Tuesday, August 27, 2024

NYC parks dept. put an ampitheater on a sidewalk that has expectedly led to noise complaints


NY Post

Their homes are shake, rattle and rolling.

Rockaways residents living near the $3.7 million Beach 94th Street Amphitheater say live music at the venue has made life a living hell since it opened last year.

“We’re in our homes with our doors shut, our AC on and our TV on, and it’s insufferable,” said Joe O’Sullivan, 59, a retired FDNY firefighter who lives less than 300 feet from the amphitheater with his wife, Helena.

The couple captured video of their home’s interior shaking from the thumping of dance music blaring from the Soulful House Brothers festival on July 28.

“It was my medicine cabinet shaking, and all the stuff in it. It was weird. I couldn’t believe,” Helena said. “We’ve had construction done over the years since [Hurricane] Sandy, and we’ve never had that.

“You can only call 311 so many times,” she added.

Since opening in May 2023, there have been at least one hundred music-related 311 calls near the amphitheater, which is run by the Parks Department and can hold at least 300 people, although residents said they have not done any decibel readings of the noise.

The venue has been a popular stage for local musicians such as French-language rockers Les San Culottes and the Rambones, a Ramones tribute band

Locals said just a quarter of the dozens of events held at the amphitheater are “beautiful, outstanding, tear-jerking [performances] . . . that do bring people together.”

“The other 75% keep people away because it’s so loud, you can’t exist in the vicinity of the space and have any conversation,” said Erin Silvers, 45, who lives three houses away.

“My dog goes into hiding for days at a time. It’s like the Fourth of July at all hours of the day. It’ll start at 10 in the morning and go til 10 at night,” she said, noting “it’s much louder this year than it was last year.”

Neighbors cried that the city has ignored the noise they’ve been making — but giving the performers carte blanche with their performances.

“The Parks Department isn’t regulating the performers, they are letting them go wild,” Joe O’Sullivan said.

 When Parks’ Rockaway Administrator Eric Peterson was asked one night by frustrated residents to shut off huge speakers being powered by generators, in violation of the event permit rules, he allegedly told fed-up residents, “‘It’s a dance party, come join the party,'” according to Joe O’Sullivan

“I said, ‘I’ve got it in my living room and I’m not enjoying it and want it to stop,'” the frustrated resident recalled. “He refuses to enforce the laws of the permits, the rules.” 

Who thought it was a good idea to put an amphitheater on the sidewalk??? Also, who is this dickhead Peterson and how did he get his job? But I forget the Mayor Adams kakistocracy is filled with crony dickheads like him.


Anonymous said...

Goddamm "Jungle Music"

Ned said...

Theaters, amphitheaters are for family entertainment. Whats with this DJ noise, crotch grabbing, overweight women in bootie shorts (who think they look great looking like The Blobs ass flowing out a diaper) grabbing their crotches.
1:Amphitheater? So where is actual music, diving & dolphin shows etc.
2:Who the hell is handing out permits for this amplified screaming & percussive noise sh*t.
If its not actual music, or for all family and age groups (including white culture & people) its just nasty noise that doesn't belong there.


Anonymous said...

If one is prevented from low-balling retirees, (they’re not going anywhere soon) perhaps this chaos can help enrich some underprivileged developers without yachts.

Anonymous said...

I could be wrong. Real estate developers save lives.
Mebbe this display hints at a secret government experiment to save the stock market. Picture an AA Favela, in the style of Brazil. Free booze, E.D. drugs, fast food and attire, funded by pensions and public funds.We could leverage the excess births of deformed detritus into HUGE BIO-stock gains, %666 PROFITS!

JQ LLC said...

Wow the new comment page is weird.

Anyway, this is for Ned

I have no problem with the music, it's the same as disco it's not going away. The issue is the location of the venue and how irresponsible and stupid it was to put it there with seemingly no environmental review and how it evolved. As for the permits, who needs one when all our officials keep blathering how we are in a city of yes.

Anonymous said...

"Real estate developers save lives."
WHAT!! in what universe do developers "Save Lives"

Anonymous said...

Looks like they shoved Far Rockaway into Rock Beach... let the shootings and stabbings begin. Where's John Cori the professional dimwit and TV personality complainer of Rockaway?

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