Saturday, June 4, 2022

Freedom drive isn't free

In light of the news of Mayor Eric Adams and the asshole NYC Health Commissioner Vasan insisting on keeping mask protocols going for toddlers, I passed by the "open street" shortcut Freedom Drive in Forest Park and saw these equally ludicrous signs on the obstruction gate at what used to be a convenient short cut for drivers who need to go to the northern and southern parts of this World's Borough of ours.


Distancing??? Washing hands??? Face touching??? Masking??? WE'RE FRICKIN OUTSIDE!!!

Interesting how the City Department of Health doesn't have their logo on this.


Anonymous said...

I thought parks were for walking, cycling, running, playing etc. Why have a road through it in the first place?

Anonymous said...

Car totalitarians won't be happy until every green patch of the city is turned into a road or a parking lot.

Anonymous said...

This has been closed for a couple of years now. I'm surprised that the "Everybody I disagree with is a TA commie!" cyberbully didn't yell and complain about this before.

JQ LLC said...

@Anon 3

Yes it's true. The point of the post is the COVID advisory signs. And I never called anyone a commie, even those street scientologists at the Department of Transportation Alternatives

Anonymous said...

Forest Park has hundreds of acres of land where people can walk and enjoy nature. The roads are for moving traffic and have been there since the park opened and have operated that way for a long time without a problem.There are those who have used this scamdemic to push their agenda.Open the roads already,they are for moving traffic.

Anonymous said...

@"Forest Park has hundreds of acres of land where people can walk and enjoy nature."

There are already thousands of miles of roadway in Queens. Why do we need more?

QGardens said...

Cars have no reason for being in the park. Use Park Lane & Myrtle if you need to get around the park.

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