Thursday, January 5, 2023

Failure Jihadist spent night in Forest Park before machete attack on cops 

South Queens Forum

 The Maine man who has been charged with attacking two City cops on New Year’s Eve just outside Times Square with a machete-like weapon camped out in the Richmond Hill section of Forest Park hours before heading into Manhattan and slashing the officers, published reports said.

 Trevor Bickford, 19, described by the New York Daily News as “a recently radicalized jihadist” is known by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, was charged on Monday with attempted murder. As of Wednesday, Bickford remained in a City hospital after he was wounded in a shoulder by a third cop’s bullet Saturday night.

According to the News, Bickford spent Friday night at a hotel in the Bowery. The next day he camped out in Forest Park. Authorities found a sleeping bag and some food where Bickford had bedded down.


georgetheatheist said...

Hot dogs and 'smores?

Anonymous said...

If he used a gun and whined about his freedoms, he’d be labeled a true patriot by the Q-Anon and NRA creeps.

NPC_translator said...

"Trevor Bickford... is known by the Federal Bureau of Investigation"

LOL! And they did what about it? Nothing at all. They're way too busy trying to censor patriotic Americans and arresting people who complain about Drag Queen Story Hour at their schoolboard meetings. Those people are DOMESTIC TERRORISTS!!! sez the FBI.

But an actual terrorist in the making? Nah, ain't got no time for that.

The FBI needs to be entirely disbanded and all the people fired WITHOUT pensions. As for the CIA, the entire organization needs to be sent to prison for life, breaking rocks.

Helen said...

Vagrant left behind some food and a sleeping bag while "camping out" in Forest Park. Whatta bum !

Anonymous said...

I always thought that camping was for communists. Now I find out it's for Jihad Joes as well.

Ned said...

"He was wounded in a shoulder by a third cop’s bullet"

These cops need better training and aim with firearms.
A nutter attacking with a 5-8 pound machete shouldn't get 2 or 3 free shots before getting a bullet.
2-Understood this happened a crowd so for a better chance at not hitting an innocent that bullet should have been targeted the mid section as in NOT high shot to a shoulder, moving hand or finger.
Somethings very wrong with that shot and why it took so long to issue to take down this bastard. The city and this cancellation of qualified immunity is really putting all these cops in danger.
This reminds me of that school shooting out west where the cops were afraid to use their guns, did nothing as dozens of kids and teachers were getting killed. Hell they wouldn't even give the willing parents outside (listening to the shots and screams) there guns.

Cop had shitty aim, and now you got hospital bill, 100s of thousands of dollars for the long LONG court case and around $100,000 (for each year) "if" this scumbag gets prison, and with qualified immunity gone the cops are gonna get civil sued on their own dime for lawyers.
One .38 bullet cost around 75 cents.

Maybe Hothul and Alvin Bragg will get him ROR or probation with a state issued liberal shrink to claim hes a nice poor unfortunate boy of poverty who was misled. Then claim victory for saving the state a 25 Million dollar 25-life prison sentence.
Hell maybe even hand the scumbag the cops retirement, car, bank account and home too!!
Adams, Alvin Bragg and Hothul you 3 pieces of shit !!!


Anonymous said...

I guess he’s just like the January 6th Fakriots. TrumpTurd should be offering him a pardon just like the others.

Anonymous said...

Just another American who was fed lies by unscrupulous people on the internet. People with the same mentality as NPR Doofus and Q-Anon creeps, who see nothing wrong with their indiscriminate posting of lies and misinformation.
Sad. Doesn’t matter if they are Jihad Joes or Traitorous Trumpanzees, they are all cancerous individuals who seek power by manipulating others.

Anonymous said...

Re:"Just another American"
Surely you meant the renouned NPC_doofus and its fellow Q-Anon creeps, not "NPR Doofus" . I see more of the NPC's "doofoid" rantings in the earlier post. He/she/it probably got some kind of swamp fever from too many years in a Floridian trailer park.

Anonymous said...

If he wore a suit, tie and had a machine gun, he’d be a true American patriot and worshiped by the Q-Anon creeps.

Anonymous said...

Must be a felon or a prohibited person if he is from Maine and cannot even get hold of a gun

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