Tuesday, September 15, 2015

MTA is now securing the copper

From the Times Ledger:

NYC Transit President Carmen Bianco has announced new measures to secure the A-train line in Howard Beach and improve the transit agency’s contingency plans.

He acted after a May security breach and infrastructure theft stranded commuters for hours and prompted a subsequent call for reform from state Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder (D-Howard Beach). Thousands of Rockaway commuters lost subway service because of a copper cable theft that left the A-train line completely shut down.

In a letter to Goldfeder, Bianco wrote that the transit agency has re-secured three locations where holes were cut in the fence separating the A-Train tracks from the street near the Howard Beach-JFK Station. These holes, the agency contends, allowed individuals to gain access to steal copper cables and cut service to the line on the evening of May 26. To prevent future theft, the areas are now being closely monitored by transit personnel and the NYPD, Bianco said.

1 comment:

(sarc) said...

Contrary to the POTUS, the global economy is in the " crapper".

For that reason copper market prices are at a 5 year low, so the skells are not that interested.

In a couple of years if the economy ever really picks up, and the MTA & NYPD are complacent, it will all be stolen again.

Just saying...

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