Sunday, May 31, 2009

More Queens fire companies to close

From CBS 2:

The Firefighters Union took out a full page ad Wednesday warning people about potential cuts in their neighborhood, but the FDNY said the ad went too far.

The ad named neighborhoods the union said fit the city's criteria as one of the 12 firehouses that might close.

"The fire commissioner and the mayor said they now intend to close 12 firehouses after the election in November. Our ad campaign is to tell the neighborhoods around the city of New York that they could be in that list," said Firefighters Union President Steve Cassidy.

Some of the neighborhoods that could lose fire companies are Woodside, Queens, Harlem or Long Island City.


Anonymous said...

Thank you firefighter's union. Now we know what death-defying antics are in store. I especially like the Long Island City cuts when LIC has changed from an empty industrial wasteland to an area packed with skyscraping hotels and condos.

And it's a two-fer. These staff reductions will also help incinerate people in surrounding neighborhoods, the most densely populated in the city, as well.

Taxpayer said...

Let the Commissar and Scoppetta go shit in their hats.

California voters recently saw right through these same scare tactics by the inscumbents who were spending tax money now, that wouldn't be collected until 150 years from now.

Two-thirds of California voters smashed the plans for even more taxing and spending by voting against 6 propositions placed on the ballot.

We don't have the same system, but, we can dump all the inscumbents who are taxing and spending our money into eternity.

You have to be suspicious of what corrupt use of our money is being kept secret that the Commissar has to threaten to cut all the protective services we pay for: police, fire, ambulance. We need entirely new people to examine the books and accounts thoroughly.

We can use November 3 to flush this stinking toilet and take back control of OUR city.

Anonymous said...

Yawn...alas...Queens voters are still asleep if they allow this to happen.

Until a fire suddenly awakens them...they'll do nothing as usual!


PizzaBagel said...

"The fire commissioner and the mayor said they now intend to close 12 firehouses after the election in November. ...," said Firefighters Union President Steve Cassidy.-----------------------------------

Well, that's certainly a fine way for Bloomturd to drum up votes for himself. He should put it into his next mailing or in his next TV spot.

Anonymous said...

Put Bloomberg back in touch with reality.

Abduct him and force him to live in one of those nabes where he allowed firehouses to be shut down!

(Never mind Police Commish don't have to send officers to my door...just some sarcasm RE the kidnap "plot").

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