Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Ozone Park looks like Bedford Falls

The lots by the Aqueduct train station has finally come to use.

Huron St. rowhouses are actually in context. 


Last but not least, another McMansion similar to the monstrosity on the corner of the Hawtree St and the fork at Conduit Blvd and Albert Rd has materialized as well. 



Anonymous said...

American urban planning at its finest.

NPC_translator said...

100% driven by immigration. I'd say immigration will ruin America, but the ruining was done 30 years ago. Now it's just kicking a corpse.

One of the innumerable downsides of immigration that never gets mentioned is how tacky many immigrants are, and how ugly. They create neighborhoods that are dispiriting and alien.

Anonymous said...

You see this style in 3rd world cities where the elites live.

Anonymous said...

Why do poeple rebuild these incredibly ugly homes? I honestly never met a single person that thinks they are pretty and they are proliferating all of Queens. Truly horrifying.

georgetheatheist said...

"Every time you hear a bell ring, an angel gets popped."

Anonymous said...

There goes the neighborhood, more ticky tacky houses. Subprime mortgages?

Anonymous said...

This is all Biden's fault!

Anonymous said...

The sheeple would like to know whether they should be outraged or overjoyed with this?
What would Tucker or Hannity think?

Anonymous said...

Looks like something you'd see in Russia or Ohio.

Anonymous said...

Way back in 1983, when I lived in the toniest part of Southampton, one of the tasteless parvenus of the decade decided to build an eyesore of a compound on our block that was smack in the middle of pristine, stately homes, and the house featured a moat, and a colossal indoor aquarium of marine life that required a full time marine biologist to oversee the obscene 200,000 gallon spectacle! The old money guard protested, the media cameras rolled around the clock, and I accidentally invented a word when I likened that badly designed house to a 'hideosity.' I quickly referred to my trusty dictionary (actually I searched three different dictionaries) and the word 'hideosity' was nowhere to be found.

Little did I know back then that I created a word that would so completely define an enirely Third World-American-style, classist, class warfare concept and phenomenon that has remained the ultimate disgrace of flag and country——to horrifying outcome, and hideous effect. It's 'The Hideosity Syndrome!'

Anonymous said...

NPC the eye-talian Americans in HB and Whitestone also create ugly monstrosities. Lazy to blame it on immigration. Par for the course for you. Why do you live in NY?

Anonymous said...

@Why do you live in NY ?
If you can Stop trolling that would be great.
Lefturds are really lashing out right before the midterms, crazed last ditch efforts.

Anonymous said...

Way back in 1983, when I lived in the toniest part of Southampton, one of the tasteless parvenus of the decade decided to build an eyesore of a compound on our block that was smack in the middle of pristine, stately homes, and the house featured a moat, and a colossal indoor aquarium of marine life that required a full time marine biologist to oversee the obscene 200,000 gallon spectacle! The old money guard protested, the media cameras rolled around the clock, and I accidentally invented a word when I likened that badly designed house to a 'hideosity.' I quickly referred to my trusty dictionary (actually I searched three different dictionaries) and the word 'hideosity' was nowhere to be found.

Little did I know back then that I created a word that would so completely define an enirely Third World-American-style, classist, class warfare concept and phenomenon that has remained the ultimate disgrace of flag and country——to horrifying outcome, and hideous effect. It's 'The Hideosity Syndrome!'

Unknown said...

Hooray, ten more people will have homes!

Anonymous said...

@“ —to horrifying outcome, and hideous effect. It's 'The Hideosity Syndrome”

It’s called capitalism. Build for the lowest cost. Sell at the highest price. It’s not my neighborhood so who cares. Vote Republican!

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