Sunday, January 7, 2024

Donnie Richards and the Department Of Transportation Alternatives has open plans show for streets in Jamaica



 Queens Borough President Donovan Richards Jr., in collaboration with the NYC Department of Transportation (DOT) and other stakeholders, is hosting an open house in Jamaica Monday to provide the community with an opportunity to help shape the plans for a $70 million investment in downtown Jamaica.

The open house, called NOW Design Strategy and Streetscape Plan, will take place at the Jamaica Performing Arts Center, located at 153-10 Jamaica Ave., at 6 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 8. The DOT will present its overarching plans for the streetscape improvements for the commercial strip.

The study area, bounded by Jamaica Avenue to the north, Merrick Boulevard to the west, Archer Avenue to the south, and Sutphin Boulevard to the east, will be the focus of potential projects. These projects include sidewalk widening, the addition of more seating, new trees and plantings, improved lighting, pop-up programming, and other open space amenities designed to enhance the pedestrian experience.

Borough President Donovan Richards Jr. emphasized the importance of community involvement in the plan.

“The potential that Jamaica offers is limitless, but there is so much work to be done to help this community realize its promise as New York City’s premiere live, work, and play neighborhood. This is work that must be done with the residents of Jamaica at the head of the table, however, and I look forward to hearing from our neighbors about what streetscape improvements they would like to see on their block.”

The open house is part of the broader Jamaica Neighborhood Plan, a collaborative effort involving the Mayor’s Office, Richards, the DOT, NYC Department of City Planning, City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams and Council Member Nantasha Williams. This initiative aims to stimulate significant job growth and the creation of permanently affordable housing in downtown Jamaica, a vital commercial and transit hub within New York City.

Did I say Open Plans? Yes because Donnie is literally quoting word for word the well moneyed lobby's legisaltion influence agenda and talking points. The video above is actually a taste of what the DOT wants to do to the "public realm" of downtown Jamaica, which is to steal public parking spaces. They claim that building more plaza space is good for businesses, but Target and Walgreens decided to close shop after years of constant shoplifting.


Anonymous said...

I'd vote for Pizza Rat before I'd ever vote for a Democrat.

Anonymous said...

They try to "revitalize" an area but make it even worst. But just know that making the streets worst is part of the communists plans to get rid of cars by 2050. First they turn them all electric but then they will eventually want zero cars by the time 2050 comes around. The communists aka the globalists aka the UN want no cars on the road and they want you to only be allowed to fly 900 miles per year. Meanwhile, the big wigs will still be allowed to fly their private planes around the world and they will be able to own cars. Only the big wigs will get that "privilege" because remember if you or I do it, it "hurts the climate"

Anonymous said...

"We only have ten years to save the planet !" Been hearing this Crap since the 1990's

Anonymous said...

A prime example of DEI