Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The joke's on the GOP, part 4

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From NBC 4:

Mayor Michael Bloomberg doesn't know who the GOP candidates for citywide election are, but he says they've got no chance at winning – an interesting comment from the guy who, ahem, is running for mayor on the Republican line.

"They have no chance whatsoever … whoever they are," the mayor said at a press conference today.

Suffice it to say, Bloomie's probably not making any new friends in the GOP. Last week he said he didn't even know the names of the Republicans running for citywide offices, reports the Daily News.

The New York GOP probably won't be happy about Bloomberg's latest comments, considering his name is at the top of their ballot in November. But perhaps the mayor may be deliberately saying things that annoy the GOP in order to court the city's Democratic voters, who outnumber Republicans by four or five to one.


steve said...

"But perhaps the mayor may be deliberately saying things that annoy the GOP in order to court the city's Democratic voters, who outnumber Republicans by four or five to one."


This turtlefaced, cocksucker may very well be one of the worst things that normal working class new yorkers could have ever possibly conceived.

He very well may be a whiny little, foot stomping nanny boy who throws tantrums that put my nine year old niece to shame.

He may very well be many more things that you are thinking....

But he is not stupid..

Anonymous said...

This is no joke.

Anonymous said...

G-d damned treacherous troll!

If he f----d the GOP up the ass he'll be f-----g us all where we breathe if he gets his 3rd term!

Adolf Bloomhitler said...

He may very well be many more things that you are thinking....

Do tell...

I am zinking zat you are all dummkopfs!

Taxpayer said...

"...But perhaps the mayor may be deliberately saying things that annoy the GOP in order to court the city's Democratic voters, who outnumber Republicans by four or five to one."

- - -


The Commissar is, indeed, all those nice things you say.

But, I must disagree with your final assertion.

I truly believe that this humorless little bore is so stupendously arrogant that stupidity has consumed him.

He doesn't know these other Republicans because he is so full of himself (shit) that he has no more room to take any interest in people who are not billionaires.

He is so arrogant that he likely doesn't know his own mother's name. (that probably makes her happy; then she doesn't have to acknowledge the little bastard).

Time to dump this turtle-faced little twinkle-toed tantrum thrower.

Dump him and make him go back to his mommy!

Anonymous said...

Looks like he just got hit by a Bloomerang!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a prince of a guy! You would think he would at least respect his party and help his own. He only cares about himself. What a piece of crap. I know I will find out who is running against DiBlasio and Liu and will vote for them and I'm not even a Republican.

Anonymous said...

We need a strong Conservative Party to ensure that the GOP remains true to its values.

The same way that the WFP keeps the Democrats on the political port side, the Conservative Party can steer the GOP to starboard, and away from Bloomberg.

Lino said...

" But perhaps the mayor may be deliberately saying things that annoy the GOP in order to court the city's Democratic voters, who outnumber Republicans by four or five to one"

More like 6 to 1 citywide and 9-1 in Manhattan.

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