Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Flushing gambling parlors raided

From the NY Times:

Seven people in Flushing, Queens, were arrested in connection to underground gambling parlors in the Chinese community, the police said on Thursday.

The authorities periodically raid illegal gambling operations, which thrive throughout New York’s Chinese population. But the network of gambling parlors has come under particular scrutiny by the authorities in recent weeks since four businesses — two in Manhattan’s Chinatown and two in Flushing — were robbed by a crew of armed gunmen. The police say they suspect the robberies were the work of the same group.

All of the recent arrests occurred during a sweep of four apartments in Flushing between 7:20 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Tuesday night, officials said.

Police officials did not say what precipitated the raids. They occurred on the same day that The New York Times published a story describing the recent robberies and exploring the subculture of underground gambling in the Chinese population in New York.


Anonymous said...

Maybe the cops can hit the "happy ending" joints that have sprouted above the Asian storefronts and 24hr video stores along Northern Blvd in Little Neck

Anonymous said...

"The New York Times published a story describing the recent robberies and exploring the subculture of underground gambling in the Chinese population in New York."


Sex and gambling - Welcome to Flushing's "secret society". A destination of choice - always with a happy ending!

Anonymous said...

Two raids on the same street as Community Board #7's district office. Asleep at the switch?

Anonymous said...

The Avery Avenue address had been a thorn in the side of the community for years. In fact the gambling was reported to PO Robert Cahill at the 109th Precinct approx. 15 years ago.

Why the interest now? Maybe the benevolence is running dry.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet those robbers were really 109th PCT cops moonlighting because their cut of "benevolence" was no longer enough for their greedy hands.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's time to question Wellington Zhou Chen about all these "secret societies" that operate with immunity in Floo-shing!

Anonymous said...

If I ever go to jury duty and the arresting officer is from or has ANYTHING to do with the 109th precinct, my verdict will be NOT GUILTY for the defendant regardless of ANY evidence presented.

The 109th precinct can burn to the ground while ALL the officers are there for all I care.

Anonymous said...

Some of the Casinos in Atlantic City and Connecticut have seperate areas set aside just for the orientals. They're BIG Time gamblers, so these raids should not be a surprise.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Wellington Z. Chen appointed to CB#7 by Donald Manes?

Didn't he serve as their landmark's chair?

Wasn't he once also a member of the NYC Board of Standards & Appeals?

Wasn't he president of (or still is) of one of the Fultonex companies, F&T, whatever ?

Isn't he tight with the TDC Rockefeller Group...the company that was awarded both the Willets Point and Flushing Commons jobs?

Is he connected to Michael Lee (Flush/Comm's builder )and "friendly" with Peter Koo?

Wasn't he once on the board of directors of Flushing Town Hall,
Queens Botanical Garden?

He seems to be "overly" well connected...but to whom...possibly even the notorious Tommy Huang?

He spoke of attending "architecture" school...but did he and which one...in Taiwan?

Funny, an architect would normally state that they hold a degree from Columbia, Yale or Pratt.

Why not mention the name of the "architecture" school you attended (Wellington) Zhou Chen?

Why does CB#7's DM Marilyn Bitterman often seek Chen's "advice"
on matters RE Flushing?

Aren't CB#7's headquarters in a Wellington friendly building?

Who's really running the show in Flushing?

It doesn't look like the community board really gives a damn judging from its appearance.

I smell the stench of corruption in addition to rotting veggies and fish heads...surreptitiously dumped down the sewers at night!

You might try your best to keep your face out of the press, Zhou Chen...but you can't hide forever.

You'll get caught, like the overconfident, Mc Laughlin and Hevesi were.

Then the rest of the crew will be "ripe for the taking"!

Anonymous said...

Yes...definitely...investigate Wellington Chen and what he knows about these gambling dens.

Anonymous said...

Maybe these gambling dens are funding the building projects and the land purchases by the Asiatics. They seem to have a never ending supply of money.

Anonymous said...

Sex parlors, gambling dens, human smuggling and gang activity. Yes indeed, Flushing is a bustling, vibrant community. SHhhhh! It's a secret.

Anonymous said...

Asians love to gamble - no issue or surprise here. However is it not equal opportunity busts to go after this group for a change? Diversity means get your diversity to tackle crime as detectives under covers for stolen goods, fake goods, underage prostitutes, gambling, haboring and smuggling illegals - hiring for cash - laundering cash - a whole s*it-load of stuff the NYPD should go after this group and each and every other ethnic group. Equal crime opportunities = demand equal enforcement.

Anonymous said...

.....stolen goods, fake goods, underage prostitutes, gambling, haboring and smuggling illegals - hiring for cash - laundering cash


Keep it a secret, we don't want to offend the asians. More money for political campaigns and benevolence.

Jerry Rotondi said...

I think that CB#7 has its work cut out for them:

Illegal gambling; massage parlors; that thorny foreign signage issue; traffic jams; street congestion; etc.

With such an overworked and underpaid staff, covering such a vast area, maybe the creation of an additional community board is an idea whose time has come.

Flushing can't be properly served with the status quo.

Anonymous said...

Oh, but the Orientals appeared to have successfully driven the African Americans from the Bland Houses.

(Latimer Gardens next...eventually).

Wasn't that the prime purpose of introducing Asiatics to Flushing...to drive out those "pesky" people of color?

You bet it was!

A former state Assemblyman:

"Thank God for the Asians. We don't want Flushing to become a south Jamaica".

an anonymous "business" leader:

"We don't want the wrong element here".

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the Bland Houses...
I was boarding the 1:31 westbound LIRR last Sunday and looked down upon the Bland playground.

You used to see groups of African American youth happily shooting hoops on the basketball courts.

Now it's Asians.

In fact, I did not see one single African American in that whole area.

It's all Asian!

The "Blacks" are leaving in droves?

I hope that the Flushing "towne fathers" are happy so far with the partial completion of their plans to remove "Blacks" from Flushing.

The Flushing Phantom said...

Flushing has become the proverbial "hole in the wall" for all kinds of illegal activity...a sort of pirate stronghold...where lawbreakers can operate without fear of reprisals from the lawmakers!

The Staviskys, Koos, CB#7, etc merely look the other way, as they're instructed, lest they offend the political campaign contributing Orientals.

"Forget it Jake. it's Chinatown".

Anonymous said...

Is that Barber Shop on 164th Street between Crocheron and Depot Road really a Barber Shop, do I need an appointment, and why is the door always locked; and gee, why does the barber lady come down from the apartment building everytime someone needs a hair cut.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet those robbers were really 109th PCT cops moonlighting because their cut of "benevolence" was no longer enough for their greedy hands.
You again? The 109 must have really given your dumb ass a hard time when you were a kid. I guess you adhere to the old adage about something being true if you repeat it long enouhg.

Anonymous said...

I saw three very good looking girls last Sunday night locking up that "barber shop" on Crocheron Avenue you speak of.

Maybe they were cutting pubic hair.

That place was raided as a whore hose awhile back, but they're still operating as a (LOL) "barber shop".

Where's the 109th PCT, DA Brown, Councilman Halloran?

Most likely all getting their "happy endings".

Anonymous said...

Halloran's too busy these days indirectly working for the Gambino crime family.

Anonymous said...

Dan gets an occasional trim in that barber shop.

Ya readin' this Chrissy?

Anonymous said...

shit , now i have to go to atlantic city to gamble

Anonymous said...

Hey Grace Meng, does your pamphlet include gambling and sex?

Anonymous said...

Dan gets an occasional trim in that barber shop.


Don't you mean ---
Dan gets occasional trim in that barber shop???

Anonymous said...

Dan makes his rounds...hollering, and postulating with his hands circling the air...at various civic meetings in his district.

Yet, nothing ever gets done!

He's totally ineffective as a councilman...even worse than Avella was.

Anonymous said...

wow I see so many bad comments on 164st and Crocheron..gang violence and prostitutes? geeeez..what happened to Flushing

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