Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Bins, be gone!

"Just chiming in regarding these clothing bins. These are in Ridgewood on a public street (St. Nicholas between Gates and Palmetto). I've submitted the forms to have them removed but I've not gotten any follow up or notification from sanitation. There really needs to be some new legislation around these." - Wiley

Well guess who now chairs the Council's Sanitation Committee? None other than Antonio Reynoso, the council member for half of Ridgewood.

I'm sure he'll get right on this.


Joe Moretti said...

Everything is looking like Jamaica, pretty shitty.

But as far as the clothing bins in Jamaica, at least in the 103rd precinct district, the bins have been disappearing, since Sgt. Cedillo and his Untouchables Crew have been part of removing them and not waiting for the 30 day period that DOS allows.

There should be no 30 day waiting period, these ugly bins should be removed immediately when they appear and sent to the scrap heap for recycling.

Also in the city which constantly uses the phrase "If you see something suspicious, let the police know." Well these bins take big equipment, trucks, several men to place them on sidewalks and they take time. You would think the City would see them in action since it takes time to place these.

Considering that one was placed in the Merrick LIRR Tunnel ( a most odd place), what is stopping someone from placing a bomb there as well.

Anonymous said...

After you report the bin, it takes at least 2 weeks for the DOS to inspect it, and then they put a sticker on it and you get an email. Then they wait 30 days before removing it.

Anonymous said...

Whether they're on private or public property, the bins should be illegal - period. There are better alternatives for clothing donors: hospital thrift shops, Chabad thrift shops, United War Veterans Council, and Lupus Foundation - to name a few. The latter two will even pick up donations at your home.

Anonymous said...

The bins are so often sited in semi-desolate places - the Merrick LIRR Tunnel!!!??? Places (under the M train trestle in Ridgewood, for example) where people naturally dump crap. So often the sidewalk surrounding the bin is strewn with clothing, shoes, toys, trash, as pictured here. It looks like detritus from a shipwreck - or the aftermath of flooding. It's unclear whether people are intending to make a donation (...maybe bins get filled to overflowing?) or whether items would be dumped with or without a bin nearby.

Either way: Wiley - send this picture straight to Reynoso! Curious what response you'd get.

Anonymous said...

I'm just thinking that the city could make a pretty penny off the metal.

Anonymous said...

FYI, this just came out from Assemblymember Ed Braunstein:

213-33 39th Avenue, Suite 238, Bayside, NY 11361 • (718) 357-3588

Braunstein Announces Legislation Banning Clothing Bins From Fake Charities

Assemblyman Edward C. Braunstein (D-Bayside) is holding a press conference to announce legislation fighting the proliferation of clothing bins placed by businesses masquerading as charitable organizations. Assemblyman Braunstein's legislation would ban clothing bins from companies that are not registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations. This legislation would allow municipalities to immediately remove the offending clothing bins. These fake charities would also face a monetary penalty of $250 for the first offense and $500 for each additional offense within a calendar year.

WHO: Assemblyman Edward Braunstein and civic leaders
WHEN: 11am, Friday, July 11, 2014
WHERE: 216th Street and 42nd Avenue, near the Lawrence Cemetery in Bayside

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