Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The Department Of Transportation Alternatives are attempting to usurp parking spaces from residents in Far Rockaway




Pheffer Amato Joins Community Opposition To Seagirt Blvd. Project 


South Queens, NY - Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato (D-South Queens) met with school administrators and parents to discuss the hazards of the potential Seagirt Boulevard redesign. The city-based project has garnered extreme pushback from local and non-local residents and has been openly opposed by Assemblywoman Pheffer Amato.

During dismissal the other week, the Assemblywoman saw firsthand how this project would cause an extreme backlog and increase traffic up and down the whole boulevard. “I acknowledge the need for safety measures, as that is something we all wish to see. However, any changes to Seagirt Boulevard cannot come at the price of accessibility or safety of the students from numerous schools who traverse the boulevard on a daily basis, yet alone hinder motorists in and around the community in their daily lives,” said Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato.

Assemblywoman Pheffer Amato, along with parents and community members have expressed disappointment and opposition to this project because of the lack of outreach and the expected problems the redesign would cause. The removal of a vehicle lane, yet alone over 60 parking spots, will cause an inevitable increase in traffic disruptions and mass congestion which would negatively impact the community on an enormous level.

The Assemblywoman referred to the plan as “nuts” and insisted that the NYC Department of Transportation must “go back to the drawing board and create a plan that reflects the will of the community” as the project was moved ahead without community support. 

Good to see an elected official call out the nimrods that are in charge of the DOT. While not mentioning her name, "Nutty" Nicole Garcia is trying to do over here what she's doing with inducing citibike docks on street curbs to steal parking spaces in Robert Holden's district instead of on ample sidewalk space. The entire DOT needs an enema starting with Adams moron buddy Ydanis Rodriguez, who can't even ride a citibike more than one block to do an ad encouraging more cycling.  


Anonymous said...

"The removal of a vehicle lane, yet alone over 60 parking spots, will cause an inevitable increase in traffic disruptions and mass congestion which would negatively impact the community on an enormous level."

"NYC Department of Transportation must “go back to the drawing board and create a plan that reflects the will of the community” as the project was moved ahead without community support."

Transportation Alternatives and other Bike Nazis have longed denied that adding bicycles lanes and removing parking spaces do not cause massive traffic congestion and disruptions. They are HUGE LIARS who will say anything and pay anything to the DOT to ALWAYS get their way no matter the harm they do to the needs of the people in the communities they live in.

People who live in and travel in their communities by vehicles should ALWAYS have a say on what traffic projects the city wants to implement.

STOP ignoring the residents needs and the people who vote to put you sellout politicians in office.

Transportation Alternatives and BikeNYC DO NOT SPEAK FOR THE PEOPLE. We DID NOT vote for them, STOP giving into their demands!!!

Anonymous said...

I think it's hilarious that they used the subtitles when he's entirely audible (Just not understandable) what does that say about the gorgeous mosaic that is NYC...

Fucking international carpetbaggers...

Vote these fuckers out

Anonymous said...

Good news for regular people.

Anonymous said...

Transportation Alternatives and other Bike Nazis regard bike lanes as traffic"Calming" obstacles. In other words, they're in favor of using pedestrians and bicyclists to slow down already crawling traffic.

They have blood on their collective hands...

Anonymous said...

I own a car, therefore I own the road and have more rights than everybody else, especially communist pedestrians and cyclists. I'm entitled to free car storage wherever I want, because I pay $200 every two years and I pay car insurance to some corporation.
Anyone who doesn't own a car, is a communist!

Anonymous said...

Illegal mopeds and scooters everywhere said...

There’s a lot of confusion out there when it comes to the e-bikes and scooters that are taking up more and more of our streets and sidewalks. What exactly was made legal may not be clear to everyone — in fact it’s not even always clear to police officers, at least not until they get a good look at a parked vehicle. So what chance does Joe and Jane Citizen have?

For one thing, you might think that with all those scooters and mopeds out there, they must be legal. It couldn’t possibly be that so many vehicles are on the street in violation of the law — after all, you see them go right around cop cars every day!

And yet they are illegal, just about every one you see that doesn’t have a license plate. All those scooters or mopeds — the terms often have been used interchangeably, including by the people who sell them and the government that regulates them — that you see, whether gasoline- or electric-powered, are supposed to be registered and insured. Yet the vast majority are not. Where there should be a license plate, you just see the dealer’s name. But what can be done? As one police commander told us for our article on mopeds and e-bikes this week, “I could take every cop in my precinct and just do this enforcement and nothing else, and the next day you’d see just as many out there.”

Some of the confusion may lie in the fact that the word “scooter” is used both for mopeds and the stand-up rides with long handlebars. So when the city and state legalized “e-bikes” and “e-scooters” a couple years ago, many probably thought lawmakers had included the mopeds that food deliverymen use, at least the electric kind. They did not.

Also, the market is always ahead of the regulators. Those stand-up scooters — which look incredibly dangerous to ride through traffic — are supposed to top out at 15 mph. Yet we trailed one for several blocks the other day going a steady 25.

The cognitive dissonance caused by all this disregard for the law is no good for society, but we see no answer. All we can do is avoid the illegal mopeds and scooters as best we can, because most are not registered, not insured and not accountable.

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