Thursday, April 16, 2015

Avella calls on LPC to landmark Broadway-Flushing

Sen Avella Letter to Landmark B-F


Anonymous said...

Good for Tony! That neighborhood is under attack by the developers. If no one steps in to protect it, it will soon be gone like the rest.

Anonymous said...

Isn't the area in Stavisky's district?

Jerry Rotondi said...

How come Councilman Vallone does not have the backbone to have written a letter like this to the LPC?

Perhaps if he did, his developer clients would perceive him as anti over development and take their business to another law firm.

Consider this Councilman Vallone....
you need Broadway's votes as much as you need your developer client's dollars to get re-elected.

Wanna gamble? Place your bet, counselor.

So far you are not making a good impression on Broadway voters. The preservation of the architectural fabric of our fine neighborhood is a primary concern here.

If you fail to do your job in supporting landmark status for Broadway....and we become the target for major tear downs....then you might find yourself torn down at the polls.

Put up, or shut up! I am your boss. I am a voter. You work for me or you get fired!

Doug Douglaston said...

I saw that letter which Vallone wrote to the LPC requesting them to decalendar the hearing regarding the Douglaston historic district extension.

Vallone advocated for developers, not for Douglaston residents.
Please remember who screwed you come election time.
I advise Broadway to remember the same.

You've got a lot of bull shitting to do to pull yourself out of this pit of doo doo that you put yourself into, Don Paulo.

Jerry Rotondi said...

The fly in the ointment is Mary Beth Betts, director of research at the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission.

She has said "NO" to Broadway's request.
Unless De Blasio fires her, we might be back to square one.

She is the sole gatekeeper at the LPC.
She controls who gets considered for designation by the commissioners, by giving each request for evaluation her thumbs up or thumbs down.

The commissioners only get to see the choices that she has forwarded to them.
Unless Ms. Betts is removed from her post , the corrupt practices of the LPC will continue.

Jackson heights Johnny said...

I had an aunt and uncle who lived in this neighborhood when I was a kid (many years ago).

I remember it as a lovely place with beautiful, well maintained homes, tree lined streets, and green lawns.

I applaud Mr. Avella's actions: it is time to stop the destruction!

I pray that he is successful....

Broadway Baby said...

Expect an onslaught from phony-Valloney-baloney as to why this can't be done.
Then he will come up with some watered down proposal of compromise.

There is no compromise. Broadway gets landmarked or lost! Vallone will try anything to buy himself some time and good press.

Don't you voters be impressed by this voracious shady politician. The Vallone dynasty has decided what is good for Broadway.

What is best for Vallone is that he satisfies his developer clients. He is a real estate lobbyist. Never forget that!

Anonymous said...

I invite every resident to walk their neighborhood to see for themselves the ugly brick boxes which have replaced classy stately homes.

The southeast corner of 163rd Street and 35th Ave. is a prime eyesore. This is what awaits Broadway. You will see the value of your neighborhood go down if this becomes the trend.

Only landmarking can guarantee against protection the obliteration our neighborhood.

Why do you think that homes located north of Northern Blvd. command higher value compared to the south? The curb appeal of its fine residences and the appearance of the overall neighborhood.

It is us residents and voters who have worked very hard to protect this. Your home is your castle.

Newcomers value our quality of life here. That is why they buy in. Welcome to Broadway, please participate in protecting our rare resources.

In a city that boasts pouring concrete, Broadway is an oasis of body and mind. It is priceless!

Anonymous said...

I still think the borough historian should come out in favor of this (and make his credibility hinge on that) and QHS should do an exhibit on the threats faced by that neighborhood. The board of Broadway-Flushing should formally request this and send a copy to Crappy so we can follow developments.

BTW, this should be part of the 'official' Queens Landmarks celebration and bump things up from Mitchel Grumbler and his chidken-shit 'find a historic photo and have the kids write an essay' crap.

No wonder this borough is considered a 'no go' zone by the adults in the rest of the city.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Tony! Make it happen!!

Jerry Rotondi said...

Unfortunately, our borough historian , Dr. Jack Eichenbaum, has gone on record saying that landmarking is not always the best way to go.

Jack, I've known you from back in the day I served two terms on the board of the Queens Historical Society.

I am, frankly, appalled at your anti preservation stance regarding landmark status. We can , perhaps, discuss this when we meet at some future date.

In the case of Broadway, I believe you should be supporting our quest for a municipal historic district.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Jackoff Eichenbaum won't support designation for Broadway. Borough hall will find a new burro historian if he bucks development.

Dr. Jack needs to retain his post so he can continue to garner the cache associated with it.
It enable him to boost the fees he can charge for his "historical" ....YAWN....walking tours.

Anonymous said...

Once again, Tony Avella is the ONLY WORKING POLITICIAN in Queens!

Too bad this has come too late to save the exquisite Craftsman bungalow that was recently destroyed! This property should be confiscated to send a message!

How do we fire phony Valloney? This should be his job!

Anonymous said...

No, it is not Stavisky's district.

Anonymous said...

Without the support of your councilman, will this really happen? Everybody knows where Valllone stands on this. He is against landmarking! He is faithfully following his orders from the county machine to quash this whole thing.

He can only do this with Broadway's acquiescence.
Go lose a shoe up his ass if he won't support your request for a historic district.

That's the spirit!

Anonymous said...

Will Melinda Katz be supporting Broadway?
She made an appearance at the last BFHA meeting to talk about Queens being the world's destination.
That sounded like a lot of PR to me, but, heh....write her a letter.

Nail down all these pol's. They are with with you or against you. Better to find out early.

Anonymous said...

Let's hear from that anonymous Asian American Broadway resident poster who accuses boards of racism .

Anonymous said...

Look out.....Vallone is going to claim that anti Asian sentiment is behind the landmarking order to promote his agenda.....advocating for development.

That is more pure pork Valloney baloney!

Both the federal and state government have acknowledged the worthiness of Broadway to be granted municipal status as well.

We are a national register nabe.
So why should a megalomaniac troll like the LPC's Mary Beth Bettts, director of research, think that Broadway does not meet their criteria?

We are good enough for the Feds and state. Why should we be considered sub standard for the city ?

Ah, me smelleth REBNY calling the LPC's shots.
And De Blasio is in league with them.

Anonymous said...

Tony's efforts will go nowhere.

de Blasio does not care for the North Flushing and Broadway neighborhoods.
He believes the homes are too big, the plots of land too large and the area too affluent.
The mayor would prefer public housing multiple family box buildings with limited square footage. Kinda like Russian apartment buildings.

Remember, de Blasio is a socialist who honeymooned in Cuba and worked in Nicaragua for the Sandinistas.

Anonymous said...

Tony's efforts will go nowhere.

de Blasio does not care for the North Flushing and Broadway neighborhoods.
He believes the homes are too big, the plots of land too large and the area too affluent.
The mayor would prefer public housing multiple family box buildings with limited square footage. Kinda like Russian apartment buildings.

Remember, de Blasio is a socialist who honeymooned in Cuba and worked in Nicaragua for the Sandinistas.

If you really believe this then go after the law. Everyone deserves equal protection and equal rights. If the Fat Cats in other boroughs can enjoy these benefits then so should we.

It about time that we stop accepting being treated like serfs by our politicians. We all don't live in Vallonia.

Anonymous said...

The Landmarks commission and the law???
You must be kidding.

Anonymous said...

Tony's efforts will go nowhere?
You sound like you have a crystal ball and two glass eyes.
Put one of them up your tookas and see if you can see anything besides your negativism. Or move to New Jersey. You sound like you have a Jersey state of mind.

Uh, maybe you've already moved. In that case moving your bowels might help improve your attitude.

Anonymous said...

Tony pushed the Dept. Of City Planning and got the northeast down zoned. I would not call that nothing!
R1-2a zoning is the best there is. That's equal to Riverdale.

Anonymous said...

Groan, what a bunch of nay saying crepe hangers.
I do believe that somebody is jealous that they don't have Avella representing them. Wouldn't you say?

Anonymous said...

Avella called upon LPC to landmark Broadway before, while he was councilman. Why should he be any more successful now that he's a state senator?

Just asking. Fill me in.

Anonymous said...

If Avella gets another "no" from the LPC, will he pursue an investigation of their corrupt practices? This cannot stop with just a letter. Tony faces re-election as well as Valllone. That's politics. Gotta deliver upon your promises.

Anonymous said...

Bravo! Tony's got balls! Vallone has a mangina.

Anonymous said...

Tony sits on a heavy committee upstate. Maybe he plans on squeezing De Blasio's testicles. One thing for sure, Mary Beth Betts has got to be read the riot act. This narcicistic toad has kept the gates closed at the LPC regarding designating suburban free standing homes. She's a row house addict. How myopic, to keep a drudge drone who has no vision perennially employed as director of research. I would love to see a cat scan of her brain.

Anonymous said...

Well, at least Bob Tierney has been replaced as chair of the LPC. What ever became of bumbling Bob? Oop, but that shifty opportunist Wellington Chen is now a commissioner. He's to that decrepit crooked Claire Shulman. We had better all say our prayers that they don't help sink Briadway.

Anonymous said...

Let's tally up the score:

Avella for Broadway.
Vallone against us.
Wellington Chen (newly appointed LPC commissioner from Queens) pro over development.

Melinda Katz, pro development.
Mayor Bill, apathetic, always drowsy.

Give my regards to Broadway!
Thanks for the memories.

Jerry Rotondi said...

Senator Avella, If you have to hold a rally in front of LPC's headquarters, I will attend.

Anonymous said...

If that happens, Jerry, I hope you will be joined with bus loads of Broadway residents. Isn't that what the Douglaston folks did? No demos on the steps of city hall, please. They're booked by the hour and have become powerless social events. Bring it home to the Municipal Building. A little civil disobedience may be required!

Anonymous said...

Maybe New York State needs a more restrictive landmarks law like NYC. I once suggested that to past assemblyman Morton C. Hillman but got nothing.
Tony, how about a tough NYS protective landmarks law?
Is it possible in the near future?

Anonymous said...

I think that BFHA should have a meeting with borough president Katz PDQ and ask for her support. If she won't give it, make that public!

Jerry Rotondi said...

When our Committee to Save The Flushing Keith's was put off by LPC's gate keeping director of research, we considered writing to each and every LPC commissioner personally,. I would suggest certified return receipt mail. Ms. Betts, do not ignore determined people. It's just a suggestion.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Avella called upon LPC to landmark Broadway before, while he was councilman. Why should he be any more successful now that he's a state senator?

Just asking. Fill me in.
He may or may not be successful but at least he has the balls to stand up and say the truth.
You don't know if he'll be successful, no one does. Don't be a hater.

Anonymous said...

Most every preservationist abhors the closed system that the LPC employs. A DOI investigation is required. City council oversight hearings will improve nothing.

Now, if all these preservationists would publicly come out against LPC's shady practices, that would help. But they are cowards, preferring to privately complain. So very little gets fixed.

Anonymous said...

I hope Tony has a back up plan after his letter to De Blase'

Anonymous said...

No one should act surprised that Vallone doesn't care about the state of DOB issues, teardowns and illegal activity in Flushing.

He lied the whole time he was campaigning. Remember those horrific flyers he sent making fun of his opponents, they were all paid for by REBNY a/k/a developers. He owes them big time.

Anonymous said...

"Put one of them up your tookas..."

I heartily advise that you should have carnal knowledge with yourself.

Anonymous said...

I'm really curious about this "80 percent in favor of landmarking" number that I've seen tossed around. I think you are going to be mighty surprised if it ever really came down to a vote just how many people are NOT IN FAVOR of it.

Face it: Asians are the ones who want to buy these homes. Asians are willing to pay top dollar. They like NEW things. I have no delusions of handing this house down to my children and my children's children. How Pollyanna-esque and romantic. These aren't castles we're talking about and our children, hopefully, will move on to bigger and better pastures.

If having restrictions will make my house less attractive to the pool of people who are most likely to pay the highest amount for it, count me OUT. And let's say I DO decide to stay forever and a day, why would I want to pay two and three times more for renovations so some architect can approve my plans? Not to mention the waiting time. No thanks.

The idea that this area is historic is such a farce. Too much damage has already been done and many of the houses that remain untouched are owned, for the most part, by elders who can barely afford to maintain them. When you are driving around on your mad hunts for new construction evidence, also take note of the chipped paint, sagging gutters, tired landscaping and crumbling stoops on so many of the houses.

You need to take off your rose colored glasses and see the forest for the trees.

Anonymous said...

Might be the most distinctive home in the area. Will it become a church?

Anonymous said...

I'm really curious about this "80 percent in favor of landmarking" number that I've seen tossed around. I think you are going to be mighty surprised if it ever really came down to a vote just how many people are NOT IN FAVOR of it.

Face it: Asians are the ones who want to buy these homes. Asians are willing to pay top dollar. They like NEW things. I have no delusions of handing this house down to my children and my children's children. How Pollyanna-esque and romantic. These aren't castles we're talking about and our children, hopefully, will move on to bigger and better pastures.

If having restrictions will make my house less attractive to the pool of people who are most likely to pay the highest amount for it, count me OUT. And let's say I DO decide to stay forever and a day, why would I want to pay two and three times more for renovations so some architect can approve my plans? Not to mention the waiting time. No thanks.

The idea that this area is historic is such a farce. Too much damage has already been done and many of the houses that remain untouched are owned, for the most part, by elders who can barely afford to maintain them. When you are driving around on your mad hunts for new construction evidence, also take note of the chipped paint, sagging gutters, tired landscaping and crumbling stoops on so many of the houses.

You need to take off your rose colored glasses and see the forest for the trees.

Hey "really curious":

There was an actual vote. It happened. That's why the neighborhood is a National Register Historic District.

Every property owner was sent a proxy by certified mail from the State Historic Preservation Office and they voted. Almost 85% of the neighborhood voted in favor of historic district status.

Deal with it.

- Broadway-Flushing resident

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is that in communities outside of NYC, zoning actually works and people don't have to resort to landmarking to preserve community character. In NYC, zoning has NOT worked, because we have enforcement that allows it to be gamed.

Anonymous said...

I'm really curious about this "80 percent in favor of landmarking" number that I've seen tossed around. I think you are going to be mighty surprised if it ever really came down to a vote just how many people are NOT IN FAVOR of it.
1. Are you Asian? If not, you are not qualified to speak for them.

2. I don't know what part of town you are driving around but this neighborhood is stunning. Why don't you try leaving and looking at another neighborhood, then complain about sagging gutters. Everyone I know who moved here in the last 12 months moved here because of the beautiful houses and landscape.

3. You are officially counted OUT.

Anonymous said...

For Unlawful Carnal Knowlede...I think you are one of the most self aware individuals that I have yet to meet online.

Use a web cam and post your rectal video

Anonymous said...

Vallone is reacting by having his real estate client shills posting.

I told you so. What took you so long Don Chooch?
Cant't take the heat? Then get out of the council.

The Vallone kids have been used to having their asses licked for years. Their sense of entitlement is beyond comprehension.

Anonymous said...

Look out, Vallone will probably be holding a seminar on landmarking at Verdi's soon. Or he will be doing some arm twisting at St. Andrews. Aren't he and the Dorsas involved in finances at the church?

Anonymous said...

That 80% figure that you say is "being tossed around" represent actual signed votes in favor of creating a municipal historic district.

Maybe you are just a phantom speculative developer who is out to rape Broadway. If you are not , you would post your real name like some others have already done here?

Anonymity can be any disguise that a perp wishes to dress up in. You, sir, are a phony....maybe even a phony Valloney.

It is easy to create a phantom army of protestors online. Many who post here represent an army of one.

Anonymous said...

I'm really curious about this "80 percent in favor of landmarking" number that I've seen tossed around. I think you are going to be mighty surprised if it ever really came down to a vote just how many people are NOT IN FAVOR of it.
Hey Paulie.

Go back to Ditmars. A walk around that dreary nabe tells you what the ignorant, backward and stupid can do to a community and it ain't pretty.

Anonymous said...

When civilized citizens gather together, we agree to agree to give up a little to get a lot. The basis of any society is "for the good of the whole".

In this case, to maintain a desireable attractive neighborhood, most neighbors have voted to give up a little for the betterment of the whole area.

Every landmark district in NYC has greatly benefited from their status. Take the time to do the research, and discover that for yourselves.

Anonymous said... sounds to me like a lot of real estate speculators are pissing their pants here. I would love to see the IP addresses....which builders and realtors are posting these anti landmarking lies.

Jerry Rotondi said...

Now this is the truth. You can choose to believe it or not.

A visitor from upstate, who was dropping off my wife at our home, remarked....."I didn't know that Queens looked like this....trees and all. I thought it all looked like Archie Bunker's neighborhood"

That was approximately ten years ago.
Would she be able to say the same about it soon?

Anonymous said...

Oh here we go with that tiresome old worn out anti Asian crap again.
Why is it that when anyone tries to preserve something beautiful that they are tarred, feathered and branded "anti Asian"?

That's a cheap knee jerk defense employed by shifty jerks intent on making some quick money somewhere and leaving the rest of us holding a bag of steaming crap!

Your arguments are as transparent as you greed and ignorance.

Anonymous said...

That's right about that phony anti Asian crap.

A family named De Luvio violated NYC zoning as we'll as the Rickert Finlay covenants which protect the beauty of a portion of our neighborhood.

They were sued and lost their case in court. The illegal wall they buil came tumbling down.

Uh...does De Luvio sound like an Asian name?

Keeping the fine appearance of a beautiful,neighborhood is what it's always been about.
That is why homes here have a higher value. A buyer buys the neighborhood.

Unscrupulous developers are out to destroy it.

Landmark protection is vital, like a homeowner's insurance policy, to guarantee your investment won't go down the drain .

Anonymous said...

Sagging gutters? It was a hard winter and ice dams may have been responsible for some sagging gutters. Is that all you've got to notice?
See an opthomolgist and get some new eyeglasses.
As far as your are one sad individual. Therapy can help.

Anonymous said...

Again: remove those rose colored glasses. We live in an Asian neighborhood. Get over it. What is going on here is called EVOLUTION.

I'm sure the children of the aging homeowners who live in these crumbling castles and who stand to inherit their parents' homes after their deaths are completely in favor of restrictions that will exclude the majority of future buyers. There goes the retirement house out east! Wake up.

My parents have lived in this area in a magnificent home for many decades. What people to say to each others faces to be politically correct is one thing and you get A LOT of BS, but when push comes to shove, I am certain you will be shocked when you see how many people staunchly oppose these landmark plans. Keep the zoning laws strict. Keep the Rickert Finlay rules in place. Stop right there though.

Anonymous said...

A lot of good zoning does you when the department of buildings inspectors are all in jail

If you are so concerned about property values why don't you go to Douglaston and ask them how their property values suffered with land marking. Ha ha ha ha ha $$$$

Anonymous said...

Uh....when was the last time you checked the actual figures on what the ethnic composition of the nabe is?

I believe it's about 13% Asian. Now only a portion of those Asians (you seem bigoted about) are Chinese. This is a multi ethnic nabe. Wipe the shit off your black colored glasses and ask the Wizard of OZ for a brain.

Anonymous said...

The opinions of malcontents, old farts, bigots....regarding "rose colored glasses" ....mean little here.
So , you've got yourself an electronic soap box to make your bitterness public. Good for you. Now, attend to your pathology. NYU has a great psychology outpatient clinic

Jerry Rotondi, BFHA member said...

And where is silent Councilman Vallone? Does he think he can be re-elected by opposing a landmark district for Broadway. Oh, yeah, good move , keep quiet and it all goes away.

Anonymous said...

EVOLUTION? WT are you talking about. You have issues, friend.

A lot of young homeowners voted for landmarking. Broadway is not composed of olde tymers, as you might believe.

Whatever your age is, you are too old. You sound like an old time griper who has run out of vision.

Anonymous said...

NY Presbyterian is much better for psych. NYU was THE place back when BF was worthy of being called historic. Get with the times.

Anonymous said...

I wonder who "rosy glasses" is? It's not B.H. B.H. Isn't dumb. In fact he's smart, although an arch conservative.
Maybe it's Ed K. He fumes a lot. But, nah. That's not his speech pattern. John W? Could be. The anger is there.
No, it 's somebody else.
What other throwback shall we be hearing from next?
This is better than a soap opera.

Anonymous said...

You have a few "supposed" Asians all over the comments on the other article about More Change Coming to Broadway-Flushing. They are actually pretty entertaining! This is becoming Theater of the Absurd. Red dragons on front lawns and outdoor Mao ZeDong sculptures? I didn't used to read the Crapper regularly but this NE Queens crowd is very entertaining.

Anonymous said...

The rosy glasses guy or gal you just mentioned is the "silent majority". Remember them? They are claiming to represent the majority of Broadwayers who want a district.

AEven a majority of five can sound "impressive" online.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anonymous who suggests the bigot ask the wizard for a brain. I love the diversity in our nabe. I love Kyochon chicken I will happily live amongst Asians or anyone willing to live in a landmarked nabe.

Anonymous said...

Rosy glasses is a little uptight. Perhaps a drink or a qualude.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Inspector Gadget.

Wrong on all counts.

I shall in all future posts refer to myself as FFF, the counterpart to your KKK. FFF= Flushing Freedom Fighter.

NO I am not an Asian, but I have lots of Asian friends. Does that count? hahahahahahahaha

And Kyochon Chicken SUCKS.

This blog is marvelous. Sorry I hadn't known it about much past this month when all the nutjobs kept posting that ridiculous NYT article.

Rock on.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Chinese crap? Turd Worlders?

You really need some manners. In case you didn't know this, the real estate agents that represent your little slice of paradise LOVE us "Turd Worlders". We come with large amounts of cash that they and the sellers are all too eager to take! My nephew is looking at a house that he is eager to tear down and replace with something shiny and new. Hopefully it will be garish enough for you people. Maybe he can arrange for some big red dragons on the front lawn. Here's a little tip for you haters: if you see "8"s in the asking price of the house, us "Turd Worlders" are being courted because that's an auspicious number for us. Have fun looking through the listings!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Red dragons? That's fantastic! Or how about a big Buddha or Mao Zedong on the front lawn, anonymous? 15 feet from the curb so it wouldn't be confused with a fence. These round-eyed people are dim, you know. Nice to see a fellow Asian on these boards. Normally I'm a nice quiet Asian, but the comments have been getting uglier. I am hoping some of my family from Sunset Park buys in the neighborhood very soon so I can suggest they paint their home fire engine red. Very lucky color for us tea drinkers! Wise up, people: "If you can't beat them, join them!" And if you don't want to, move far away so we can buy your houses! With CASH.

Friday, April 17, 2015

that guy again said...

oh Avella. What a toolbox this guy is. Why doesn't he tell the people that own that homes that if that's done they won't be able to do any alterations without LBC approval, OR worse approved material. So you know those windows you can order from Anderson for $400, yea, well now they'll be $1500. Why doesn't he concentrate on the fact that there's 5 asian families living in one house?

Anonymous said...

Wow! 71 comments (not counting this one)on this topic. I didn't know there are this many concerned Broadway-Flushing home owners!

Anonymous said...

FFF, whoever, is one angry mental case. .
It does not matter which psychiatric outpatient facility. You prefer....NYU or NY Presbyterian...please go for help before you stroke out.

Anonymous said...

Watch out. I think that Flushing Freedom fighter's first name is John. If he hacks into Queens Crap, he might be there at the Broadway station to bore us further. Get over yourself bub! Clinical narcicism is serious.

Anonymous said...

That kind of baloney about shopping bags of cash buying homes is an urban legend by now.
The next time some shady realtor tells you he has a buyer who will pay cash...ask for the closing to be the next day.
Likely the answer will be no. My client needs two weeks.
Bingo! He is shopping for a mortgage. A long time realtor friend of mine confirms the bag of cash myth.
Not to say that it could never happen. He has never seen it happen after 25 years in business.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Over 70 comments. These anti district phonies are really crapping their pants. Their logic circuits ar e fried if they cannot see the benefits that every other historic district in NYC is reaping. Dumb gets dumber.

Anonymous said...

Has Vallone hired Adam to post here? Could be. Contorted speech....twisted logic. He'll eith blow his mother board or his aorta.

Anonymous said...

Keep on bashing cuckoos. Let's see if we can hit 100 comments. Dontchaluvit?
We are still waiting to hear Vallone's position .
Do you know that the Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY) paid for printing our councilman's campaign material?
So who is he gonna represent, you or developers?

Anonymous said...

Are you trying to imply that BFHA is the KunKlux Klan? LOL! My God , you are delusional! That Flushing Freedom Fighter handle is adolescent. Grow up and stop throwing teenage hissy fits.

Anonymous said...

Kyochon chicken is delicious. If you think its sucks you probably can't afford it. A little pricey but so worth it. I lick my fingers every time I eat it.

I will buy it for the rosy glasses person to celebrate our land marking when we get it.

Anonymous said...

That rosy glasses person is not playing with a full deck. To say that he is not wrapped to tight is an understatement.
If he thinks that Queens Crap is amusing or insignificant, he should check the counter to see that millions have followed it.

Furthermore, why defend his displaced views on such an "insignificant or "amusing" blog site?

The truth is he is scared shitless that his views represent a very small minority. Even amongst a majority of intelligent people there will always be a few nut jobs. I guess that adds flavor to a good candy bar.

Continue fuming, spitting and sputtering, rosy glasses. What a comedy act. You are the master of the monologue.

Anonymous said...

Mad for Chicken is so much better than KyoChon. Just sayin'

Anonymous said...

My home made chicken is even better, and I use fresh oil....not recycled grease. Just saying. Who knows what chicken parts coming from where goes into commercial chicken. Bell and Evans brand for me.

Anonymous said...

Rosy glasses is going to have to spend money to upkeep his house and that is what's making him cranky. He won't be able to get away with doing it cheap. Too bad, these are old and grand houses you need money or skills if you own one.

I like Mad for Chicken too.

Anonymous said...

Yes, there are a sprinkling (maybe more) of cheap old farts living in Broadway. They seem to adore vinyl windows which warp in about six years and then need replacement. Then you have the tin box butt heads who think covering rich detail in aluminum siding is better than painting every ten years. I've seen a lot of aluminum tin cans needing paint jobs anyway. If you like this kind of shit, them move to Corona. And if you don't like trees move into a concrete jungle apartment complex. But dare not call yourself civilized.

Anonymous said...

Crapper, you need some sort of program that moves articles with the most comments to the top of the "newsfeed" etc. I wouldn't be shocked if this one gets to 100 comments.

Anonymous said...

Take a good look at the south side of 35th Avenue between 163rd and 164th Streets. This has got to be the ugliest site on the Avenue. One whole block of construction fences. Glimpses of Broadway becoming another swallowed up nabe of pretentious, low brow Mc Mansion builders who lack any sense of refinement.
Broadway has become a destination for a variety of nouveau riche uneducated barbarians . First they plunder by obliterating its grand old homes. Then they replace them with their "castles" to impress the world that they have now made it up the ladder. News flash! They haven' made it. Put lipstick on a pig and what have you got? A pompous pork chop!

Anonymous said...

At least one arrogant homeowner , whose house is located near St. Andrews, had to tear down his illegal wall. The courts ruled against him because he violated the private zoning covenants which home buyers must adhere to.
These covenants were set up by the Rickert Finlay real estate company , which developed a lot of Broadwa. They placed deed restrictions on a lot of the area's properties that would prevent the abusive ugliness that future homeowners might be capable of.
These covenants run with the land in perpetuity!
This sort of oversight is what kept Briadway one of the best places to live in.
A municipal landmark historic district is now the only way to go to ensure Briadway's future as a quality neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Take a good look at the south side of 35th Avenue between 163rd and 164th Streets. This has got to be the ugliest site on the Avenue. One whole block of construction fences. Glimpses of Broadway becoming another swallowed up nabe of pretentious, low brow Mc Mansion builders who lack any sense of refinement.
Broadway has become a destination for a variety of nouveau riche uneducated barbarians . First they plunder by obliterating its grand old homes. Then they replace them with their "castles" to impress the world that they have now made it up the ladder. News flash! They haven' made it. Put lipstick on a pig and what have you got? A pompous pork chop!

Anonymous said...

Not to worry. The savvy proponents of municipal landmarking as we'll as the nut job opponents of it will follow this to the it a top or bottom feature. And, Paul Valllone will be following all this for sure. The Don has got to keeep on top of things. Has Vito been assigned as Il Duce's Queens Crap screener?

Anonymous said...

I can remember one Queeens Crap item that got over 180 comments. Wow! Try and belittle the work of Crappie. Is that why even city hall follows it? C'mon, this blog is groundbreaking. B.H, E.K. And J.W. had better watch out.
It has been said that St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland. Maybe QC can eventually expose and drive the two legged rats out of borough hall. That is where the overdevelopment proponents do business.

Anonymous said...

Who is E.K.? I know the other two. I'm sort of new on here and can't figure that one out.

Anonymous said...

Yowza, yowza, yowza....pushing 100 comments!

Anonymous said...

Ed K. That's as close as I can get.

Anonymous said...

Is E.K. that Libertarian Party member paranoid?

Anonymous said...

We have only two choices before us.

Demand landmarking.
Say goodbye to the lovely Broadway we all know.

Or you could sell your home quickly, before Broadway erodes completely, and move to the Douglas Manor historic district. But you will have to pay more than you can get for your present Broadway home there.

By now , home prices in the Manor , have exceeded Broadway's. Why? It has been landmarked. Nobody is complaining about their landmark status there.

Anonymous said...

Every landmark district in NYC has benefited greatly by being landmarked. Those nabes have juice....political clout. They get the best delivery of city services. Their property values usually double in a short period of time.

Anonymous said...

Yep...a Libertarian loose brained guy.

Anonymous said...

Geez! You mean a Libertarian Communist?
Yep....makes your average liberal Democrat look conservative.

Anonymous said...

"Give my regards to Broadway".
Remember how grand it once was?

That is the tune we'll be singing in five years without municipal landmark district status.
Give up a little. Get back a lot.
Now, that's a real bargain for you!

Anonymous said...

We did it.....ONE HUNDRED comments!

Anonymous said...

Call me dim but I still don't know who "E.K. the Libertarian" is!

Anonymous said...

If I reveal who E.K. Is , I could be sued. So it shall remain a mystery. Be content that some other readers already know who he is. Ask them.

Anonymous said...

Okay. I thought this was all anonymous though? What am I missing?

Anonymous said...

What's missing is some gray matter on your part. Even though the site is anonymous, a court could subpoena it's records if E.K. Is revealed . A suit for slander? Libel? Might ensue. Got it now fella. Yawn!

Anonymous said...

I'll bet that B.H. Jr. Is following this.

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