Saturday, September 1, 2007

Crap in the yard, part 3

Want to leave your mark behind? Well, subdivide your corner property, then sell it and get the hell out of town.
Now if you're the builder, squeeze a 2-family house into the former side yard.
Make sure to exploit the loophole that allows you to build larger because of your proximity to the corner.

Who needs a yard anyway?
Finish it off by turning one of the garages into a hinky-looking entrance... Is someone making potato gin in there?

See also: Crap in the Yard, part 2


Anonymous said...

The garage hut looks kinda cute. No comment on the other structures.

Anonymous said...

Where is landmarks when you need them. The old building on the corner is classic queens crap from the 19th century, a perfect box with tiny windows and even smaller rooms. It should be preserved just for history sake. The new house with its large rooms and tons of light is an abomination on modern luxury. And to top it off the builder has the nerve to add a total of three new parking spaces for a two family house. Now thats galling!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the facetious comments, anonymous.

The fact is that parking will be taken away if one of those wonderful sunken driveways is added (with an illegal apartment in the basement, of course) and the garages were already there, so no other parking is provided. The biggest issue here is that the house takes up more open space than it should, which impacts the environment, and will add to the flooding problem, as open land soaks up rain and concrete doesn't.

Anonymous said...

Is somebody gonna pay to live in this one?

I've seen better looking military barracks !

Now if something like these would be washed away
in the next storm.....I'd call it an improvement.....
G-d forgive me!

Anonymous said...

I think anonymous migrated over from Curbed, which will have no new material until Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

I think anonynmous is a member of CB1, the community board from hell.

Anonymous said...

Actually, anonymous, if you took off that siding that your uncle sold them back in the 60s, it probibally has stunning Victorian woodwork.

But, since your type goes to Trump World, wears too much jewerly for a male, and patronizes the nightspots in Astoria and thinks that's culture, its something over your head.

Anonymous said...

Alright, alright, I retract what I said about the garage hut being cute.

I guess I'm just so sick to death of all of the blasted over-sized McMansions and whatnot going up all over the place that seeing something small for a change was refreshing, till I got to thinking about the valid points J. raised about parking and street flooding.

And hey, I am not from Curbed! I only checked out the site while Crappy was there, and was thouroughly sickened by the comments. If a lot of people in Queens are as pro-development and environmentally unfriendly as those commentators on Curbed are Queens is in for a really rough ride.

Anonymous said...

"The new house with its large rooms and tons of light is an abomination on modern luxury."

I see large brick wall as the southern elevation, meaning it's devoid of windows on the side that would get the most sunlight. Also, how would a narrower house have larger rooms? Sarcasm only works if you know what you're talking about.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Another "goombah" minimum maintainance
tin box habitat with very small window openings......
good because they're an obscure target
in case a shootout should occur between local
drug dealers.

Anonymous said...

I actually think the house being built will probably be the prettiest one on the block! That boxy looking one to the left is ugly. These were the types of houses that were built that ruined the look of Queens. I should know, I grew up in one and welcome the nice new building and a more cultural mix. Maybe the new wave of immigrants will have children that stick around and continue to add to the beautification of Queens.

Queens Crapper said...

How do you know there will be immigrants living in this house?

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