Wednesday, July 9, 2014

DeBlasio's living wage promise has yet to be fulfilled

From the NY Times:

For the new administration, it was a pivotal moment: Mayor Bill de Blasio was standing before the crowd, announcing the first concrete steps of his progressive agenda. By the end of February, he vowed, he would issue an executive order to expand the city’s living wage law.

“We want to ensure that New Yorkers aren’t relegated to the ranks of the poor when putting in a full week’s work,” Mr. de Blasio declared in his State of the City speech.

The mayor was making good on a campaign pledge, promising to broaden the law requiring some city-subsidized businesses to pay their workers a living wage, which is often defined as enough money to cover the cost of basics like food and rent. His supporters eagerly anticipated the move, which was unimaginable under the previous mayor.

They are still waiting. February has come and gone, but there has been no executive order, no expansion of the living wage law and no public discussion about where things stand. Instead, there is silence from City Hall, where the mayor’s aides have declined to explain what has accounted for the delay.

So today I’m climbing on my soapbox to ask: What happened, Mr. Mayor?


Anonymous said...

Let's see - a living wage in NYC - that would be approximately $100K, especially when SHITHOLE, illegal, basement apartments in Flooshing rent for $1,200/month!!!!!

JQ said...

the blaz is running some sort of utopian pyramid scheme with the working class and working poor.

it's hard to be persuasive and effective when you won with 66% of the 23% that voted last election

mandate my ass

save your promises Blaz,the city has enough hot air this summer.

Middle Villager said...

You can't be pro living wage and pro illegal immigrants at the same time. The flood of illegal immigrants is what keeps wages low (hard to ask for more money when there are 20 people behind you that will do the job for less).

Anonymous said...

Comrade Bill 'The Red' Dibliaso wants wages to be set at $0, but will give everyone an apartment and food vouchers.

100% dependence = 100% control.

Anonymous said...

Why should anyone have to work at all in this country? Why can't the FED just send checks out to every taxpayer using the trillions it prints per year, rather than using that $ to buy bonds and enrich Wall Street banksters?

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