Sunday, March 9, 2008

Big school planned on Metro

Forest Hills 72 has the lowdown on the new school being built on Metropolitan Avenue next to the old Rockaway Beach LIRR line.

School's In


Anonymous said...

Thank god that very much needed school is going to be built.
The whole coomunity should look forward to the day its doors open.
Its good for FH, Glendale, Kew Gardens and Middle Village and its good for Queens

Anonymous said...

It took them long enough. We needed this school 15 years ago.

Anonymous said...

I thought schools were no longer allowed to be sited next to railroad tracks.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunatly it did take a very long time.
They finally got the green light around 5 years ago but then they ran into "community opposition" if you can believe that one.
Now finally it will be built but dont expect it to be on time, the city will hire whomever is the cheapest and they also have to have a certain degree of minority ownership wheteher it be a lesbian owned painting company or a Jamaican owned concrete company and usually those sub-contractors do shoddy work so expect at least another year on the completion date.

Anonymous said...

"I thought schools were no longer allowed to be sited next to railroad tracks."

These tracks have had trees growing out of them for several decades.

Anonymous said...

"...trees gorwing out of them for decades".

They invented this machine, it is called a chain saw...

Anonymous said...

With the MTA talking about reactivating the Rockaway line, this should be a concern.

Anonymous said...

"They invented this machine, it is called a chain saw..."

I was responding to the commenter stating that he thought that schools were no longer built next to railroad tracks. I was saying that these tracks have been out of service for decades.

What do chainsaws have to do with anything?

Anonymous said...

I have no idea where this site is. I did not know there was a RR by Metro!!!!

Is it anywhere near Trader Joes & Staples. If so what a traffic nightmare!!!!!!

RC said...

No need to wait for the Rockaway Branch. The Hunts Point Branch of the LIRR is currently active, though just barely, and abuts the southern border of the scool project.

Trader Joe's and Staples are one block west of the project. Expect snarls galore when school lets out in the afternoon. I'm not exactly enthused, living a few blocks away.

Check out the Environmental Impact Study (including traffic) at:

RC said...

Was it really community opposition that jammed up the school project? Or could it have been the diesel fuel and perchloroethethylene that contaminates the site? It is nearly a brownfield, much like the Home Depot and Trader Joe sites, which are only 50 yards away. Fanatsitc place for the kiddies to go to school!

One thing is for sure, the hazardous waste dumping company working there now is making a fortune off the city.

Anonymous said...

Oh NO!!! not another traffic nightmare!!
We should tell the city to cancel their plans for a high school in our community immediatly!!!!

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