Friday, November 11, 2022

Community board tells the Department of Transportation Alternatives to suck it

 Queens Chronicle

Community Board 10 voted in favor of a “nasty letter” being sent to the city Department of Transportation after Rosemary Ciulla-Frisone, chair of the Transportation Committee, shared news that parking spots in the neighborhood will be sacrificed to the Carshare program.

“They did not come to us, the community board, to say, ‘Hey, you know, we need your help to find a location where we can do this pilot program,” said Ciulla-Frisone at last Thursday’s meeting at the Old Mill Yacht Club.

The four locations will include two in South Ozone Park, one in Ozone Park and one in Richmond Hill.

“What that means is we’re going to lose parking and we don’t want that,” she said.

The program provides on-demand access to vehicles for short-term use, designating dedicated parking spots for the use of eligible carshare organizations, according to the DOT’s website.

Chair Betty Braton agreed with one member that the agency was not asking but rather telling the board that this would be done.

“But you guys can ask me to write the nasty letter to them,” Braton quipped. “Is there a motion for me to do that?”

It passed unopposed.



Anonymous said...

Two groups of car totalitarians at war? What could be more fun.

Anonymous said...

You get what you vote for ! Good job Sheeple...

Anonymous said...

It’s so obvious what’s happening. And in our faces like we are stupid…. Again !

Disgruntled Citizen said...

You bettah shudduppa you face and take what we give you. You want two or three homeless shelters for single mentally ill formerly incarcerated males instead? They're all aspiring rappers trying to turn their lives around. Or how about a tent city with porta potties for your replacements? You know how bad they smell when they're not serviced? We could forget about the servicing for a couple of weeks.

Watch out, you big mouths, the shop lifting is gonna expand closer to the holidays and more pills out on the streets to make it worse. The crazier the better, we get to control them. You thought heroin was bad? You ain't seen nothing yet.

Now take OUR bike lanes and sChitty Bank bike rentals and go home. quiet. We're not talking again about how something is wrong when a bank has to go into the bike rental business. No, not with that one again. I told you already, those people renting out those bikes, those clunkers, it was just a little Mom and Pop thing they had. Now they're in the old age home, I hear they're not doing good. Their son is a pill head....

Jimmy Burke is here to save you. Where's the refreshments? All this talk makes me hangry.

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