Friday, June 24, 2022

Donnie's used redbird car lot

Check it out, Boro Prez Donnie Richards is selling the old redbird next to Queens Borough Hall. 

Jeebus is the city that broke?

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Anonymous said...

They have to pay for the illegals handouts somehow.

NPC_translator said...

They probably want to use the location for a Black Lives Matter monument, like that 28 foot tall hairpick they put up in New Orleans.

Think I'm kidding? Look it up.

Anonymous said...

Could you drive it down Queens Boulevard ?

Anonymous said...

If you're looking for a bargain in the midst of the ongoing inflation crisis, might we suggest taking a photo with Kamala Harris? It turns out the Democratic National Committee has reduced the cost of a photo with the Vice President from $15,000 to a comparatively much more reasonable $5,000. Imagine all the gas, food and rent you could pay for with the savings from purchasing just a single photo with VP Harris!

Anonymous said...

Going out of business sale? We could hope!

Anonymous said...

I say make it in to a home for a homeless family. It's right across from the other former homeless shelter the Millennium hotel. That place really worked out great?

C'mon Donnie use you head since you've have all these ideas how to make Queens a better place. Your another useless turd like the rest of the ball less Queens politicians.

Anonymous said...

Is that the new housing for homeless drug addicts and criminals. Appropriate to put it next to the courthouse so they can immediately be put back onto the streets after they are arrested.

Anonymous said...

Stupid City
This car ran in the Bronx and Manhattan 123 line, then Queens a couple years
The Redbirds (former Worlds Fair Bluebirds) were R-33s with the big rounds oval windows 3 sets of doors each side are the famous 7 train Queens cars.
They were made more as sight seeing cars because they ran above ground.
This car is an imposter.

Anonymous said...

This makes NO sense. Please take some pride in the Boro you represent. Ugh. Loser.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the Queens visiting center?

Anonymous said...

Donovan Richards is a chocolate, counterfeit intellectual: one of the new Black Mafia whose intense incompetence, intolerant extremism and complete inability to impart leadership that leads by example. Case in point: In November, 2021, this unfunny circus clown reject volunteered his unqualified services to teach a civics class at a local high school, while ironically dismissing my early November, 2021 appointment with his director of cultural affairs, Phil Ballman (a purported cultural affairs director without any BFA, MFA or doctorate credentials, so unlike me), who refuses to restore Kew Gardens Plaza (a now blighted homeless shelter for public urination, and worse) with the return of its monumental Triumph of Civic Virtue statue atop its barren, repurpossed fountain that former hack Melinda Katz spent $1 million to repurpose the plaza, minus its centerpiece statuary, which was on top of the $200,000 that former BP Helen Marshall secretly arranged to be carted off to Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, where it remains on temporary loan since Saturday, December 15, 2012.

Worse, the Italian work of marble was unlawfully robbed from Kew Gardens Plaza(without due process, much less public referendum) where it was previously gifted to QUEENS County in 1941 by Mayor Fiorello La Guardia. But, according to Richards, he sees himself as an authority to teach a civics lesson to high school students as he simultaneously ignores ACTUAL civics, with impunity.

ALAS, QUEENS County really IS the 'Borough of Cemeteries'——now a completely lifeless Dead Zone of Zombie Bureaucrats on a mission to ravage and tonsure the borough——to smithereens effect!

❝Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has bee repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered.
And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.

We could put Democrats in exhibits, behind glass, watching white political bosses chomp cigars and pass out goodies for votes, as minorities were relegated, as they are today, to failing schools and lost educational opportunities, and neighborhoods that have become killing fields for the young and old.

And in the great museums, the Democrats could be studied, safely, without endangering the sensibilities of the children.❞ ——George Orwell, '1984'

Further, in 1971, the Lewis Powell memorandum will tie all knots and connect all dots ... another version of this kind of hostile takeover of government occurred by force in 1913 with the robber barons, big industry and the military-industrial complex.

With Woodrow Wilson leading the way in the creation of the Fed and the Central Banking System ... this is what created the biggest economic downturn in our country's history: Boom and Bust is back, peons, ONLY benefitting the top end ... these are the rapacious and predatory extracting and extortion tools used by the entrenched, hyper-corrupt, establishment-rigged, and diabolically evil and depraved 'Monetary Locusts' that swarmed above over We, the People's rights, freedoms and liberties with a vengeful impunity that remains unprecedented, to date.

Ya mean, it weren't about muh freedom? YEAH——freedom from living!

❝The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.❞ ——George Orwell

❝The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority——but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.❞ ——Marcus Aurelius

Anonymous said...

@“ Donovan Richards is a chocolate, counterfeit intellectual: one of the new Black Mafia whose intense incompetence, intolerant extremism and complete inability to impart leadership that leads by example. ”

Could you summarize this epic saga in a few sentences 🥱

Anonymous said...

@Could you summarize this epic saga in a few sentences

Still working on your GED?

Anonymous said...

GED or PHD ?
They are all brainwashed and belong to a cult.

Anonymous said...

Donovan Richards is a chocolate, counterfeit intellectual: one of the new Black Mafia whose intense incompetence, intolerant extremism and complete inability to impart leadership that leads by example. Case in point: In November, 2021, this unfunny circus clown reject volunteered his unqualified services to teach a civics class at a local high school, while ironically dismissing my early November, 2021 appointment with his director of cultural affairs, Phil Ballman (a purported cultural affairs director without any BFA, MFA or doctorate credentials, so unlike me), who refuses to restore Kew Gardens Plaza (a now blighted homeless shelter for public urination, and worse) with the return of its monumental Triumph of Civic Virtue statue atop its barren, repurpossed fountain that former hack Melinda Katz spent $1 million to repurpose the plaza, minus its centerpiece statuary, which was on top of the $200,000 that former BP Helen Marshall secretly arranged to be carted off to Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, where it remains on temporary loan since Saturday, December 15, 2012.

Worse, the Italian work of marble was unlawfully robbed from Kew Gardens Plaza(without due process, much less public referendum) where it was previously gifted to QUEENS County in 1941 by Mayor Fiorello La Guardia. But, according to Richards, he sees himself as an authority to teach a civics lesson to high school students as he simultaneously ignores ACTUAL civics, with impunity.

ALAS, QUEENS County really IS the 'Borough of Cemeteries'——now a completely lifeless Dead Zone of Zombie Bureaucrats on a mission to ravage and tonsure the borough——to smithereens effect!

❝Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has bee repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered.
And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.

We could put Democrats in exhibits, behind glass, watching white political bosses chomp cigars and pass out goodies for votes, as minorities were relegated, as they are today, to failing schools and lost educational opportunities, and neighborhoods that have become killing fields for the young and old.

And in the great museums, the Democrats could be studied, safely, without endangering the sensibilities of the children.❞ ——George Orwell, '1984'

Further, in 1971, the Lewis Powell memorandum will tie all knots and connect all dots ... another version of this kind of hostile takeover of government occurred by force in 1913 with the robber barons, big industry and the military-industrial complex.

With Woodrow Wilson leading the way in the creation of the Fed and the Central Banking System ... this is what created the biggest economic downturn in our country's history: Boom and Bust is back, peons, ONLY benefitting the top end ... these are the rapacious and predatory extracting and extortion tools used by the entrenched, hyper-corrupt, establishment-rigged, and diabolically evil and depraved 'Monetary Locusts' that swarmed above over We, the People's rights, freedoms and liberties with a vengeful impunity that remains unprecedented, to date.

Ya mean, it weren't about muh freedom? YEAH——freedom from living!

❝The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.❞ ——George Orwell

❝The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority——but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.❞ ——Marcus Aurelius

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