Sunday, March 9, 2008

Waste of money and paper

Here's what you get in the mail if you are a constituent of State Senator Serphin Maltese and he knows when your birthday is...

Who the hell are these people?

Five pages of nonsense. Our tax dollars at work...


Anonymous said...

We pay him to spend our money for this useless garbage?

Turn in the keys Senator. Walk out while you are still able to locate the door.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that this senile old man is wasting my money on this drivel. This is such an embarrassment. I can't wait for Addabbo to kick his ass this November.

Anonymous said...

This is what Serph does and how he wastes our tax $'s. WHAT A WASTE!!!

Anonymous said...

Local VIP's indeed. This Sen. Maltese is a jerk living in his own little world with his own dumb VIP list. What a corrupt Republican ass!

If he spent as much time doing real work for his constituents as he does sending moronic happy birthday notices, maybe we would be in a little better shape.

Time to retire Mr. Maltese. You overstayed your welcome living on and wasting taxpayer money for far too long.

Anonymous said...

Local VIP's indeed. This Sen. Maltese is a jerk living in his own little world with his own dumb VIP list. What a corrupt Republican ass!

If he spent as much time doing real work for his constituents as he does sending moronic happy birthday notices, maybe we would be in a little better shape.

Time to retire Mr. Maltese. You overstayed your welcome living on and wasting taxpayer money for far too long.


You can add George "The Bricklayer" Onorato to the list.

Any others?

Anonymous said...

Introducing "the paper run around".

This is what you get in lieu of representation
from Maltese.

He treats us constituents like serfs
in his political fiefdom!

Anonymous said...

226 bills passed into law. Yeah I guess he has done nothing. Time for you guys to get a life

georgetheatheist said...

Maltazy is Crazy. Thanks Serf for handing the NYS Senate over to the Dems.

Anonymous said...

Like or hate Serf and his politics, the guy is becoming legendary for doing bizzare and inappropriate stuff. Sending a b-day card is normal and polite, even though a waste of tax dollars. Sending a multi-page letter listing the birthdays of people that most of us have never heard of, including a bunch of your relatives, is just messed up.

But this is nothing compared to having your wife paint a picture of you as Christopher Columbus (strange), then presenting that picture as a gift to the Pope (stranger), and THEN sending out a photo of this bizzare event as your Christmas card (totally f'ed up).

By no stretch of the imagination can any of these events, even individually, be considered normal. Put them together, and you're building a case for involuntary committment. I'm not sure if its funny, or just sad. Or really wierd.

Anonymous said...

I've also passed
countless episodes of "wind" last year.

This political/mafioso passes nothing
that doesn't benefit Don Serph Skeevfioso directly.....
you dumb scum sucking, ass kissing soldieri !

Anonymous said...

it's time for the old "cappo"
to retire from running his regime!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want to be the poor staffer forced to research that March is the 75th anniversary of Monopoly.

Anonymous said...

Serf wrote that one himself. He's very familiar with the game, as he has been making promises of phony money for years.

Anonymous said...

serf has been and still is an asset for our community. he has a 100% attendance record and over 220 bills in the ny state i wouldn't call him useless.

Anonymous said...

226 bills passed into law

Vallone laws, Liu laws, or real laws?

examples, please.

Anonymous said...

Never mind remembering my birthday
Don Cheech......fix up my neighborhood instead!

A 100% attendance record doesn't mean much
when you're falling asleep during sessions.

You're collegues have heard you snoring
on numerous occasions.

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