Tuesday, July 15, 2014

West Nile found in northeastern Queens

From WPIX:

The New York City Health Department has detected West Nile virus in New York City mosquitoes for the first time this season.

The infected mosquitoes were collected from the Douglaston and College Point neighborhoods in Queens and Old Town from Staten Island, a release said Monday.

According to the release, no human cases have been reported this season.


Mike Francesa said...

Humans wiped so many other species off the face of the earth. Why not mosquitoes and roaches?

francis said...

Amen Mike. Add in bike riders, hipsters, and public unions too.

Anonymous said...

Because you affect the whole food chain when you do that, Mike. After that comes the birds and other animals who eat them, and so on.

Anonymous said...

Great - now they'll spray us and give everyone and their pets cancer!

Joe Moretti said...

When the city begins to enforce quality of life issues, then this issue will be in the past. But as long as pools of water are allowed to accumulate, weeds grow sky high, this shit will continue.

Simple solutions, but one to put them into place. A little something called enforcement.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike Francesa I hope a roach ends up in your food while a infected mosquito dines on your neck. Then it would be nice if a bike hit you while you were collecting unemployment because you got unjustly fired from your non-union job. Just saying...

Anonymous said...

The Parks Department had better turn on the fountains in Bowne Park pond or North Flushing will be getting an insecticide shower soon.

Since they announced the Bowne upgrade the fountains have been off.

Mike Francesa said...

Man has wiped out so many other species and humans are still around. It couldn't have been too detrimental. Let's wipe out things that are actually annoying. Anon, learn to read Mike Francesa is not the same as francis. Perhaps a hipster can "fix" your eyes for cheap and then you get hit by a bicycle ridden by a non union bike messenger.

Anonymous said...

If we wipe out things that are annoying, Mike, that means that we should....nah, too easy.

Who makes the decision as to what is annoying and what isn't? Do we take a vote?

And who says that wiping out other species hasn't been detrimental to life on earth?

Mike Francesa said...

You can go raise some roaches and mosquitoes in your home then. Take in some homeless and illegals too. Want an Asian church while you're at it? You can cram some more hipsters in the basement.

Anonymous said...

"Why not mosquitoes and roaches?"

Years ago when aliens invaded the earth they made a deal with the intolerably stupid sub-humans of the era.

The drooling human like simians were sick and tired of being stepped on by dinosaurs, being eaten by saber tooth cats, being picked up by huge taloned flying creatures and swallowed up by sea creatures of all sorts.

They begged the aliens to save them from such nastiness and the aliens gave them a choice; we'll eliminate the clumsy and hungry beasts or the annoying bugs.

The brain addled not yet homo-erectus chose not to become toe jam and snacks and...voila!

We now have a plethora of insects that chemicals and not aliens eliminate.

The aliens are probably laughing that we are now killing ourselves trying to kill the bugs.

So it goes.

Anonymous said...

Which has what to do with the original point of what was posted here, Mike?

Anonymous said...

Mike Francesa said...

You can go raise some roaches and mosquitoes in your home then. Take in some homeless and illegals too. Want an Asian church while you're at it? You can cram some more hipsters in the basement.

"Mike" it is guys like you that are on the way out.


Anonymous said...

My bad Mike.

KG2V said...

Joe, theses mosquitoes are coming out of Alley Creek And the Flushing Airport area, which are both protected wetlands (read swamp). Enforcement won't get rid of them. Btw this is why, prior to the environmental movement people drained and or filled swamps, particularly prior to modern insecticides. It is how you stayed healthy.

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