Thursday, February 8, 2007

Did 2 kids die because of a questionable conversion?

1010 WINS has the story of a house in Brooklyn that went up in flames and killed a 2-year old and a 4-year old. The address, not mentioned in the report, is 514 73rd Street. Interestingly, DOB has this house listed as a 3 family dwelling, when the next door homes at 518 and 522, which look identical, are listed as 2 family houses. Why is this house listed a 3-family when, according to DOB's system, there never were any permits issued to convert it into one? Where did the third family sleep? In the attic? Is this one of those situations where city planning came out and "counted the number of doorbells" and the classification got changed based on that instead of the legal occupancy of the house?

Photo from

Update 4pm: QC is getting a few different stories about this house, will keep you posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

DOB....dept. of bumblers! What a bunch of idiots and/or crooks! Was the conversion a self-cert job? Enough, already! DOB is lying about the improvements that were supposed to have been made in their department! I don't see any. Do you?

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