Monday, May 2, 2011



Anonymous said...

We citizens of Queens rejoice today as we honor those many fallen in 911 who had lived amongst us, our neighbors/families and of course all victims and suffering families every where including those in Afghanistan and Iraq who chase down terrorists.

Anonymous said...

I say keep his head and "manhood" preserved at the Smithsonian...grind up the rest of his body mixed with pig meat...then sell them as hermetically sealed trophy "Bin-burgers" to the highest bidders on "E-bay"...with those auction proceeds going to 9-11 victims' families!

Anonymous said...

Sorry...NO AMEN for this sociopath!

Let him be tormented for eternity in hell!

ew-3 said...

Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

Glad it was the SEALs who finally got him. I got to meet a few of them during training at Coronado and in VN. They are the best at getting this kind of thing done.

Anonymous said...

May Allah be with you Osama.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 2: Even better - the sharks have him.

Anonymous said...

Too bad those Navy Seals couldn't behead him and broadcast it live...just like those Muslim extremist dogs did with their prisoners.

The U.S.A. is great!

Don't tread on us you backward scum-sucking infidels!

Anonymous said...

What ARE they going to do with Bin Laden's body anyway?

P.T. Barnum would have loved it for inclusion in his old museum of curiosities.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure there's a movie or mini series in all this...maybe even a Bin Laden action figure.

Be the first on your block to own a Bin Laden doll and stick pins in it...or put out your cigarettes on!

Anonymous said...

I never liked his beard.

Glad our special unit gave him a nice close fatal shave!

Queens Crapper said...

He was cremated and buried at sea.

Team America said...


Anonymous said...

Watch now the bleeding hearts and other leftists condemn the US for "sinking to the same level as Osama" and for being responsible for "collateral damage" (as happened over the weekend when NATO bombed Khaddafi headquarters.)

Anonymous said...

Anon. No. 13:

Just the opposite.

I'm glad they got him, and hope that he was in a lot of pain before his life ended. There was no collateral damage. Anyone there was in on it with bin Laden also. They deserved what they got. Hopefully, they're sleeping with the fishes now as well.

Anonymous said...

bin Laden sleeps with the fishes.

Anonymous said...

Great job by the Seals but we are still not safe.

When you cut the head off a worm or serpent it grows another or perhaps 3 more heads.
When the Jews killed Jesus it didn't stop Christianity. There are 3000 million more who believed in what Bin-laden did

Anonymous said...

When who killed Jesus?

Dee Truth said...

Hear the latest? Donald Trump is challenging Osama's death certificate...

Anonymous said...

"When who killed Jesus?"

He meant to say the Romans.

Anonymous said...

After being blackballed by the Clinton administration and the U.S. ambassador to Yemen, he took the position of chief of security at the World Trade Center, in August ,2001.
O.B.L. killed him and 3000 americans, and our U.S.Navy Seals killed O.B.L.

American patriots NEVER FORGET....

Anonymous said...

Which is why President Obama authorized this operation.

Anonymous said...

May Allah be with you Osama.


May he rot in Hades with and suffer eternally as he caused other to suffer.

Rot in Hell to him, his family, and all his followers......

EW-3 said...

Have a suspicion that our liberal posters are in mourning today.

In particular, I miss the anonoumouse clown that refers to me as ear-wax. Figured he'd be all over me today.

Figures he is absent on a day we did the world a good turn.

Anonymous said...

because you are giving credit to your leader since 2008, i think it fair that President George Bush (2001 -2008) also be given credit for the establishing of methods which produced information from the Al Queda prisoners in Gitmo,Cuba.

many of us citizens protested the possible closing of Gitmo,by the obama administration, at the city hall court houses. they heard our message.

the U.S military must have had "a little insight" as to how to have success in capturing O.B.L. ? wouldn't you agree?

my cousin was a "frogman" aka Underwater Demolition Team member,during the Korean War.
they are now called "U.S.Navy Seals"


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey EW-3:

See Anon No. 13. Somebody tried your routine already.

Dream on. Only in Right-Wing Fantasyland are Liberals in mourning over the fact that bin Laden sleeps with the fishes. I'm glad he's dead and I'm even happier that it was our guys who got him.

Anonymous said...

The people who deserve the credit are getting the credit, Gramps.

Queens Crapper said...

No, I have seen Facebook posts from libs saying Americans shouldn't celebrate because even though he was a terrorist, it was still a death and it looks bad that we are celebrating. What fools to not know the difference between cold blooded murder and bringing one who perpetrated such to justice.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Team 6, Navy Seals and U.S. Navy for a great and necessary hit!

Anonymous said...

Maybe he wasn't cremated and that it was all a fabrication.

That's why I asked what they were going to do with his corpse.

I admit that I'm a conspiracy junkie.

But, still, it might have all been staged.

Queens Crapper said...

True, I supposed they might not have cremated him and just dumped his body into the water, but I would have reduced him to ashes first.

We always produce a body and I'm sure the USA has gathered the evidence and will release it in due time.

Anonymous said...

Yawn...stop trading on your VN (Veet Nahm) experience,ear wax.

So...RU happy to finally hear from me in your old age?

VN was a long time ago and you must be at least 68 by now.

I do so look forward to our little exchanges...almost as good as a fire fight, Charlie.

By the way I was personally affected by some who DIED in Viet Nam.

Why do you insist on making a cottage industry out of your military service?

Sorry to further bust your bubble ...uh...ear wax...but I'M GLAD BIN LADEN WAS WHACKED BY THE MOST PROFFESSIONAL TEAM IN THE USA!

I'm proud of the fine job they did.

Now let's put some more extremist terrorists in the dirt or the deep!

Do you agree?

Anonymous said...

Now we should suspend foreign aid to Pakistan until we find out if they knew Bin Laden was there.

Cut it permanently if they did. Restore it if they didn't know

That would be a deterrent to other countries considering harboring terrorist leaders who are also getting aid $$$$ from the far to generous USA!

Anonymous said...

There probably are some idiots who have made Facebook posts like that, Crapper. But they don't represent most Liberals.

Anonymous said...

People don't cheer at executions. Why cheer now? He's dead. It's a relief, but certainly not reason to cheer.

Queens Crapper said...

People do cheer at executions. In fact, Iraqi-Americans cheered when Saddam was executed.

Anonymous said...

"People don't cheer at executions. Why cheer now?"

Bin-laden was not executed. He was killed resisitng capture.

Anonymous said...

a letter from F.B.I. COUNTER-TERRORISM AGENT John P. O'NEIL to his first grandson,written on May,2001: K.I.A. 9/11/2001.

"You have been born in the greatest country in the world. It is well to learn the ethnic backgrounds of your parents,to love and cherish the ancient folklore. But NEVER, NEVER FORGET, YOU ARE AN AMERICAN FIRST. And millions of Americans before you have fought for your freedom. The Nation holds all the terms of our endearment. Support,defend, and honor those whose duty it is to keep it safe ."

note to :"now lets put some more extremists in the deep. do you agree ? "

yes , i agree. can our government continue the case trials of the 1970"s terrorists,WEATHER UNDERGROUND AND PUERTORICAN F.A.L.N.? There gangs were responsible for killing and bombing many policeman and civilians. many were pardoned by the clinton administration (E.Holder,Asst.A.G.)
Many are now working in U.S.universities,(bill ayers/bernadette dorhn,etc. (see wikipedia)

Anonymous said...

And many Muslim extremists cheered when the World Trade Center went down.

So now I'll clap my hands and holler, "hooray"!

Great job you US Navy Seals!

Why didn't that flatulent phony preacher/president Jimmy Carter use them to rescue those poor hostages in Iran decades back?

If the USA had shown its teeth back then, we wouldn't be getting the shaft from these towel heads today.

Anonymous said...

its about time they killed this asshole , god bless america

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