Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The leaning camera of Greenpoint

I came across this [fake] red light camera at Meeker Ave and McGuiness Blvd this past weekend.
Google Street View from last September shows the camera in the same position.

While I'm not a booster of red light cameras, I gotta wonder why the City has allowed this camera to stay like this for so long. If they don't want to fool people anymore, they should at least remove the eyesore.


Anonymous said...

State law only lets the city have a handful of active cameras. Can have as many dummy and deactivated cameras as it wants though. No money lost.

Try getting in touch with DOT, see if another camera caught who hit the pole, figure out why the city didn't charge them to fix it, or took the money and didn't fix it.

Anonymous said...

Not for nothing guys, but that's an obvious dummy camera. That anyone is fooled shows why the city got away with this crap for so long.Most folks who have been "stung" by an actual "live" camera are well aware of their locations.

Anonymous said...

The city mabye 5 or so years ago installed dummy or fake red light cameras all over (this is one) since they are only allowed to install a certain amount of real cameras across the city. The city thought the dummy cameras would deter drivers from red light running since they thought the dummy cameras were real. Over time people figured out the difference between real and fake cameras. However I have noticed the fakes are not maintained and many are starting to look like this. They should just be removed since most drivers know they are fake and the fakes do not scare drivers into thinking there is a camera there anymore.

I have worked where there is a real red light camera and at least once a week a private company in a cherry picker truck comes about 1 am and maintains the camera and takes the footage out from all the cars that ran the light that week.

The real ones have a pole coming out of the top of the camera with a light to provide flash for the picture.

Anonymous said...

This would have been a good location for a real one.

Queens Crapper said...

I updated the post to make clear the fakeness.

georgetheatheist said...

Looks like a birdhouse at the National Wildlife Refuge.

Anonymous said...

That is one dead fake camera. DOT probably has a yearly outsourced contract to remove derelict broken crap. It will go away eventually.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be funny if the camera was hit by the Junk Luggers truck as it drove up on the sidewalk? It would be hilarious if Junk Luggers were also the company DOT had outsourced a yearly contract to remove derelict broken crap.

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