Thursday, June 7, 2007

Staten Island wall collapse update

Here's some followup to yesterday's QC post about a Staten Island Wall Collapse:

NY1 reports that Water Damage May Have Caused Wall Collapse On Staten Island.

The NY Post reveals that the wall was found in 2002 to encroach on a neighboring property: FALLEN WALL ILLEGAL: '02 S.I. LAWSUIT

And NY1 also reports that the DOB Renews Free Wall Inspection Program Following Collapse.


Anonymous said...

Heh...a friend of the Republicans....figures.

Anonymous said...

Once again the crooked and/or inept building department strikes again. They say built without a permit like that should have exempted them from any culpability. That huge retaining wall is on a major street. You cannot drive down Richmond Road and not see it. How do you erect such a wall and no one notices? But it is par for the course that they never inspected it after it was "legalized". There are many such walls on Staten Island just waiting to come crashing down. It is only a matter of time.

Anonymous said...

So DOB is resuming its program of free wall inspections .....h-m-m-m!

That's like closing the barn door after the horse ran away !

DOB = Dept. of Bastards !

verdi said...

No....let's change DOB to DFB "Department For Builders" !

Isn't that's who it really serves? !!!

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