Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Liu still running, and still fighting fines

From the NY Post:

Former city Comptroller John Liu still owes the city more than $525,000 in campaign fines — even as he plows ahead with his latest run for office.

Liu, who’s seeking to unseat state Sen. Tony Avella (D-Queens), was hit with the sky-high fines for hanging campaign posters illegally during his successful 2009 run for comptroller.

But he has paid back less than $22,000 and has a lawsuit pending in Manhattan Supreme Court challenging the fines.


Anonymous said...

John liu needs to quit while He's behind lol

Anonymous said...

I hope Tony Avella informs everyone of this during the campaign.

So tired of these rule breakers. Shame on NYC Campaign Board for allowing him to run if he owes so much money.

Anonymous said...

If he wins, He'll be again a Party favorite, and the Queens Dem Party will find a way to make the fines disappear.

Anonymous said...

Anon number 2 - If that is how you feel, you should consider providing sen avella with some support. Tell your neighbors, ask mr liu about these funds next time you attend a candidates night, volunteer for sen avella's camaign - do SOMETHING besides post on the internet.

Anonymous said...

If he wins, He'll be again a Party favorite, and the Queens Dem Party will find a way to make the fines disappear.

Liu is already the party favorite - that's why he's running. Avella is being punished by the Queens Democratic machine for joining Jeff Klein's Independent Democratic Caucus. Even though Klein's group has now pledged to try to form a governing coalition with the rest of the Dems in the NYS Senate, I guess that all is not (yet) forgiven with Tony, who is much too independent for the machine.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4
Have you ever been to any of these debates, they NEVER take questions from the people.
They barely answer the questions they are prepared to answer.
You have no idea what I've done so don't ASSume I'm merely posting on the internet.

Anonymous said...

John, son-of-a-convicted-bank-thief Liu doesn't pay his fines which he owes because he was raised by his father.

Everyone who voted for him as Comptroller, and for Mayor are either idiots, crooks or traitors in my view.

However I am enjoying his failures and at this point I do hope he continues to run for office.

Shit-on-my-shoe Liu is now just amusing and for that I thank him.

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