Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Economic Development Corporation gets funding to destroy Hunters Point park space for new NYC Ferry dock 

Queens Post 

The New York City Economic Development Corporation plans to demolish the existing ferry terminal at Hunter Points South Park and build a new dock about 300 feet away in front of the main boardwalk by the Oval.

The EDC, which oversees the city’s ferry routes, filed permits on Oct. 18 to build a floating dock in front of the boardwalk that runs parallel to the outdoor dining area near the Oval. If all goes to plan, the new dock would be completed by 2023.

The new ferry terminal would allow for an expansion of ferry operations at the site with the landing being able to accommodate two ferries simultaneously, according to the permit application. The current terminal can only handle one boat at a time.

The plans would see the construction of a large floating barge about 100 feet out from the boardwalk. Two boats would be able to dock at the barge.

A concrete platform would be built directly adjacent to the boardwalk and a long footbridge, known as a gangway, would then connect the platform to the floating barge.

The new ferry terminal would replace the current landing structure that is located in front of the beach volleyball court. The current terminal, which includes a 20-foot-wide floating barge, would be torn down should the project be approved.

The city has authorized $12.2 million in funding for the project, according to the EDC.

The plans, which were filed with the US Army Corps of Engineers, would bring about significant change to the waterfront. They have already drawn criticism.

For instance, the Hunters Point Parks Conservancy, a volunteer group that helps with the upkeep of the waterfront parks, is opposed to the project arguing it would spoil the view of the Manhattan skyline and fill the boardwalk with hundreds of passengers.

The group was also critical of the EDC, saying that it did not consult them about the plans when they were filed last month.

Meanwhile, Councilmember Julie Won, who has been briefed on the plans, said she has not yet taken a position on the matter and is waiting to hear community feedback.


CarFreeloader said...

I demand that this be converted to a car park!

Anonymous said...

We should make it into a tent city for the illegal aliens we are busing in, to replace our already destitute NY American Citizens.

Mark Twain said...

"Car park"? Hey Nigel, this ain't England. We say "parking lot".

Anonymous said...

This is all Joe Biden’s fault.

Anonymous said...

They tried to steal a parks waterfront, then tried to steal space on City Island to do this shit.
The claim was "Its good for you, It will diversity and bring more business to the Island"
Was a riot, the residents gang kicked them out, stormed local politicians offices. FU OUT-- just like the tent city for illegal males, drunks, drug addicts and lunatics.

I'm sure all those LIC tower people Wall Street crooks will love this.

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