Monday, May 30, 2022

Rockaway property owner can't evict crazy deadbeat tenant

 NY Daily News

A Queens woman does her damage from a third-floor apartment with an ocean view: Water left running for days, flooding the building. Smoke pouring from beneath her front door. Hoarding old junk in the hallway, from bicycles to shopping carts. Taking a sledgehammer to her kitchen cabinets.

But her exasperated Rockaways landlord and unnerved neighbors can’t get help from anywhere. Not from the cops. Not from the Fire Department. And not from a Housing Court crippled by the pandemic.

 I’m trying to evict her because she’s a nuisance and the courts are supposedly open for business,” said building owner Martin Hanan, who is out roughly $40,000 in lost rent. “But apparently they’re not, because they really don’t care. They don’t want to hear a word ... Honestly, I gave up on calling the city.”

Hanan compiled a staggering six-page litany of Annamarie Hosang’s behavior, from allegedly tossing a fire extinguisher at the building superintendent to once blasting music from her apartment for 20 straight hours.

A Daily News review of Housing Court documents detailed the woman’s alleged activities, with multiple reports of flooding the Beach 113th St. building, ringing her neighbor’s doorbells and even threatening one of her neighbors with a pipe.

When the NYPD and FDNY arrived on multiple occasions, they dealt with the situation and moved on, the landlord said, adding his tenants declined to bring charges against the woman over fear of reprisals.

Hanan is still awaiting a long-delayed hearing for her eviction, a process that began in Queens Housing Court in September 2020. Things became even more complicated after Hosang twice applied — in October 2021 and this past February — for a COVID relief program that assures her a home during the pandemic.

Hanan says Hosang has paid no rent for her $1,725-a-month residence since April 2021 and that he can’t even lease out the apartment downstairs because the cascading water from above collapsed its ceiling. The stench of mildew from her water-soaked apartment seeps through the building.

Two longtime residents of the nine-unit building shared their own tales, with both asking for anonymity rather than risk incurring their neighbor’s wrath. One of the pair, referring to Hosang only as “the squatter,” recited a list of unnerving incidents — including one where she chased his wife with a shovel.


Anonymous said...

I really hope things like this happens to these idiot private investors who are trying to buy up all the houses in the market.

Anonymous said...

@“ these idiot private investors who are trying ”
What are you ? A communist?

Rob in Manhattan said...

For every ONE of those cases there are dozens (probably hundreds) of cases filed in that court under false pretenses simply trying to get rid of lower rent residents.

A neighbor in my building is a lawyer who often represents tenants. The story's of harassment and outright lies he tells are appalling. Be thankful judges are aware of this stuff and beat back these attempts.

One doesn't have to be a landlord. There are productive ways to make money...but they involve work.

Rob in Manhattan

Anonymous said...

Nice front yard...

TrumpTurds Toilet Bowl said...

It's all because of the doors. Get rid of the doors, and your problem is solved.

Anonymous said...

You voted for Democratic Leaders.....Mayors, DAs, Judges, who marched to defund the police. Now you've got double digit crime. Vote for change in November...or Not

Anonymous said...

She’s a tenant regardless of any derogatory names you want to call her. How do we know that this landlord isn’t lying? He’s mad because he has to pay an attorney to evict her. Since the landlord probably did get all the ERAP money , the judge dismissed the case and he has to wait a year before starting another action. Then he has to get in line and wait.

Anonymous said...

@Rob in Stinky Manhattan "There are productive ways to make money...but they involve work"
Ever own a home ? Can you turn a screw driver ? A house is hard work to maintain and repair. When you work hard on your home, you come one step closer to your dreams, and that gives you positivity and some money in the bank.

Anonymous said...

Funny how right wing nuts believe everything the tabloids print.
Then start crying "Fake News!" when a real newspaper prints some real news.
Selective comprehension.

Anonymous said...

I really hope things like this happens to these idiot private investors who are trying to buy up all the houses in the market.

The big guys have lawyers and legbreakers to take care of tenants like this, and the deep pockets to swallow a loss when they can't. The little guys don't have that, and things like this are what force them to sell out to the big guys.

How do we know that this landlord isn’t lying?

The reporter actually did their job and talked to other tenants instead, so it's far less likely this is made up. But there certainly are landlords who pull underhanded crap. The giant backlogs at housing court means that which ever side is doing wrong can keep getting away with it for years.

NPC_translator said...

"Funny how right wing nuts believe everything the tabloids print."

Well, there are pictures and video of the damage. If you can't get to the Daily News, you can see it here:

"Selective comprehension."


Anonymous said...

The great transition into a recession/depression!
Good job Dems...

faster340 said...

Nope. I was a paralegal 20+ years ago. I remember being in landlord tenant court with landlords literally crying because they can't get a tenant out who is destroying their property. A lot of landlords don't have deep pockets but regardless the tenant shouldn't be destroying it.

Disgruntled Citizen said...

The photographs do not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the tenant caused any damage. I know of slumlords who enter tenants apartments when no one is home. The property manager or hired bum breaks windows, puts holes in walls etc, then photographs it and claims the tenant did it.

Anonymous said...

According to NYC Dept of Housing Removal or refusal of access to inspect date code of a smoke alarm, removal of a smoke alarm, and tossing fire safety equipment is grounds for automatic eviction.
The city's messed up and the tenants sound like a bunch of pussys. I be thrilled to have this woman come at me with a pipe or knife.
The problem would be over :)
This landlords not to smart or has a real lousy lazy lawyer to have missed these other grounds that carry much more weight in housing court.

Anonymous said...

"Well, there are pictures and video of the damage"
Telling the truth shouldn't be a bad thing.
The flaw is that sheeple believe lawbreakers that already broke 39 laws will stop at 40.
If it's not on Twitter it's not real to these shitlibs.

Anonymous said...

Remember when these people were simply called crazy?
Pepperidge Farms remembers.

Anonymous said...

She’s being accused of not letting a landlord in to check a smoke alarm?! Sounds like some crap the landlord made up to harass her

Anonymous said...

@"Remember when these people were simply called crazy?"

Lots of crazy right wing nuts posting here too ...

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