one down!

Anonymous said...

This is disgusting and unfinished. The people moved in and they are filthy. The yard is dangerous with debris and the kids walk barefoot. They have a partial fence and it appears they don't have the funds to finish this within the year.

georgetheatheist said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

It's all about maximizing the rentable square footage.

On the other hand, it looks like a great deal of money spent to get only a little benefit. I don't understand why they didn't do a knock-down and put down a new foundation at the maximum extent allowed by the zoning. Can anyone suggest a reason?

JQ said...

I seen other renovated houses like this in richmond hill and rockaway beach. with that useless medievil hole on top. No purpose at all unless you have a dragon, which everyone knows are extinct.

Anonymous said...

The alcove is used for hanging laundry. Or hanging fish and poultry if you live in Flushing.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the fire hydrant in front of the house?

Queens Crapper said...

Nothing happened to the fire hydrant, I moved toward the end of the block to get the second shot and the hydrant is to off to the left. You folks don't understand the concept of perspective?

georgetheatheist said...

The alcove is used for hanging laundry. Or hanging fish and poultry if you live in Flushing.

It was designed to be a theatrical performance space for the neighborhood. The first performance has already been booked. The Clock.

Anonymous said...

many have difficulty with perspective since their only view is peeking out of their own ass

Anonymous said...

dont look that bad compared to some of the guinea mcmansions with the gaudy columns, statues and overdone iron work. you think your in rome

Anonymous said...

""The people moved in and they are filthy, yard is dangerous with debris and the kids walk barefoot"

Hmm--Is the top floor rental income from south the border's or Vietnamese ?
Perhaps the alcove is where the pot plants or air dried poultry go.
It's kinda weird -- wouldn't a person want a 2nd floor alcove facing the yard, perhaps 2 alcove's on that floor because it will be 2 illegal rentals in the future.
What "vibrant & diverse" group built this ugly brown stain on the block ?

Joe said...

HEY Look at the top floor closely, note the 2 kitchen electric ventilators on the top and 2 bathroom ventilators on the other "dim" side, when counting the basement 4-6 family's (or over 20+ people)may be living in this shit brick barracks.

This is going to be a total disaster for that block, bye bye parking hello mountains of garbage

Anonymous said...

One would think that the architect should lose his license for misrepresenting the job overall. The job needs to meet New Building requirements (28-101.4.5). As an Alt 2 -- it seemingly does not. The DOB should be held accountable for their negligence when it comes to permitting jobs such as this. You have to know that much of the building code was allegedly abused with regard to this project. How unsafe is this? Truly, we the people need to do whatever we can to demand that our politicians put a stop to the blatant abuse of the Professional Architects that professional certify jobs and then take it a step further by self-certify the objections on projects such as this.

It needs to stop.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how ignorant commenters can be. Section 28-101.4.5 states that an increase of 110% of the building square footage requires a new building permit. The alteration for this property does not.

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