Thursday, February 8, 2007

John Liu for Mayor? Say it ain't so!!!

Queens Chronicle:

Pols Lining Coffers For 2009 Campaign


Anonymous said...

I'm sure we'll be seeing Liu somewhere after the council part time job he has now ends .....but mayor.....nah. He hasn't really done squat for the Chinese community, except mugging for the media. He hasn't done much of anything for the rest of his community either. He's not well liked overall. There aren't enough Asians alone to vote him in . He's bucking for something that doesn't have term limits. If not Gary Ackerman's seat, some kind of well paid advisory position or government appointment. A cabinet post? Ambassador to Taiwan maybe?

Anonymous said...

Liu is unfit for mayor in so many ways, I don't even see the need for going into it. I doubt that this will ever become a reality.

Anonymous said...

Or he could be the best mayor (development) money can buy!

Anonymous said...

The developers probably already own Liu. Remember he just squeeked by, in a very narrow voting margin, when he first took his seat as a first term C.M. He'll never make Mayor. He never get the votes!

Anonymous said...

I'll nominate him for the job as a "14th Apostle". Hah, make him a replacement for Judas!

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