Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Paterson picks a real winner

From The Real Deal:

On July 1, Joe Berko, the president of the commercial real estate firm Berko & Associates, became the newest member of the New York State Real Estate Board, the agency that issues broker licenses, through an appointment by Gov. David Paterson.

Not to be confused (as is often the case) with the similarly named Real Estate Board of New York, or REBNY, which advocates for business interests, Berko's board sits on the other side of the equation, as an arm of the government.

As one of five brokers on the 13-member board, which also includes the Secretary of State, Berko, who will initially serve a two-year term, hopes to boost the levels of training his industry receives.

Will that include training on how to misrepresent development sites as residential as-of-right when they aren't?


Anonymous said...

Misrepresenting sites that they sell is par for the course for realtors.

Anonymous said...

He was appointed to oversee a company that only issues licenses. I think it is appropriate to higher someone from the industry to handle such a job.

NO, better yet, lets higher someone who hates developers and will not issue their licenses to practice work. Let's then strip away their rights to work.

Queens Crapper said...

Looks like you failed reading comprehension. Paterson appointed this guy to a GOVERNMENT AGENCY. Yet, he has a history of doing dishonest things. This doesn't concern you? And he has no oversight over developers, it's REALTORS he will watchdog. Realtors who will be allowed to get away with lying. The Attorney General says that's a crime.

Anonymous said...

Realtors are so honest that now Park Slope extends from Atlantic Ave to Bay Ridge, and all the way to the east river.

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