Thursday, April 18, 2013

Astoria Park beatdown

From CBS New York:

Two eighth grade students are now recovering from a terrifying attack in Queens.

The girls were jumped by a mob of high school students in Astoria and the fight was all caught on video.

Cellphone cameras were rolling as a wild mob scene broke out in Astoria Park on Friday.

Stuck in the middle was 14-year-old Samatha Gonzalez, seen on the video in a black and white striped shirt.

The honor student said she was badly beaten while trying to defend her friend Christina Campos, who was getting punched and kicked by more than a dozen high school students.

“About seven to 10 girls just started grabbing me and held my hands and just started kicking me in the face,” Gonzalez told CBS 2′s Hazel Sanchez. “They threw cones at me. They hit us with belt buckles, with Timberlands, umbrellas, guys kicking us — like guys, really?”

Isn't it great that thugs these days record video of themselves committing crimes and then post it online so that the cops have an easy time catching them?


Anonymous said...

Criminals were never generally known for their intelligence, and tend to have low self-esteem. Technology just provides an easier way.

Progress is good...

Anonymous said...

This vicious attack looks like a racist, black on white hate attack. Especially since the girls didn't know their attackers, who mobilized an entire gang. They could have been killed. I hope it will be prosecuted as such.

georgetheatheist said...

Isn't there a cop seated in the booth right there? I see him everytime I walk by in that area. He's supposed to keep Al Qaida from blowing up the Triboro Bridge at that spot. That's the booth behind and to right of the reporter Hazel Sanchez at the end of the video.

Anonymous said...

You are of course assuming that the often very lazy officers of the 114pct will actually bother to round up some of these dirtbags. Even if and when they do, they're not going to face serious charges.

Though I don't know why this is a news story. This sort of thing happened every day when I was growing up.

Anonymous said...

This kind of garbage has been going on in various spots throughout the city for quite a few years now,most often where there are grops ofstudents from varying levels of public schools,particularly the middle schools and high schooks with overlapping dismissal times and or transportation routes.Most often there is bot-girl involement as girls will fight it out over perceived slurs or cheating involving a young "man". who is most often the one weilding the cellphone camera so it can be posted online later. Disgusting and shameful is all I care to add.

Anonymous said...

Hey Vallone brags to everyone about his record as chair to the public safety committee.

Anonymous said...

Isn't there a cop seated in the booth right there? I see him everytime I walk by in that area. He's supposed to keep Al Qaida from blowing up the Triboro Bridge at that spot. That's the booth behind and to right of the reporter Hazel Sanchez at the end of the video.
TBTA police officer or peace officer, whatever, NOT NYPD. You would be better off to have an elderly neighborhood watch volunteer there than these clowns.

Anonymous said...

Would it be horrible of me to suggest that they start their search for the perps in the area around the Astoria houses? Nooooo, that would be racial profiling.

Anonymous said...

Troublesome "minority groups" in tribal furor captured on video.

15 minutes of "fame" for these ghetto dwellers.

Big public parks continue to be as dangerous as they always were.

Anonymous said...

The "natives" are already restless.
I can't wait for the Astoria Pool to open.
It's going to be a long hot summer!

Anonymous said...

Hey this is where Vallone wants to spend $4 million (and counting) of our tax money for a theater workshop that he 'likes.'

This is a guy that thinks Tony Bennett is high art.

Wait till he becomes boro president.

Anonymous said...

Those websites should be shut down.

Says the woman who is being interviewed by the "news" program that showed the exact same video but won't even credit the source.

Anonymous said...

She was worried about being beat to deaf?

This kind of thing happened plenty when I was a kid, there just wasn't a video camera in every kids pocket.

Anonymous said...

I have to say. I know we are all told that people like this are most often from low socio-economic statuses, but lets start calling what it is. Blacks are truly a culture that doesn't promoted responsibility, progress, caring, pride, family. No wonder why they have been and will always continue to be a drain on society. Housing projects is a great example. The city recognized, decades ago, that people needed help to get on their feet and so affordable housing was created as a temporary solution. Multiple decades later, the same families are living in those same apartments, being supported by the same society they seem to hate so much. I am so tired of it all. Take back the projects and use that amazing waterfront property to create parks for the people who drag their asses out of bed everyday and go to work.

Anonymous said...

This kind of thing happened plenty when I was a kid, there just wasn't a video camera in every kids pocket.

I made this comment earlier. Perhaps I should have mentioned that it was mostly white kids from eastern Queens.

Anonymous said...

The cops are lazy? The cops don't do anything in a situation like this because if they would have made arrests, or god forbid used some force to effect the arrests, Al Sharpton and he merry band of complaining morons who follow his lead would be complaining and protesting about the nypd harassing and arresting our "precious innocent children".

Anonymous said...

This kind of thing happened plenty when I was a kid, there just wasn't a video camera in every kids pocket.
I made this comment earlier. Perhaps I should have mentioned that it was mostly white kids from eastern Queens.
I was thinking the same exact thing and I am a white girl from Flushing!

Anonymous said...

WTH happened to Astoria park? It used to be all well to do Greek kids!

Deke DaSilva said...

Henry Kissinger once allegedly commented on the Iran-Iraq war:

"It's too bad they both can't lose."

Anonymous said...

If this is a tribute to Vallone's Public Safety record - just a few blocks from his house, just think about what the rest of the borough will look like as he focuses exclusively on development.

Anonymous said...

A pack of animals pounced on an innocent girl in the middle of the day and no one says boo! If she were black and a GANG of whites attacked her with belts and boots there'd be outrage in the streets, on the news and all from the pols. What the hell? If if was a PITBULL that attacked someone, everyone would be calling for banning the species. But we're so used to our kids being punching bags, we just shrug and say "oh that's always gone on in the park". Well that's bullshit, I used to hang out there, day or night, and never worry about getting attacked by a gang because I'm white, or because some hag's boyfriend looked at me.

Anonymous said...

this is the trash we are 'importing' these days

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