Thursday, September 8, 2022

The fair market rent is still too f%@*!#g high

This is just as logical as what the city calls an affordable apartment in their "affordable" housing program. And four bedroom apartments? I thought that was called a house.


Anonymous said...

Well you can blame illegals and home investors for making housing prices and rents go up in New york shitty.

Anonymous said...

Communists looking for low rent again?

Unknown said...

You're right, the subsidy amounts should be so low that nobody with a voucher should be able to use one to rent any apartment that's actually available.

NPC_translator said...

Why do we have rent subsidies?

Anonymous said...

The government's the city and the mayor should get on the real estate agents they are the one. Consider what's more profitable for a real estate agent when he rents an apartment if he can get 3% Commission on an apartment isn't 3% of 2,000 more than 3% of 600 well it is that's why they are the ones I believe that are jacking up the rent so they can get more of a commission and by the way I don't know if it's 3% commission when they rent you an apartment or maybe it's one month rent you have to give the real estate as a finding fee well hell isn't a Finding feeof 2000 dollars more than 600
More then $600 finding feeso who benefits and who's to blams?

Anonymous said...

Developers encourage tumultuous events that cause extreme property swings. When the stock market fails, the adventurous leave NYC, the electoral balance shifts, the unions take back their givebacks, spending shifts from police and infrastructure to social issues, housing collapses so developers roll up property real cheap, and rebuild with cheap labor, then adventurous come in at lower rents and vote moderate, causing revival, upswing in property allows developers to sell high. Feudal Manhattan is the only place in the USA without MLS. One quarter of NYC economic energy is devoted to real estate, distracting from more productive activities that would grow the economy.

Anonymous said...

There is no fair market rent because there is no free market rent. Duh!

Anonymous said...

This is suppose to be "fair".

Fair for whom?

Who will pay the rent for all the illegal immigrants arriving in NYC everyday?

NYC is F*cked!!!

Anonymous said...

Get rid of the UN and turn their building into affordable housing.

Anonymous said...

You ain't seen nothing yet.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Thursday admitted that Joe Biden’s ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ is actually the Green New Deal repackaged.

Yellen said Biden’s Marxist spending bill will “rid ourselves” of oil and gas.

“The Inflation Reduction Act will put us on our way toward a future where we depend on the wind, the sun and other clean sources of energy. We will rid ourselves from our dependence on fossil fuels,” Yellen said.

Wait until the Moloch-KM combo will take civilization down, California style.

Anonymous said...

So, so very satisfying , , ,

To see Mayor Bowser, Lightfoot & Adams crying and whining over the bussing in of Joe Biden's Illegal Invasion that is crossing our wide open borders.

Very grateful to Governor Abbott for sending part of this illegal invasion to Democrat Sanctuary Cities.

~ Thank you Mr. Abbott. You Sir, are a true patriot.

Anonymous said...

How bout kick the illegals out of the schools for a start?
Didn't I just read that the Mayor was crowing about getting 1400 more students who are in your city illegally? So crying about the budget seems like an oxymoron to me and using the Covid funds to shore up your budget is foolish but typical for democratic politicians. I swear they have never met a tax they didn't like, leeching money off the taxpayers for all their pet projects that are not financially feasible and just being economically irresponsible.
Also If there's unspent covid money, how about sending it back to the treasury. NYC shouldn't have gotten that much money in the first place.

Anonymous said...

This is all Biden’s fault.

Anonymous said...

Let's say a real estate agent gets 3% commission for selling you a house or renting you on apartment well isn't 3% on $2,000 a month rent more than $600 a month Commission so let's face the real estate people are putting the high price on it to get more of a commission the higher the price the more 3% commission gets them they all get together and agree on it and all across the city the real estate people are doing the same thing they're the ones what fair market there is no fair market something floating around in the sky people develop that phrase

Anonymous said...

Congratulations NYers, you get what you voted for.

Anonymous said...

If more people went a lived in other parts of the country like Florida, Arizona and Texas, I'm sure rents would come down her.
Pity that nobody wants to move to a desert or a messed up swampland down south.

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