Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Another pol arrested...

From WPIX:

New York State assemblyman William Scarborough was arrested by investigators from the attorney general’s office Wednesday morning.

Scarborough, who represents the 29th Assembly District in Southeast Queens, is expected to appear in NYS Court in Albany Wednesday.

In late March, investigators from Attorney General Schneiderman and the FBI raided his Queens district office and Queens home, as well as his Capital office.

Scarborough admitted himself to media that investigators were probing whether he abuses the state’s travel voucher system, which reimburses elected officials for certain work-related expenses.

The attorney general and state comptroller will discuss the developments at 2 p.m.


Anonymous said...

Scarborough's travel vouchers are as phony as that "hair" on his head.

Anonymous said...

Between this and the library and the general run down image of the borough we scream 'laughing stock' to the rest of the city.

Anything positive seems to be little more than real estate spin.

The capacity for Queens residents to absorb abuse is infinite.

Anonymous said...

Proving once again that politics is like a toilet bowl...flush often! Term limits for all offices will prevented any shit from clogging the system and backing up!

Joe Moretti said...

Maybe he can use the Ruben Wills and other Jamaica elected officials excuse: I’M BLACK.

Anonymous said...

The attorney general’s office have lost work to do. there is lot off
corruption in the city and state.
The only justice working .
I'm very happy to see they are facing with justice.

Anonymous said...

God is here an end to this....maybe he can join that other dumb money Broyland

Anonymous said...

Jamaica has been 100% corrupt since the 1960s. It's what forced all of the major department stores out of there once it was realized that businesses had to pay to play. It hasn't changed since. Any politician there must be considered corrupt and self-serving. Throw them all out!!

ron s said...

I'm shocked, SHOCKED! to find that a member of the Senate or Assembly is being investigated! These selfless public servants should be worshiped rather than investigated.....

Anonymous said...

so what's the tally now? 10?11?12?

Anonymous said...

Lock him up...throw away the key..put Crowley in there with him

Gary the Agnostic said...

Anon No. 10:

True, but why insult Carl Perkins with that comparison?

merchant said...

Oy vey. Who will take my bribes now?

Ben Garrison said...

Send these crooked black pols to Montana and I'll take care of them for you.

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