Tuesday, May 10, 2022



NY Daily News

New York City’s post-pandemic recovery has slowed as just a small fraction of Manhattan’s office workers have returned to work in-person, according to a survey published Monday.

The findings — compiled by the Partnership for New York City, which represents the Big Apple’s largest employers — estimated 62% of Manhattan’s office employees worked remotely during a typical weekday in late April. And just 8% — or one in 12 — showed up to work in-person five days per week, the report shows.

“The longer people worked remotely, the longer they wanted to continue to work remotely,” said Kathy Wylde, the CEO of the Partnership for New York City. “It’s called inertia. The longer people are doing one thing, the harder it is to get them to change.”

It’s a far more sluggish return to in-person work than the organization projected before the omicron variant of COVID-19 first swept through the city. A survey conducted in late October found nearly half of Manhattan’s office workers expected to be in the office by the end of January.

Predictions of a return to normalcy have proved inaccurate for more than a year. A March 2021 survey found employers expected about half of the borough’s office workers to be back in-person by last September.

About 78% of the city’s major employers expect a combination of remote and in-person work is here to stay, the survey found.



Anonymous said...

With the way the subways are now and the crime rate is, who really wants to go out to work? Fix the bail reform shit and put those mentally ill where they belong, in mental institutions and then maybe you will see more people going back to work here. Also, I highly am doubtful that women who have young children would want to go back into the office. Working from home gives them more of a balance to be a mother and a worker. The only bad thing I can see happening from this work from home stuff is that once employers find that a job can be done via computer and phone, you will see more outsourcing and offshore going to take place. I don't think its going to happen right away but I can see in a couple of years from now, it will happen. Its very unfortunate that Americans aren't valued in the workforce anymore.

Anonymous said...

Americans were never valued; they were always viewed as the 'Useful Idiots' who fought ALL of the senseless, pseudo, proxy, petrodollar war crimes against humanity by the predatory and rapacious oligarchs of the ruling class, always the worker drones who toiled away in slave labor without dignity, much less recognition, for an honesty day's pay. When are you SHEEPLE going to awaken from suspended animation? This government, this polluted, inverted totalitarian world doesn't give a F**K about you. Not now, not later——NOT EVER!

Anonymous said...

Your job is going to be outsourced no matter whether you go back to work or WFH. It's still "work in progress" by our corporate overseers. But as any good right wing nut would say, "If you don't like it, just get another job or start your own company. That's how the free market works".

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