Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Mets pitcher beats girlfriend up at Corona hotel

Mets minor league reliever Ambiorix Burgos has been charged with pummeling his girlfriend at a hotel near Shea Stadium, authorities said.

The 6'3", 244-pound pitcher was arrested around 11 p.m. Monday after allegedly slamming his girlfriend up against the wall at the Holiday Inn on 114th St. and 37th Ave. He repeatedly punched her on the back, bit her and slapped her, prosecutors said.

The woman - whose name was not immediately released - called 911, but declined medical treatment, authorities said.

Burgos is expected to be arraigned Tuesday in Queens Criminal Court on assault and harassment charges.

Mets relief pitcher Ambiorix Burgos arrested for beating up girlfriend



Anonymous said...

Ambiorix? Sounds like a drug name. Don't take Ambiorix.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a brave guy! It must take a lot of courage for a 6'3" 244-pound guy to beat up his girlfriend! (Unless of course his girlfriend is either Roseanne Barr or The Fabulous Moolah)

Furthermore, why the hell is a guy who makes $415,000/year staying at a Holiday Inn in Corona?

Anonymous said...

To mingle with others like him?

Anonymous said...

Hey, he's preparing for the same Hispanic mentality of the Mets Clubhouse

Anonymous said...

As anticipated, that’s how most women are treated in the Dominican Republic and most your cesspools south the border.

Multiculturalism at it's finest!

No Rape ?
This dirt bags "Woman" is likely an illegal who just told him she’s knocked up !
That the way it usually goes.

The cops and hospitals can only discriminat and release the names of lawful people (except for cases like rape).


Anonymous said...

If she has any brains, she'll take lots of pictures of her bruises, get herself checked out by a doctor and head straight to an attorney.

Anonymous said...

more queens crap race baiting.

par for the course around here.

Anonymous said...

What is an imported from the Dominican Republic doing in an American game like baseball in the first place ?

Anonymous said...

Some of the comments appear to prove that QC is a haven for bigots: the wrongful actions of an individual or a few individuals means that all of us people of Hispanic heritage are trashy wife beaters. They must surely know that no one north of the border ever perpetrates such horrendous deeds! Whatever this has to do with the historic preservation of our dwindling architectural patrimony leaves me nonplussed.

Anonymous said...

"Some of the comments appear to prove that QC is a haven for bigots"

If it's only some of the comments, how does that prove what you are saying?

Anonymous said...

Of course QC is a haven for bigots.

I too question what this story has to do with the credo of this website other than to fan the flames of hatred and bigotry burning bright in the borough of Queens.

Another poor job QC. Way to show your true colors.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should own up to the fact that in some countries wife beating is acceptable. Hell, in Pakistan, they kill women who want to choose their own husbands. Are we supposed to pretend that because they are immigrants they only bring good characteristics with them?

Queens Crapper said...

I regularly report on crime in the borough. There was a man killed in Dutch Kills recently, there is a rapist in southeastern Queens, some drunk kid in Forest Hills killed a couple, etc. What is so special about this guy? That he's a ballplayer?

Anonymous said...

You tell us whats so special.

How many incidents of domestic violence occurred yesterday?

How many did you report? One

Queens Crapper said...

This is the one the press chose to cover. Why? Because it involved a ball player. So I covered it too. Is the press racist for reporting this arrest?

Anonymous said...

Crappy didn't comment on the person's race. You seem to take offense at nothing.

Anonymous said...

i primarily take offense with the commenters bigoted and racially insensitive statements.

i question what this event has to do with "A website focused on the overdevelopment and "tweeding" of the borough of Queens in the City of New York"

Queens Crapper said...

It doesn't. It's about Queens and I felt like posting it to add more variety. Maybe you are also offended by this and this since they are not the focus of the blog?

Anonymous said...

Rapists and murderers i can see as it provides somewhat of a public service to "lock your doors" and be aware of people in your surroundings.

But a domestic dispute at a hotel?

Really? If he wasn't a Met and wasn't Dominican I hardly think this would warrant a post. On that you should plea guilty as charged.

Queens Crapper said...

His being Dominican has nothing to do with why this was reported on in the paper. He's a Met prospect. We are in Queens, the home of the Mets, in case you didn't notice.

Anonymous said...

Right, the News reported it because he is a Mets prospect and they cover the Mets. You reported it for reasons only you will know.

Your commenters however chose to take the opportunity to turn it into a racial profiling hate fest.

Which is not surprising on this site.

Queens Crapper said...

I already explained to you why I posted it. What commenters choose to write is their decision. I'll give you the same advice I give others. If you don't like what's here, start your own blog. That's how this one got started.

Anonymous said...

Some of the comments appear to prove that QC is a haven for bigots:


No, people say stupid things in a democracy. If Pinky rapes a woman, do we say all clubhouse hacks are perverts?

Anonymous said...

Your commenters however chose to take the opportunity to turn it into a racial profiling hate fest.

Which is not surprising on this site.

Um um um. You 'bhoys' in the clubhouse get real excited when people start to think and don't mindless parrot what they are told.

So you resort to mudslinging hoping that words can scare people away.

Look, your stupid policies in destroying our communities haven't scared us.

Its getting to the point with more and more people that your words are a big joke.

Anonymous said...

I too question what this story has to do with the credo of this website other than to fan the flames of hatred and bigotry burning bright in the borough of Queens.

If you don't like the website, start your own damn site and fill it with "happy talk" on how we should all just "get along".

Why are you even wasting your time "trolling" this website for evidence of "hate"? Is there really such a large void in your life that you have to psychologically satisfy yourself by acting as some sort of "hate speech" Gestapo?

Do you think that snarky comments on Queens Crap are somehow going to incite the "Archie Bunker element" in Queens to go out and start lynching Mets players from the Unisphere?

Get a life already!

Anonymous said...

"Archie Bunker element" in Queens to go out and start lynching Mets players from the Unisphere?

Well he DOES have point. Look how much damage the Archie Bunkers do by electing their own kind: Toby and Claire and Malinda and Peter and Gary.

Anonymous said...

And don't forget the damage the
A-Chi Bu-N-Kas do by electing their own kind, John Liu.

Anonymous said...


Why is that sports heroes think they can get away with anything? This story reminded of the OJ Simpson case. His ex-wife would call the cops after a beating and they would give him the white-glove treatment. What for?
This ball player is huge! Can you imagine even a slap from him?
As I said before, I hope she takes lots of pictures of her bruises and takes him to the cleaners.

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