Sunday, July 26, 2009

Why found treasures are best kept quiet

From the Daily News:

The Mexican government has set its sights on dozens of ancient bowls and figurines discovered by a Queens rubbish remover in a SoHo apartment.

The Mexican Cultural Institute asked a specialist to review photos of the artifacts found by rubbish remover Nick DiMola and seek their return if they're genuine.

Officials believe international law is on their side in any bid to seize the pieces - left in a barrel at a Prince St. apartment in 2004.

"From 1972 onward, the law declared all the archeological objects in Mexican territory belong in the country of Mexico," said Raúl Zorrilla, executive director of the institute, a branch of the Mexican Consulate.

The pictures were shipped to the specialist on Thursday and should arrive in Mexico within a few days, Zorrilla said.

If they look authentic, the expert may fly to New York and demand DiMola hand them over, Zorrilla said.


Taxpayer said...

I'm waiting for Mexico to demand the return of their citizens who are here as illegal aliens.

When that happens, I'll support the seizure of property it failed to concern itself with preserving.

So, Nick DiMola owns the artifacts.

Anonymous said...

Move 'em Nick...where the Mexs can't find 'em.

Finders keepers...your gain!

How the hell any "expert" can tell squat just from photos is horse shit anyway.

Then the consulate has to prove (beyond a shadow of a doubt) that the artifacts were brought into the USA after their law was passed.

This is almost impossible unless they have matching photos indicating that they were stolen from an archaeological site or a museum.

Like where's the time date stamp on the clay pots and figures...huh?

Anonymous said...

That is why the machine prizes loyality and closed lips above anything else.

If you have something (like public money or a nugget of development rezoning) you keep your mouth shut.

Remember "Honest Graft"

Anonymous said...

Nick needs to tell the Mexican government that he'll give them the items if they take 1 million Mexicans with the artifacts. It's all or nothing. The illegals belong to Mexico too.

linda said...

fxxk that! hide the shit.... let them come take back all the illegal mexicans first, then they can have back the garbage.....

faster340 said...

Sell them before they get here! Screw them! Finders keepers!! You did nothing wrong...

Anonymous said...

There is a British paymaster stuffed full of gold sitting in the middle of the East River.

No treasure hunter will ever retrieve it because after all the expense, the British government can take every piece of gold from it.

This is an excellent way to make sure lost things remain lost or sell only in the black market to thieves.

Anonymous said...

this is funny how did they find out ....through the internet

i say keep it!

Wade Nichols said...

"Nullum Beneficium Est Impunitum"

I'm waiting for Mexico to demand the return of their citizens who are here as illegal aliens.

Indeed. The upper classes in Mexico (such as Carlos Slim) don't give a damn about the underclass in their own country. They're perfectly happy that their own undesirables come up to El Norte, and have the idiot gabachos take care of their supposed paisanos.

Imagine that - the Mexican government cares more for a few shards of pottery than they do for their own people!

Anonymous said...

Just give it back, you found it and didn't buy it or earn it. If someone found an important American Artifact I hope it would be returned to our country.

It would be nice if they gave him a reward fro recovering it and going public.

Anonymous said...

If someone found an important American Artifact I hope it would be returned to our country.

Sorry Evan but Mommy's granny panties don't count!

A Better NYC said...

Says the Mexican government...

"Our country is run by drug lords, so what...?

"We have no jobs for our people, so what...?

"We're starving and dirt poor, so what...?


A perfect example of why their country is in ruins.

Anonymous said...

The whole World is in ruins because of crooked Bankers and crooked Politians.

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for Mexico to demand the return of their citizens who are here as illegal aliens.

My first instinictive thought!

Nick needs to tell the Mexican government that he'll give them the items if they take 1 million Mexicans with the artifacts. It's all or nothing. The illegals belong to Mexico too.

That and all the taxes and medical usage, crime and jail time owed during their illegal stay!

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