Saturday, June 16, 2007

All boarded up

...and ready for demo. This is the scene on 162nd Street between 43rd and Sanford Avenues in Flushing. We all know what will be built on these contiguous lots...

- K.W.


Anonymous said...

It will, no doubt, be built with Korean buyers in mind.

This expanding community seems to be taking hold south of Northern Blv'd. driving out poorer Latinos (who were formerly more abundant in that area).

But that's part of "the plan", isn't it, to "upgrade" the area and displace those "undesirables" (another covert example of social engineering at work, perhaps ) ? H-m-m-m-m !!!

The area along Northern Blv'd. is already "anchored"with Korean "churches" and businesses.

Just what the neighborhood needs.....some more crammed (built overnight) one dwelling on top of another .....overpriced, low class, real estate junk !

Where do all those buying $$$$$$$$$ come from ? !!!

Anonymous said...

It actually was knocked down but the development company lost their money and now the giant empty lot is for sale.

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