Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Glendale homeless shelter meeting tonight

From the Daily News:

A coalition of fuming community activists opposed to the city’s plan to place a homeless shelter in Glendale has raised more than $25,000 over the last month to help them mount a legal battle.

“We have been meeting weekly since the middle of August,” said group member Robert Holden, who is also part of the Juniper Park Civic Association. “We feel this is not an appropriate site. It’s an industrial site.”

The city’s Department of Homeless Services is poised to sign off on a contract with Samaritan Village to operate a shelter for more than 100 families at the location of an old factory at 78-16 Cooper Ave.

City officials say they are pressed to find places for the growing number of homeless families who need shelter.

But Holden and others say the location would be bad for both shelter residents and local homeowners.

They also questioned the city’s environmental review of the site, saying it was not thorough.


Anonymous said...

How about the Upper East Side? Oh, that won't happen..

Middle Villager said...

What a shame that the taxpayers have to pony up their personal money to try to stop their tax dollars from being squandered on this "Homeless Depot". The only people that benefit from these places are the ex city officials that run them. Samaritan Village seems to be making a lot of money running these homeless warehouses and no one questions their incestuous relationship with the city. Boss Tweed would be proud.

Anonymous said...

Got that right Middle Village!

Anonymous said...

NYC owns thousands of apartments due to foreclosures and tax liens in all five boroughs. Instead of warehousing them, why can't they repair them and place families in already existing housing? The homeless would be scattered in many different neighborhoods -- instead of dropping 200 families in one shelter in one neighborhood and overcrowding our already overcrowded schools and hospitals. Why should one entity -- Samaritan Village make $4000 per family per month? Use that money to rehab these properties that lie dormant. It would be efficient and cost effective -- words the city of New York obviously knows nothing about.

Anonymous said...

"How about the Upper East Side? Oh, that won't happen.."

Oy, no, not our Upper East Side

Not Black Don't Shoot said...

Put one in Park Slope since he loves them so much.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see people "mobbing up" to TCOB however they already lost that battle by re-electing backstabbers and clueless string puppets for the machine like Crowley.
I doubt these honest clean people have whats REALLY NEEDED to change the outlook. They need to study lessons from Ferguson, Tiananmen Square or even the Battle for Tripoli. Raise hell outside all the pols offices, create massive negative media attention and fear to the people screwing them.
In the end speeches at a podium isn't going to do anything with a buddy system of corruption that large planning behind closed doors.

Muggings, burglary, prostitution and steel bars on windows coming soon.
Glendale and MV R.I.P. My true condolences to those people if they dont grow some balls and really rain down some heavy fire, brimstone and noise.

Anonymous said...

Who cares? Gentrification in Ridgewood and real estate scum driving up housing prices. 16ft 2bd attached house in MV? $600K+ maybe the homeless shelter will keep things even keel.

Anonymous said...

Who cares? Gentrification in Ridgewood and real estate scum driving up housing prices. 16ft 2bd attached house in MV? $600K+ maybe the homeless shelter will keep things even keel.

You'd rather have a homeless shelter than gentrification in your own neighborhood? What planet are you from? I guess Queenscrap does garner a plurality of opinion...

Anonymous said...

Over 400 residents showed up.

Anonymous said...

Homeless depot middle villager? Well if it's anything like home depot at least we can drive by and through a few in the back of the truck to get our decks built cheaper.

Anonymous said...

Homeless shelters and affordable housing should be spread equally across the city.

Get after your councilman to make it so.

Anonymous said...

Homeless shelters should be where the homeless are coming from. There aren't hundreds of homeless families coming from Glendale.

Anonymous said...

Aren't you glad you didn't vote in the last Mayoral election?

Anonymous said...

I gave money to the Coalition and haven't received an update in over a year. I've searched all the papers and can't find any info. Does anyone know what's going on?

Anonymous said...

Appeals Court hearing was last week, we are waiting for verdict.

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