Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Sunny Espionage Delight


NBC News 

A former top aide to New York Gov. Kathy Hochul was arrested Tuesday on federal charges of acting as a secret agent of the Chinese government, authorities said.

Linda Sun, 41, is accused of using her high-ranking positions in state government to serve the interests of the Chinese government and the Chinese Communist Party in exchange for millions of dollars. Her husband, Chris Hu, 40, was also arrested in the alleged scheme.

Sun was charged with violating and conspiring to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act, visa fraud, alien smuggling and money laundering. Hu was charged with money laundering conspiracy, conspiracy to commit bank fraud and misuse of means of identification.

Both pleaded not guilty Tuesday afternoon. Sun was set to be released on a $1.5 million bond, her husband on a $500,000 bond.

“We are disappointed by the filing of these charges, which are inflammatory and appear to be the product of an overly aggressive prosecution," Sun's lawyers, Jarrod Schaeffer and Kenneth Abell, said in a statement after the hearing. "We are also troubled by aspects of the government’s investigation. As we said today in court, our client is eager to exercise her right to a speedy trial and to defend against these accusations in the proper forum—a court of law.”

The arrests come six weeks after FBI agents searched the couple's $3.5 million home in a gated community in Manhasset on Long Island. 

Sun worked in state government for roughly 15 years, holding positions in the administration of then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo before becoming Hochul’s deputy chief of staff, according to her LinkedIn profile.

Avi Small, a spokesman for Hochul, said Sun was hired more than a decade ago and fired in March 2023 after "evidence of misconduct" was discovered. Small said Hochul's staff immediately reported her actions to law enforcement and have assisted the authorities working the case.

According to the 64-page indictment, Sun blocked Taiwanese government representatives from getting access to high-ranking New York state officials and altered the messaging of state officials on issues of importance to the Chinese government — all at the request of Chinese officials. Sun also helped Chinese government officials travel to the U.S. and meet with New York officials by providing unauthorized invitation letters from high-level state officers, according to the indictment.

"Sun’s unauthorized invitation letters for the PRC government delegation constituted false statements made in connection with immigration documents and induced the foreign citizens into unlawfully entering the United States," Brooklyn federal prosecutors said in a press release.

"Sun never registered as a foreign agent with the Attorney General, and in fact actively concealed that she took actions at the order, request, or direction of PRC government and the CCP representatives."


Anonymous said...

The Governor should know by now that only Israel is allowed to spy on, and control, every aspect of the US government.
You can criticize the US government, but if you criticize the terrorist state of Israel, your career is finished. If a politician dares criticize the terrorist state, their political future finished too.
China is peanuts compared to Israel.

Joe said...

This shit lives down the street from me in Manhasset. And this is not the only case of Red China putting up cash to colonize neighborhoods on the North Shore, its HAPPENING ALL OVER and nobody is paying attention. The old arrogant blind elderly and worse ignorant Wall street people: "naa they cant do that, Its not gonna happen".
The Red Chinese are taking over the whole dam neighborhood buying old homes and knocking them down. Put up big shitter boxes with 20 kids living in them, this to use our schools and services on our dollar.
The town askes "where are the parents of these kids"?
A: "The parents are all our sisters and brothers, they work overseas"
Town Council now packed with democrats so no "racist" checks or verifications to this entitlement. The school tax is through the roof as everbody else pays like suckers.
The parents of these kids launder & pool their money to buy these homes, claim to be relitives with the same last names and leave their kids here.
These Red Chinese have this now down to a compleate science and call Americans STUPID!!

Anonymous said...

Meng as a vector is important. Meng's father took Brian McLaughlin
to Taiwan to give him briefcases full of cash in exchange for his
assembly seat. Grace is no communist, but she has a corrupt blind
spot the CCP plays on. She was indifferent to the Mao posters sold in
the lobby of her original Flushing office building, where Masters
department store used to be. Many Chinese want Cold War to be over,
others still see communists under every bed. The majority in Flushing
only care about survivng and their children, and are hostage to what
the CCP can do to their families in China. When Falun Gong held major
anti communist demonstrations in front of Flushing Library, CCP PLA
was all over the place taking pictures. Actually, they were easy to
spot, they were better dressed, almost in Latin American chique, like
white slacks and windbreakers. The real Chinese had mended holes in
their mismatched clothes and missing teeth. And communists tend to
speak English almost with a transliterated French accent while Hong
Kong have British accent. The Mandarin language is Magog, while
Cantonese is original Chinese. There is strong argument the CCP is
really Manchurian magog, usually taller and with more rectangular
faces, while real Chinese are shorter with round faces. In 1911, Sun
Yat Sen, a Hawaiian born Methodist overthrew Magog oppression that
traced back eight centuries to Ghengiz Khan. Great Wall, like the
Dervent Gates, was built to protect from Magog, Gavin Menzies has
recently betrayed that Marco Polo, after he was expelled as a
Fraggocrat, met with Kublai Khan to expand Tatar magoguery, not real

Joe said...

Quote China is peanuts compared to Israel?
I am no fan of Israelis. In all the past experience and around 911 attacks I worked moving computers along with several Israeli moving and storage companys in Brooklyn. I found every Israeli owner or sight boss involved was a super agressive bastard. I am not a fan of them also.
Here on this post I am referring to the north shore, also the Iranian Jewish flooding Great Neck. They are nasty, aggressive, drive these Black Mercedes Benzes like maniacs and think they all have special privilege. Perhaps nastier then Bukharin's.
However I don't see Israelis doing this shit here, its dominantly Red Chinese (in Manhasset) and these Iranian Jewish in Great Neck that are problematic.
Both cases have one thing in common. Foreign money to erase culture, anything nice and slap up big boxes to house pregnant women and hordes of kids that have no relation and don't belong to them.
I have no problem with the Chinese, they keep there homes super clean, manicured lawns and hate the same people and things I hate.
Problem is the good Chinese seem to be afraid of something, possibly they get will shunned at the church or something.
I think Red Chinese Goverment and certain red organizations pay for and police many of these Asian churches. Such also serve as communist meeting sanctuaries, they have there own sort of police who will harass those who don't keep in line. Add special after school education were the children are worked like machines or boot camps. Books open on the morning schoolbus, then 9AM till 3PM then again to a second "special school" 3:30PM till 7 PM.

They are being raised and programmed like learning machines and perhaps solders or something.
My friends who have kids in Manhasset grammar and High School also claim these kids and parents will not speak, sit near or associate with Americans. Many wont even say "Hello or Good Morning" back
The scholl cafateria is all segrated Chinese and Non Chinese.


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