Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Sidewalk parking in Woodside

"Another constant sidewalk blocker is Skillman Plumbing on 54th St. in Woodside. When I walk down the street during working hours I am often forced to walk in the street. This picture, taken from 39th Ave. is typical, though sometimes there are even more vehicles." - Anonymous


(sarc) said...

The city is chipping away our parking spots.

Changing signs one night and giving tickets the next day.

Overdevelopment - putting dozens of families where there were only a few.

Reducing speed limits to make driving unbearable.

The powers that be want to create a bicycling European utopia...

Either we look like china, or more likely Detroit...

Anonymous said...

You put in the time,

But it just don't rhyme!

Anonymous said...

Did this person send this to 311? Why post to Qns Crp? These are obviously off-hours limo drivers. Too many cars in NYC.

Anonymous said...

In Europe the distances are much shorter.
Heck in some European cities you don't even need a car!
Now add the self driving cars, automatic emergency braking and cars and driving as we know it will be history.

Anonymous said...

It's only going to get worse. More people, every week, with cars in NYC. Now, if the city is looking to cash in, they could write a lot of tickets (like they do in Manhattan), which begs the question where are they in Woodside?

Anonymous said...

Can you say "overcrowding"? Get used to it, more on the way.

Anonymous said...

Too many cars/too many commercial vehicles parked on the street at night/too many people savings spots with cones or garbage cans/too many people renting illegal basements or attics who own cars/too many illegal curb cuts. Where does it all end

JQ said...

Our blundering mayor could have used this as justification for capping the billion dollar job destroying uber, but the big pussy decided to be a groupie and stalk the pope. And now we got 2 more hipster limo services in Lyft and Gett. This will be the cause of vehicle over-saturation and more assholes parking on the sidewalks and double and triple parking.

Anonymous said...

Although they say that the homeless don't have cars.
We are getting plenty of them, and the taxpayers are driving their cars to the Carolina's and Florida.
Does anyone know how many Syrian migrants we are getting dumped with.
They said 10,000 or so. That means 100,000+
I don't think many of them will be driving.
It may work out in the end, sort of like Detroit.

Anonymous said...

Was doesn't city council pass a law?

Anonymous said...

@[Was] doesn't city council pass a law? There IS a law. Enforcement requires a call to 311, or your local PD Community Liaison officer, which will then show up days later and either issue a warning (which may have an effect for a day or so,) or sees no violating condition. What we need is a situation-driven response, not a complaint-driven response, from the NYPD. I am told that while they can ticket cars for expired licenses, they can't spontaneously respond to this sort of thing because they might get a "real" call. Say what?

Anonymous said...

There are so many cars with out-of-state license plates, I have to think about what state I'm living in when I walk out of my home!

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