Monday, November 14, 2022

Southeast Queens is still the election dealmaker and dealbreaker

NY Post

Democrat Kathy Hochul has black voters to thank for saving her job as governor against hard-charging Republican challenger Lee Zeldin, an election results analysis shows.

While Zeldin’s law and order campaign made inroads with once blue-leaning Asian, Jewish and Latino voters, black voters were Hochul’s firewall in southeast Queens, central Brooklyn, Harlem and parts of the Bronx, the analysis found.

Hochul garnered a staggering 90% or more votes in many of the city’s predominantly Afro-American and Afro-Caribbean districts — the same working and middle class voters who propelled Mayor Eric Adams last year.

“Oh, absolutely. Oh, definitely the black community elected Kathy Hochul governor,” said state Assemblywoman Inez Dickens. In Dickens’ 70th Assembly District, residents delivered 27,968 votes for Hochul, and just 2,287 for Zeldin.

According to Dickens, Zeldin is too closely associated with former President Donald Trump for black voters — and isn’t seen as a moderate in the mold of former three-term GOP Gov. George Pataki. Trump endorsed Zeldin just weeks before the Nov. 8 election.

“If Zeldin was a Pataki Republican, he would have done better,” the Harlem political veteran said. “He was considered a Trumper by black voters. That was a very, very big part of it.”


Anonymous said...

In the 1980s Repugicans courted Asian, Caribbean and Hispanic voters as the basis for their 1990s majorities. But thanks to Pete Wilson and Tom Tancredo, they were chased away.

Anonymous said...


Always wins in South East Queens

Over it. said...

Take a bow black NY!!

Sorry I won’t have much sympathy when I see black moms crying on TV when their children are cut down in the prime of their life by their ghetto peers.

Anonymous said...

Total Bull Shite !

Anonymous said...

Pass the popcorn please . . .

Anonymous said...

We now have a one party system cast in place for generations, NY will never recover.

Anonymous said...

I’m white, and I voted for her. Not that I think she’s much good. It’s just that anything is better than a fascist, traitorous TrumpTurd.

Anonymous said...

And I’m proud to be Undocumented
Cause at least I know I’m free
And I won’t forget Joe Biden who gave that right to me
And I’ll gladly stand up take my SNAP and live off you here today
Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land, God Bless the USA.

Anonymous said...

It's ok that they want to see their children keep being killed on the streets. I hope they don't go to the news media anymore crying in front of the cameras "my baby, my baby". They voted for the crap they will get.

Anonymous said...

Did they Vote to keep & expand the welfare state ?

Anonymous said...

Its about destroying the middle class so we become a socialist state. Marxism at its best. And all the while people still voted for becoming slaves to the government. What happened to live free or die?

Anonymous said...

Never pass on an opportunity to give away other people's money, right Dems ?

Anonymous said...

People receiving entitlements are voting for people who will continue to make sure they get more entitlements. Whatever happened to work ethic?

Anonymous said...

As the Red Hot Chili Peppers would say……. Give it away give it away give it away!

Anonymous said...

Major GOP WINS That The Lame Legacy Media & UniParty Won’t Tell You About!!!
Just getting rid of Pigl0si as speaker is enough to put a big smile on my face.

Anonymous said...

They have the highest crime in that area. All because they wanted to keep the same governor. They didn't want change. They are okay with the high crime the quality of life issues in their area. All because they didn't want change. So please don't complain you get what you voted for. It is only going to get worse. She doesn't have to make the city better she thinks all is fine because you voted for her.

Anonymous said...

If that part of the city was annexed from NYS I guess the state would do better. It would have been red and we would have had change. I hope they are all happy with the high crime, the loud music and ATV tormenting people. You get what you voted for. Great JOB guys

NPC_translator said...

Ballot harvesting is a hell of a thing.

Brad said...

Manhattan white liberals don't care about crime and we don't want outer borough and suburban scum in this borough. We don't even want the Dominicans uptown. But black lives matter so we are okay with a few token blacks being kept in Harlem.

Anonymous said...

"I’m white, and I voted for her. Not that I think she’s much good. It’s just that anything is better than a fascist, traitorous TrumpTurd."

You're obviously not a parent trying to raise a family in Queens. If you were, you would see that the decline in the quality of life has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with failed Democrat policies like "bail" reform. But ok you'll get mugged someday and will come around.

-Zoë said...

Quote: black voters were Hochul’s

Well yeah, Every black person has been in jail or has a family member currently in jail or on probation. Think about it.
Blacks don't like laws and order and believe the world owes them something.
Hochul is special protection insurance, same thing with Mayor Adams and DA Bragg.
Just recently around 11 PM at night the guys at the local Italian restaurant (Anthony) on City Island 400 lb so huge black thug waiting for the bus just got off the booze cruise demanded they open, fire up the ovens and make him a pizza. The guy went nuts,screaming, calling them F_ing %#$# Italian mother_F racists and threatened to come back with his gun and shoot everybody.
It was loud, you cold hear this guy a mile away
Cops come "He on that bus at the red light, 400 lbs, black, drab green hood jacket" -The cops did nothing, said if its just verbal and nobody was injured, no damage, no theft we just need to deescalate the situation.
As a white person you can bet had I done this, that bus would have been stopped, id been dragged off and arrested.

And guess what? The DA, police captain & commissioners orders, are useless pieces of shit as well !!


Zoë said...

Oh too add:
Despite (a wall camera, and 2 Ring doorbell cameras across the street capturing the thug threatening to shoot everybody the cops refused to see the footage quote: "We are not doing an investigation" {you all go inside, goodnight"


RedWave said...

@"Major GOP WINS That The Lame Legacy Media & UniParty Won’t Tell You About!!!:"

Yeah, it was a landslide...

Anonymous said...

The city is definitely going back to the 80'S, where people are selling crack in the open.

Anonymous said...

Blue state TA commie's ass.

Red everywhere.

Fraud. FTX financed plain old fraud. This is how commies roll otherwise their globalist friends couldn't implement their genocidal agenda.

Ned said...

"\"The city is definitely going back to the 80'S, where people are selling crack in the open""

Haa, I wish it were that good, include the 1970s bad days.
Both combined are not even close to how bad it is now.
Actually in Times Square and JMZ stations they sell bags of crack right out in the open, even wave the little baggies of powder at the cops (who look or walk away, do nothing)
Pay them $1 and they let you into the transit system without the MTA fee. I dont know how they do it other then they use these cards.
Again cops look and do nothing if they are black
What we have in this city now is more like the cesspools of Columbia, Hondouras and Vensuailia style where the criminals and drug cartels have compleatly over run the police and do whatever they want.
Yea Columbia has "dity police" but we have the same dam thing here. Its just a little different, For example look at the mayor and the people he surrounds himself with, appoints, protects. Most are all black and almost all have been in trouble with the law or gang activiety.
It the same shit !!

And these illegals are bringing even more of this here.
They get off the bus, give a fake name and they get carte blanch on the taxpayer dole. We dont know who the hell these people really are and the home countrys do not want them back, will not co-operate if they are criminals or not. They say "Your problem now United States Stupido" we know nothing.
Just wait till all the free stuff and backrubs runs out and those 100,000 or so turn to crime. Those people cant work anyware most cant read or write in any language, it take 20 years to educate the ones willing to get educated to work. (and good luck with that)
Many think all Canada, US, Central and South America belongs to them "the white people stole it all" "the white people made us poor"
This is all going to come down the mountain., like the blacks they will soon beleive what yours belongs to then too.


Anonymous said...

"Major GOP WINS"
Yeah points with the Pope and the local Catholic diocese but sure not women voters.
Republicans committed suicide big time getting involved with abortion and noodling in woman's private parts.
It had nothing to do with Donald Trump, they simple lost every young woman's vote, every creed, every color.
Republicans must really WANT to lose because they just re-seated that old senile bible packing hick Mitch McConnell to lead them in the Senate. Are they upgrading to piss off every voter under age 50?

Choose fighting over a few thousand unwanted fetuses over the safety of 300 Million and communism (socialism) knocking at the front door?

Anonymous said...

Voting for a Democrat is like hiring Stacey Abrams to run your weight loss clinic.

Anonymous said...

I love it when I see rightwingers drone on about democrats and socialists destroying the middle class.
Ronnie Reagan started the wrecking ball on the middle and working class. Every Republican president and congress continued the demolition. Democrats helped a little with the demolition, but were too busy playing softball to be any good in either direction. The best that can be said for them is that they are the least worse option.

Anonymous said...

When did yelling and using bad language become a crime?
Why do you rightwing people have issues with people having guns? Isn’t that just exercising their freedoms?

Anonymous said...

Happy days are here again

The skies above are clear again

So let's sing a song of cheer again

Happy days are here again

Anonymous said...

We need to focus on election integrity moving forward not race.

Anonymous said...

@ "This is how commies roll"
History really does repeat itself.

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